

  无意间发现西北大学数学学院Zhu-Minghui、Han-Di共同发表并以Han-Di为通讯作者的文章  Zhu, Minhui, and Di Han. "Retracted Article: On the fourth power mean of the two- term exponential sums." Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2014.1 (2014): 1.  几乎全文抄袭了西北大学数学学院Zhang-Han、张文鹏共同发表并以张文鹏为通讯作者已经发表的文章  Zhang, Han, and Wenpeng Zhang. "On the fourth power mean of the two-term exponential sums." The Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014).  我们可以非常明显的发现,这两篇文章的主要结果和叙述用词,几乎没有差别,而且在投稿时间上也非常近,都是2014年左右。让人更加无法理喻的是,Zhu-Minghui、Han-Di公然抄袭的文章,最近到了2016年,还有人在公开引用:文章:杜晓英. 两项指数和及两项特征和的混合均值[J]. 数学学报, 59(3): 309-316.的参考文献:  [14] Zhu M. H., Han D., On the fourth power mean of the two-term exponential sums, J. Inequalities App., 2014, 116: 7.  西北大学Zhu-Minghui、Han-Di,既然可以几乎毫无顾忌的全部抄袭已经发表的文章,那么我们查一查他们的发表记录,发现上大部分发表的文章,都是通过花钱灌水的方式发表的,这些杂志基本上以盈利为目的,没有正规严格的审稿流程。而中国大陆仍然有一部分人喜欢在这些杂志上发表垃圾论文进行灌水,进而蒙骗他人,攫取大量的项目经费,各种评审奖项。  收费SCI杂志及价格  Journal of Inequalities and Applications:一篇论文:1140美元/930欧元;   International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics:快速审稿:300欧元/篇;接受发表:30欧元/页;  Advances in Difference Equations: 一篇论文:980美元/800欧元;  Han-Di、张文鹏等人5篇花钱灌水的论文(不含上述抄袭被杂志撤稿的论文):  Wang, Weiqiong; Han, Di, An identity involving certain Hardy sums and Ramanujan's sum. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013, 2013:261, 8 pp  Wang, Xiaohan; Han, Di, Some identities related to Dedekind sums and the Chebyshev polynomials. Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat. 51 (2013), no. 21, 334–339.  Han, Di; Zhang, Wenpeng, Upper bound estimate of character sums over Lehmer's numbers. J. Inequal. Appl. 2013, 2013:392, 6 pp.  Li, Jianghua; Han, Di, Some estimate of character sums and its applications. J. Inequal. Appl. 2013, 2013:328, 8 pp.  Li, Yijun; Han, Di, A sum analogous to the high-dimensional Kloosterman sums and its upper bound estimate. J. Inequal. Appl. 2013, 2013:130, 9 pp.  Zhang-Han、张文鹏等人7篇花钱灌水的论文(发表论文总数9篇)  Pan Xiaowei; Zhang, Han, An hybrid mean value of quadratic Gauss sums and a sum analogous to Kloosterman sums. J. Inequal. Appl. 2014, 2014:129, 8 pp. 11L03 (11L40)  Zhang, Han; Zhang, Wenpeng, On the identity involving certain Hardy sums and Kloosterman sums. J. Inequal. Appl. 2014, 2014:52, 9 pp. 11L05 (11M20)  Hu, Jiayuan; Zhang, Han, A conjecture concerning primitive Pythagoren triple. ,Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat. 52 (2014), no. 7, 38–42. 11D61  Wu, Zhengang; Li, Jianghua; Zhang, Han, On the Smarandache-Pascal derived sequences of generalized Tribonacci numbers. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013,2013:284, 8 pp. 11B37 (40A05)  Li, Jianghua; Zhang, Han, Some identities related to Dedekind sums and the second-order linear recurrence polynomials. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013, 2013:299, 5 pp. 11F20 (39B12)  Zhang, Han; Wu, Zhengang, On the reciprocal sums of the generalized Fibonacci sequences. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013, 2013:377, 6 pp. 11B39  Wu, Zhengang; Zhang, Han, On the reciprocal sums of higher-order sequences. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013, 2013:189, 8 pp.  作为现在的研究生或者博士生,在学术上急功近利,甚至全然不顾学术道德底线,他们的导师难道没有责任吗导师作为学术指导的第一责任人,应该最清楚学生的学术水平和研究进展,导师对于学生的学术发表负有不可推卸的责任。西北大学数论学术团队,在国内似乎也小有名气,他们的负责人张文鹏教授指导的西北大学数论团队,似乎非常钟情于这种花钱灌水的方式发表论文,而且 手下学生看起来个个学术成果丰富,有的甚至在博士期间发了数十篇学术论文,  但是这些文章大多数是滥竽充数,质量低劣,错误重重,在这种情况下,出现抄袭也就不足为奇了。  西北大学Wu-Zhengang、张文鹏等人6篇花钱灌水的论文(总共发了7篇论文)   Xiaoyu, Kang; Zhengang, Wu, On the mean value of the two-term Dedekind sums. J. Inequal. Appl. 2013, 2013:579, 7 pp.  Wu, Zhengang; Li, Jianghua; Zhang, Han, On the Smarandache-Pascal derived sequences of generalized Tribonacci numbers. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013, 2013:284, 8 pp.  Zhang, Han; Wu, Zhengang, On the reciprocal sums of the generalized Fibonacci sequences. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013, 2013:377, 6 pp.  Wu, Zhengang; Zhang, Han, On the reciprocal sums of higher-order sequences. Adv. Difference Equ. 2013, 2013:189, 8 pp.  Wu, Zhengang; Zhang, Wenpeng, Several identities involving the Fibonacci polynomials and Lucas polynomials. J. Inequal. Appl. 2013, 2013:205, 14 pp  Wu, Zhengang; Zhang, Wenpeng ,The sums of the reciprocals of Fibonacci polynomials and Lucas polynomials. J. Inequal. Appl. 2012, 2012:134, 8 pp.  西北大学徐哲峰教授除了有花钱灌水论文现象外,在其发表的学术论文中,错误重重,仅仅被美国数学评论专门指出存在明显错误的就有两篇:  其一:MR2499415 (2010e:11073) Reviewed Zhang, Tianping(PRC-NU); Xu, Zhefeng(PRC-NU); Li, Zhanhu On character sums over a short interval. (English summary) J. Number Theory 129 (2009), no. 4, 948–963. 11L26 (11L40)  评论者明确指出:  But a considerable number of errors have been overlooked by the authors. They give, for example, a false proof of the bound (Lemma 2.3), which is of central importance for some of their main results. A proof of this bound is, however, not required, since the bound is contained in a special case of their Lemma 3.2, the proof of which is omitted from the paper on the grounds that it follows easily from a lemma proved in work of Zhang, Y. Yi and X. L. He [J. Number Theory 84 (2000), no. 2, 199–213; MR1795790]. Other (more minor) errors and superfluities abound. The main term in the asymptotic formula given by Theorem 3.1 is too small by a factor of π/8.  其二:MR3079817 Reviewed Xu, ZheFeng(PRC-NU) On the difference between an integer and its m-th power mod n. (English summary) Sci. China Math. 56 (2013), no. 8, 1597–1606. 11N69 (11L05 11L07)  评论者明确指出:  In Theorem 1.6 of the paper the author claims, in cases where n=pα for some prime p and some integer α>1, an estimate for the sum N(n,m;t;k). However the stated estimate is not correct (it is easily seen to be false when, for example, one has t1=t2=1/2, n=p2, m=φ(n), k=1 and p both prime and sufficiently large). The corresponding error in the author's proof occurs towards the end of the proof of Lemma 2.9, where there is an obviously incorrect deduction made from the exponential sum estimates of T. Cochrane and Z. Y. Zheng [Asian J. Math. 4 (2000), no. 4, 757–773; MR1870657] that are stated in Lemma 2.2 (where, incidentally, the case α=1 is nugatory).  Reviewed by Nigel Watt(XYS20160704)
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