


Unusual collections

Sam and Helen’s grandparents collect almost everything. There are eight doorbells on their front door.   

“ This silver doorbell is my favourite,”said Helen. She pushed it and soon Grandpa opened the door.

“ Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he said. “ Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam.

“ Your grandma, “he answered. “ She loves doorbells.” “ What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen. “ I like collecting newspaper.”

They went inside and saw newspaper everywhere. “ Hello children!” called Grandma. “ Let’s have some tea.”

The children followed her into the living room and saw lots of toys there. There was hardly any space for the children to sit down.

“ Whose toys are these?” asked Helen.  “ They’re ours,” said Grandma. “

We both like collecting toys.”  “ But remember,” said Grandpa, “we have a lot of free time! You have your school work to do, so you shouldn’t spend too much time collecting things!”   

Unusual collections

Sam and Helen’s grandparents collect almost everything. There are eight doorbells on their front door.   

“ This silver doorbell is my favourite,”said Helen. She pushed it and soon Grandpa opened the door.

Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he said. “ Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam.

“ Your grandma, “he answered. “ She loves doorbells.” “ What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen. “ I like collecting newspaper.”

They went inside and saw newspaper everywhere. “ Hello children!” called Grandma. “ Let’s have some tea.”

The children followed her into the living room and saw lots of toys there. There was hardly any space for the children to sit down.

“ Whose toys are these?” asked Helen.  “ They’re ours,” said Grandma. “

We both like collecting toys.”  “ But remember,” said Grandpa, “we have a lot of free time! You have your school work to do, so you shouldn’t spend too much time collecting things!”   

七年级上册Unit 8 重要短语

Reading ~ Listening

living room    客厅;起居室

model plane    飞机模型

phone card    电话卡

make a list    列清单

front door    前门

start doing sth   开始做某事

go inside     走进去

have some tea   喝茶

follow sb into ...  跟随某人进入……

lots of     许多

sit down     坐下

spend ... (in) doing sth 花时间做……

in a short time   不久;一会儿

be bad for    ……有害

be interested in   ……感兴趣

Grammar ~ More practice

think of      认为

be happy to do    乐意坐某事

take place     发生

belong to      属于

be different from    ……不一样

place of interest    名胜古迹

works of art     艺术品

Big Ben      大本钟

show sb. sth.     向某人展示某物

look for      寻找



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