


Surprises at the studio

"Five minutes to go" ,shouted the director  . "Is everyone ready? "

   I'm glad that I'm not one of contestants Debbie whispered.They must feel really nervous .

   Oh,I would love to be a contestant , Angela said .

   The three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting .The hot lights were shining down on them .Suddently ,one of them stood up and then fell forward across her desk .

Oh,she’s fainted !shouted Debbie .A cameraman helped the woman off the stage .The director hurried down from the control room .We need another contestant before the show begins ,he shouted .Who wants to be on TV ?

 Angela immediately raised her hand .The director asked her to go up to the stage at once.A make-up artist quickly powdered Angela’s face and combed her hair .

 Ten seconds ,shouted the director ,Smile ,everyone .The audience started clapping .

 A voice boomed ,It’s time for Travel Quiz ,and here’s your host ,Lester  Li ! Lester Li ran onto the stage .The quiz show began .

Although Angela was unprepared ,she was excellent .She answered the questions easily and was soon ahead of the other two contestants .

 Twenty –five minutes later ,Angela had the most points .She just had to answer six more questions to win the big prize .

 While Angela was calm and relaxed ,Debbie was so excited that she could hardly keep still !Angela kept getting the questions right .There was just one last question to go .

And finally ,where is Palace museum ?Lester asked .

 In Beijing ,Angela replied .

 Right !Lester shouted ,as the audience clapped .You have own tonight’s big prize ——a trip for two to the lovely city of Paris .

Surprises at the studio

"Five minutes to go" ,shouted the director  . "Is everyone ready? "

   I'm glad that I'm not one of contestants Debbie whispered.They must feel really nervous .

   Oh,I would love to be a contestant , Angela said .

   The three contestants were sitting at their desks on the stage and waiting .The hot lights were shining down on them .Suddently ,one of them stood up and then fell forward across her desk .

Oh,she’s fainted !shouted Debbie .A cameraman helped the woman off the stage .The director hurried down from the control room .We need another contestant before the show begins ,he shouted .Who wants to be on TV ?

 Angela immediately raised her hand .The director asked her to go up to the stage at once.A make-up artist quickly powdered Angela’s face and combed her hair .

 Ten seconds ,shouted the director ,Smile ,everyone .The audience started clapping .

 A voice boomed ,It’s time for Travel Quiz ,and here’s your host ,Lester  Li ! Lester Li ran onto the stage .The quiz show began .

Although Angela was unprepared ,she was excellent .She answered the questions easily and was soon ahead of the other two contestants .

 Twenty –five minutes later ,Angela had the most points .She just had to answer six more questions to win the big prize .

 While Angela was calm and relaxed ,Debbie was so excited that she could hardly keep still !Angela kept getting the questions right .There was just one last question to go .

And finally ,where is Palace museum ?Lester asked .

 In Beijing ,Angela replied .

 Right !Lester shouted ,as the audience clapped .You have own tonight’s big prize ——a trip for two to the lovely city of Paris .

九年级上册Unit 5 重要短语

Reading ~ Listening


1. floor plan 楼层平面图

2. talent show 达人秀

3. pass out 昏迷;失去知觉

4. keep still 保持静止;保持不动(的状态)

5. emergency exit 紧急出口

6. (be) ahead of sb 领先某人

*7. would love to do sth乐于做某事;愿意做某事

*8. on TV 在电视上

*9. raise one’s hand 举起某人的手

*10. It’s time for... ……的时间了

*11. so ... that ... /如此……以至于……

*12. seem relaxed 看起来放松

*13. take part in ... 参加……

*14. keep doing sth


*15. between ... and ... …………之间

Grammar ~ More practice

1. on weekdays 在工作日

*2. not only ... but also ... 不但……而且……

*3. too much 太多

*4. try one’s best 尽某人最大努力

*5. Well done! 干得好!

*6. keep up 继续下去;坚持下去

*7. try to do sth 尽力做某事

*8. a piece of cake 小菜一碟;不费吹灰之力

*9. to cut a long story short


*10. have difficulty (in) doing sth


*11. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

*12. smell like ... 闻起来像……

*13. not ... at all 根本不;完全不

*14. jump out of one’s skin 大吃一惊

*15. work as ... 担任……

*16. to be honest 说实话

*17. take place 发生




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