

一生只做一件事 Do only one thing in your
一生的时间并不多,一生的精力也不多,要搞好一件事实在不容易。用去一生,搞好了一件事,那也就够可以了。世上不知多少聪明人,一生没有搞好一件事。 事非经过不知难。相信“一生只做一件事”也许绝不是我们许多人的初衷。我们总认为自己是无所不能的。但结果给了更多人一个残酷的现实。那就是不要说工作以外的东西,就是赖以谋生的工作许多人干了几十年也只不过是熟悉而已,说精通也只是少数人的事情。是我们笨,还是我们懒?也许都不是,核心的是我们缺少足够的热爱、耐心和专心。社会太多的诱惑有时让我们很难沉下心来专心去做一件事,尤其是长时间的做一件事。我们总是习惯什么“热”就去追赶什么,也不问是否适合自己,自己是否真的懂得,更没有足够的时间去深入研究,自然想取得辉煌的成绩也是不现实的事。成功虽然不会像想象中的那么难,但也绝不是轻而易举的一件事。它最根本的一点就是简单的事重复做、用心做,一年又一年,心无旁骛,专心孜孜。即使遇到偶尔的失败与挫折,也不改初衷,勇往直前。有的人甚至为之付出一生大部分的时间。英国著名作家狄更斯平时观察生活,体验生活,每天坚持到街头去观察,谛听,记下行人的零言碎语,积累了丰富的生活资料,从而取得了文学事业上的成功;世界无产阶级革命运动导师马克思,为著《资本论》花了40多年的时间,在大英博物馆翻阅了大量的资料,通过他不懈的努力,最后,马克思著成了全世界无产者所需的《资本论》......也许有的人认为一生只干一件事很枯燥,也很无聊。其实不然,任何一件事,哪怕开始是多么的枯燥,只要你能用心用力地深入进去,也会有数不尽的快乐。人生百年,白驹过隙。不要贪多,用心用力去做一件事,做出精彩,做出水平,就是幸福而无悔的人生。
There is not much time and energy in one's life. It is not easy to do a good job. It takes a lifetime to do a good job. That's enough. I don't know how many wise people in the world have not done a good job in their life. No matter how hard it is. Believing that 'only do one thing in life' may not be the original intention of many of us. We always think we are omnipotent. But the result gave more people a cruel reality. That is to say, not to mention things other than work, but the work that makes a living. Many people have been doing it for decades and are only familiar with it. Mastery is only a matter of a few people. Are we stupid or are we lazy? Maybe not. The core is that we lack enough love, patience and concentration. Too many temptations in society sometimes make it difficult for us to concentrate on doing one thing, especially for a long time. We are always used to catching up with what is 'hot', and we don't ask whether it is suitable for us, whether we really understand it, and don't have enough time to study it deeply. Naturally, it is unrealistic to achieve brilliant results. Although success will not be as difficult as you think, it will not be easy. Its most fundamental point is to do simple things repeatedly and attentively, year after year, with no distractions and dedication. Even when encountering occasional failures and setbacks, he will not change his original intention and move forward bravely. Some people even spend most of their life for it. Dickens, a famous British writer, observed and experienced life at ordinary times. He insisted on going to the street every day to observe, listen, and write down the words and phrases of pedestrians. He accumulated rich life materials, thus achieving success in literary career; Marx, the mentor of the world proletarian revolutionary movement, spent more than 40 years writing Capital, and read a large number of materials in the British Museum. Through his unremitting efforts, finally, Marx wrote Capital, which is needed by the proletariats all over the world Maybe some people think it is boring and boring to do only one thing in life. In fact, no matter how boring it is at the beginning, if you can go deep into it with your heart and effort, there will be countless happiness. One hundred years of life is fleeting. Don't be greedy, try hard to do one thing with your heart, make wonderful, make level, that is a happy life without regret.
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