

【三水仓 | 独家专访】那个在收藏界搅动风云的人在想什么

在刚刚结束的苏富比香港“坂本五郎珍藏中国艺术:早期佛造像”专场中,世界级古董泰斗朱塞佩·埃斯肯纳齐(Giuseppe Eskenazi)以高于估价3倍的950万港币的落槌价,竞得了被人们称为“小飞侠”的北魏造像,从故去的日本古董商坂本五郎先生手中接下接力棒。10月的伦敦天气渐渐转凉,老人赶着10月6日的深夜的航班,带着他的收获离开了香港。






当我进入艺术品领域时,我的兴趣点着重于早期的中国艺术品。我对于明代与明代以前的艺术品的热爱,最初是从参观博物馆开始的,可以说相当程度受到了大英博物馆的Percival David(大维德基金会)藏品的触动;同时,我的挚友Margaret Medley,也是大维德基金会藏品展览的策展人,给了我很大的影响。



那个年代人们多数只对欧洲油画、素描、雕塑之类的艺术品出版图录,比如说亨利·摩尔、培根的作品或是印象派绘画这些。而对于中国艺术品这一领域,最早只有Bluett & Sons这家公司画廊在完成一些图录。我们随后也开始定期地为藏品编撰图录,邀请人们参加我们的展览,并且将作品卖给博物馆。直到今天,全球有超过80家博物馆都有我们所售出的艺术品。我们专注于和学者以及博物馆的合作与工作。





















San Shui Cang: As I know, Eskenazi Ltd started dealing with oriental art since 1920s as a family business. I am curious about what made you and your family interested in this field. Also I read on an article saying when you and your father opened a London office in 1960 and bought in England from the Milan gallery. Milanese taste tended towards Chinese export wares and other decorative pieces at that time. But you were more attracted to earlier pieces, could you tell me what made you so fascinated by the pieces of an older age at that time?

Giuseppe Eskenazi: The company started in Milan, you have to think it is not like in London, Paris, New York or Tokyo. It was more as you said more decorative, more for local market. So their interest in far eastern art is more decorative, more to decorate the house rather than collectors. Collectors began with Italian ambassadors going to Beijing. Very famous people look collectors for collections. However, the public at large were just interested in decorative. This went on nearly until the end of the Second World War, after the war we become more specialized.

And after when I came into it, my interest was in earlier Chinese art. My personal interests are Ming and earlier to begin with and mostly influenced by what I saw in the museums here, particularly Percival David, and my friendship with people like Margaret Medley who was curator of the Percival David.

With my late father, he came to England 1960s to start this company. From 1960s we specialized more and more in early Chinese art. We had exhibitions and catalogues. We were one of the first companies to do catalogues and exhibitions.

But only European painting, drawings, sculptures had catalogues, whether it was Henry Moore or Bacon, or impressionists. Chinese field, there was only Bluett who did some catalogue. We started doing then regularly and inviting people to the exhibitions and selling to museums. Today we had sold over 80 museums all around the world. We specialized by working with scholars and museums.

We have never been to a fair and we do not publicize what we do.  We might be a big company, but also a private company. We deal with collectors mostly. We have particularly a very good relationship with far east. We begin with Japan and later more recently with Hong Kong and more recently with mainland.

San Shui Cang: You work at the very top end of the art market, selling to museums and ambitious collectors. You have also been dealing with different subjects of Chinese art ranging from early bronzes, the Song ceramics, the Ming and Qing Imperial porcelains, furniture, etc. Some of them have fetched world record prices, like the famous Yuan blue and white jar painted with a narrative scene, and the gilt bronze bear from Ellsworth collection. You have so wide interests and if I may ask what is your favorite type and period of Chinese art pieces? What are your principles of buying art for clients?

Giuseppe Eskenazi: There are 11 people working here, so it not just me and there are people with different specialties who enjoy. Unfortunately, Chinese paintings we can not deal. We do not have many around, we only had one or two exhibitions. We are dealing in contemporary ink, but and again my son is doing. I have nothing to do with it.

Our interest is really from Shang bronzes onwards, again there are different people who do this. My own interest is maybe Yuan porcelain. It is not the favorite market. Still it is very museum and scholar need. A lot of people from mainland are interested in the Qing, the whole Qing dynasty. Because it was closer to the Gu Gong and closer to what China was the last four hundred years.

So in a way, they collect that and they can go and see how the emperors lived and particularly the Qing emperors and of course the Ming. So We cover quite a big field, but different people. It is not me covering everything. They have their “pet” subjects, their favorite subjects.

All of them have been to Universities, like, Harvard, SOAS, etc. We research and publish our own catalogues.

San Shui Cang: As one of the most important and famous art dealers in the world, what makes you be a good dealer? More and more young Chinese started to deal with Chinese art. Do you have some good suggestions for these young dealers and collectors?

Giuseppe Eskenazi: My suggestion is just to work hard and to concentrate on what they are doing and not just to be taken by fashion. Maybe it is a horrible word for fashionable. How can you have a serious art like Chinese art become fashionable. It is a serious art and can not be put down as fashion, like clothing, drinking, eating, or holidaying. That becomes fashionable, but I take Chinese far more serious than just being fashionable. For young people, the important thing is to study. Not to stay superficially to look at things and say I like this and I would like to buy this.

There are great scholars in China, like Chen kelun, Ma chengyuan. Big scholars study and you got to follow. There are great museums in Shanghai, Xi’an and Beijing. Go to the museums and study. Look at things carefully and do not just go to an auction buy something and go to a dealer buy something.

Before that, you got to be prepared. So it takes time to study, you can not do it quickly. People want to become rich quickly, but this is not a business of becoming rich quickly. If you make a mistake, you lose all the money. You know what you do and you get disappointed. But the preparation is really studying and working and looking and looking. Looking is not just looking, it is just seen to be able to penetrated to look carefully why the piece is a fake and why another piece is genuine. They can make wonderful copies in Jingdezhen today and how do you tell the difference. You have to look at one have been in museum for a long time. Shanghai Museum does not have any fakes, they all genuine pieces. Go and study them and then go back and have enough courage to start buying slowly. People are not patient, they want to buy quickly. They want to form collection quickly, but you can not.

So that is my advice for young people. Also I was lucky to have people that I could rely on to ask questions. They answered me and helped me. But I have spent a lot of time at V&A, the British Museum and the Percival David where they have exceptional collection. These things were bought before copies and fakes were made.

You know, you have to approach it seriously. I think that is the only way that you can progress. You make a mistake, you have to learn by your mistake. It is no excuse of making the same mistake again.

Giuseppe San Shui Cang: The business model for art dealing has changed quite a lot in the last few decades with the introduction of new technology and the development of Internet. For example, almost all the auction houses have their own catalogues online. The buyers from all over the world can access the information much easier regardless of time and space, which makes the prices of the art pieces more and more international. How do you feel about this based on your own experience?

Eskenazi: I do not agree that you can buy on the Internet, you have to see the thing. You can not look at the screen and say this is nice and I buy. Why you buy things from pictures, why do not you look at that. Then you should be doing something else. You have to make time to study, whether it is Guardian or Poly or whether it is Sotheby’s or Christie’s. You pick up the thing and you look at it and study it. You are not sure and you ask question for some scholars you trust. And then you go to a museum. There are always museums in all the big cities. You look at the equivalent piece and you see how does it compare. The museums are lucky that they do not have fakes, because the collections were formed a long time ago before fakes and copies were made. To make a fake of a piece of porcelain or pottery, it costs nothing, not even one penny, it is a clay.

You get it wrong, you do it again and again. You can get it as closest as possible. And there is no point to tell the fakers what is wrong. Eventually it is perfection. You know it is a battle continuing between the genuine piece and fakes. All the fakes come to the market. But in a way it is our fault. It is a public fault to encourage to buy fakes. For example, by a piece without seeing it, without examining it, without looking it. You can not buy in a hurry, you can not form a collection in a hurry. It takes a long time.

San Shui Cang: It seems like that the art market are turning down recently because of the economy, what do you think of the global art market of the Chinese art pieces, will it still hold the price as before?

Giuseppe Eskenazi: The art market is not doing down; it has become an alternative investment. Art has become a currency unfortunately. People invest in land, buildings, stocks and shares, gold and art. Art has become a currency and people started to using art an investment and that is very dangerous, because art is not a supply like there is property that you can buy and sell shares. You might have reach a point that it is not easy to sell the art, you should enjoy the art for owning and admiring, not for reselling it for making money.

San Shui Cang: Thank you!

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