


E407-07ε1 适用于金属与合金微观蚀刻的标准操作规程(1








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ASTM E407 – 07ε1 Standard Practice for Microetching Metals and Alloys1

This standard is issued under the fixed designation E407; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript epsilon ε indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

ε1  NOTE-Table 2 was editorially corrected in May 2011.

E407-07ε1 适用于金属)合金微的标准操作规程

本标准以固定的名称 E 407发布名称后面的数字说明了最初应用的年份,或若为修订版则是最新修订版的年份。括弧里面的数字则表明了最后一次重新核准的年份。上标的希腊字母(ε)说明了自最后一次修订版或重新核准后编辑方面的变更。


ε1  注意-Table 220115月进行过编辑更正。

1. Scope本标准内容概述)

1.1 This practice covers chemical solutions and procedures to be used in etching metals and alloys for microscopic examination. Safety precautions and miscellaneous information are also included.

1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific cautionary statements, see 6.1 and Table 2.

1.1 本操作规程包括微观检查过程中腐蚀金属和合金所需的化学溶液及其使用方法。还包括安全防护措施和其他诸多信息。

1.2 本标准不会保证所有安全保障若有及其使用相关方面。本标准的用户有责任建立合适的安全和健康规程并在使用前确定规定限度的适用性。更多具体的注意事项见6.1和表2

2. Referenced Documents(规范饮(引)用标准参考(引用)文献

2.1 ASTM Standards:2

D1193 Specification for Reagent Water

E7 Terminology Relating to Metallography

E2014 Guide on Metallographic Laboratory Safety

2.1 ASTM标准:2

D 1193 试剂水的标准规范

E 7 金相学相关术语

E 2014 金相实验室安全指南

3. Terminology术语)

3.1 Definitions:

3.1.1 For definition of terms used in this standard, see Terminology E7.

3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:

3.2.1 tint etch-an immersion etchant that produces color contrast, often selective to a particular constituent in the microstructure, due to a thin oxide, sulfide, molybdate, chromate or elemental selenium film on the polished surface that reveals the structure due to variations in light interference effects as a function of the film thickness also called a 88stain etch”.

3.2.2 vapor-deposition interference layer method— a technique for producing enhanced contrast between microstructural constituents, usually in color, by thin films formed by vacuum deposition of a dielectric compoundsuch as ZnTe, ZnSe, TiO2, ZnS or ZnOwith a known index of refraction, generally due to light interference effectsalso known as the “Pepperhoff method”.

3.1 定义:

3.1.1 本标准中所使用的术语的定义参见术语E7

3.2 本标准特定术语的定义

3.2.1 染色蚀刻—一种能够产生色彩对比的浸入式蚀刻,常被用于选择微观结构中的一种特定的成分。其原理是利用抛光表面上的薄氧化物、硫化物、钼酸盐、铬酸盐或单质硒薄膜的光干涉效应可随着薄膜厚度的变化而变化这一特点,进而将结构显现出来(还叫做“着色蚀刻”)。

3.2.2 气相沉积干涉层法—一种能够增强微观结构成分之间对比度的技术,该方法通常采用电介质复合物(碲化锌,硒化锌,二氧化钛,氧化锌或硫化锌)以真空沉积的方式形成的具有已知折射率的薄膜,然后根据光干涉效应,通过颜色的不同进行对比(又称为“Pepperhoff”方法)。

4. Summary of Practice操作规程概要)

4.1 Table 1 is an alphabetical listing of the metals (including rare earths) and their alloys for which etching information is available. For each metal and alloy, one or more etchant numbers and their corresponding use is indicated. Alloys are listed as a group or series when one or more etchants are common to the group or series. Specific alloys are listed only when necessary. When more than one etchant number is given for a particular use, they are usually given in order of preference. The numbers of electrolytic etchants are italicized to differentiate them from nonelectrolytic etchants.

4.2 Table 2 is a numerical listing of all the etchants referenced in Table 1 and includes the composition and general procedure to be followed for each etchant.

4.3 To use the tables, look up the metal or alloy of interest in Table 1 and note the etchant numbers corresponding to the results desired. The etchant composition and procedure is then located in Table 2 corresponding to the etchant number.

4.4 If the common name of an etchant is known (Marble’s, Vilella’s, etc.), and it is desired to know the composition, Table 3 contains an alphabetical listing of etchant names, each coded with a number corresponding to the etchant composition given in Table 2.

4.1 1为按照字母顺序列出的各种金属包括稀土及其合金材料的有效蚀刻信息。对于每一种金属及其合金材料,表中均给出了一种或多种蚀刻剂编号以及相应的用途。当一种或多种蚀刻剂对某一组或系列合金材料均适用时,这些合金材料将以一组或一系列的形式列出。仅在必要时,才单独列出指定的合金材料。当某一特定用途存在多种可用的蚀刻剂时,将按照优先选择的顺序给出。为便于区别电解蚀刻剂与非电解蚀刻剂,表中电解蚀刻剂对应的数字均以斜体书写。

4.2 1中所有参考的蚀刻剂在表2中按数值顺序列出,(包括各种蚀刻剂的成分和需要遵循的常规操作步骤使用方法

4.3 使用这些)表格时首先应在表1中查找感兴趣的金属或合金材料并记下与期望结果对应的蚀刻剂()编号。然后,根据(上面记录的)蚀刻剂编号即可在表2中找到对应的成分和操作步骤使用方法

4.4 对于只知道俗名的蚀刻剂Marble’sVilella’s),若想知道其具体成分可到表3按照字母顺序查阅各种蚀刻剂名称然后通过表中各种蚀刻剂对应的代码到表2中查找对应的蚀刻剂成分。

5. Significance and Use(意义和使用)

5.1 This practice lists recommended methods and solutions for the etching of specimens for metallographic examination. Solutions are listed to highlight phases present in most major alloy systems.

5.1 针对金相试验过程所需)的试样蚀刻(操作本操作规程(给)出了推荐的操作方法和蚀刻试剂(解决方案)。列出的试剂解决方案针对(主要适用于现在最主要的合金系统材料系)中(存在)的(突出问题最重要的组成相

6. Safety Precautions安全预防防护)措施)

6.1 Before using or mixing any chemicals, all product labels and pertinent Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) should be read and understood concerning all of the hazards and safety precautions to be observed. Users should be aware of the type of hazards involved in the use of all chemicals used, including those hazards that are immediate, long-term, visible, invisible, and with or without odors. See Guide E2014 on Metallographic Laboratory Safety for additional information on; Chemical Safety, Electrolytic Polishing/Etching and Laboratory Ventilation/Fume Hoods.

6.1.1 Consult the product labels and MSDSs for recommendations concerning proper protective clothing.

6.1.2 All chemicals are potentially dangerous. All persons using any etchants should be thoroughly familiar with all of the chemicals involved and the proper procedure for handling, mixing, and disposing of each chemical, as well as any combinations of those chemicals. This includes being familiar with the federal, state, and local regulations governing the handling, storage, and disposal of these chemical etchants.

6.2 Some basic suggestions for the handling and disposing of etchants and their ingredients are as follows:

6.2.1 When pouring, mixing, or etching, always use the proper protective equipment, (glasses, gloves, apron, etc.) and it is strongly recommended to always work under a certified and tested fume hood. This is imperative with etchants that give off noxious odors or toxic vapors that may accumulate or become explosive. In particular, note that solutions containing perchloric acid must be used in an exclusive hood equipped with a wash down feature to avoid accumulation of explosive perchlorates. See Guide E 2014E2014 on Metallographic Laboratory Safety for additional information on safety precautions for electrolytes containing perchloric acid..

6.2.2 No single type of glove will protect against all possible hazards. Therefore, a glove must be carefully selected and used to ensure that it will provide the needed protection for the specific etchant being used. In some instances it may be necessary to wear more than one pair of gloves to provide proper protection. Information describing the appropriate glove may be obtained by consulting the MSDS for the chemical being used. If that does not provide enough detailed information, contact the chemical manufacturer directly. Additionally, one can contact the glove manufacturer or, if available, consult the manufacturers glove chart. If the chemical is not listed or if chemical mixtures are being used, contact the glove manufacturer for a recommendation.

6.2.3 Use proper devices (glass or plastic) for weighing, mixing, containing, and storage of solutions. A number of etchants generate fumes or vapors and should only be stored in properly vented containers. Storage of fuming etchants in sealed or non-vented containers may create an explosion hazard.

6.2.4 When mixing etchants, always add reagents to the solvent unless specific instructions indicate otherwise.

6.2.5 When etching, always avoid direct physical contact with the etchant and specimen; use devices such as tongs to hold the specimen (and tufts of cotton, if used).

6.2.6 Methanol is a cumulative poison hazard. Where ethanol or methanol, or both are listed as alternates, ethanol is the preferred solvent. Methanol should be used in a properly designed chemical fume hood.

6.2.7 When working with HF always be sure to wear the appropriate gloves, eye protection and apron. Buying HF at the lowest useable concentration will significantly reduce risk. Additionally, it is recommended that a calcium gluconate cream or other appropriate HF neutralizing agent be available for use if direct skin contact of the etchant occurs.

6.2.8 The EPA states that human studies have clearly established that inhaled chromium (VI) is a human carcinogen, resulting in an increased risk of lung cancer. Animal studies have shown chromium (VI) to cause lung tumors via inhalation exposure. Therefore, when working with CrVI compounds such as K2Cr2O7 and CrO3 always use a certified and tested fume hood. Additional information can be obtained at the EPA website3.

6.2.9 For safety in transportation, picric acid is distributed by the manufacturer wet with greater than 30% water. Care must be taken to keep it moist because dry picric acid is shock sensitive and highly explosive especially when it is combined with metals such as copper, lead, zinc, and iron. It will also react with alkaline materials including plaster and concrete to form explosive compounds. It should be purchased in small quantities suitable for use in six to twelve months and checked periodically for lack of hydration. Distilled water may be added to maintain hydration, It must only be stored in plastic or glass bottles with nonmetallic lids. If dried particles are noted on or near the lid, submerge the bottle in water to re-hydrate them before opening. It is recommended that any bottle of picric acid that appears dry or is of unknown vintage not be opened and that proper emergency personnel be notified.

6.2.10 Wipe up or flush any and all spills, no matter how minute in nature.

6.2.11 Properly dispose of all solutions that are not identified by composition and concentration.

6.2.12 Store, handle and dispose of chemicals according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Observe printed cautions on reagent bottles.

6.2.13 Information pertaining to the toxicity, hazards, and working precautions of the chemicals, solvents, acids, bases, etc. being used (such as material safety data sheets, MSDS) should be available for rapid consultation. A selection of useful books on this subject is given in Refs. (1-11)4.

6.2.14 Facilities which routinely use chemical etchants should have an employee safety training program to insure the employees have the knowledge to properly handle chemical etchants.

6.2.15 When working with etchants always know where the nearest safety shower, eye-wash station, and emergency telephone are located.

6.1 使用或混合任何化学品之前不仅要仔细阅读所有的产品标签和相关的材料安全数据表MSDS),还应了解有关该物质的所有危害和需要采取的安全防护措施。所有化学品的使用过程中,用户都应知道其中存在的危害的类型,如直接的或长期的,可见的或不可见的,是否有异味。更多信息可参阅E2014《金相实验室安全指南》,比如,中有关)化学品安全,电解抛光/蚀刻和实验室通风/通风柜(部分内容等等

6.1.1 查阅产品标签和材料安全数据表MSDSs获取有关合适的防护服的建议。

6.1.2 所有化学品均具有潜在的危害。任何蚀刻剂的所有使用者均应十分熟悉其中涉及的所有化学品其中包括每种化学品和这些化学品的任意组合的正确搬运(处理)、混合和处置方法。还应熟知联邦政府、(国家)和当地政府对这些化学蚀刻剂在搬运(处理)、储存和处置方面的规定。

6.2 下面给出了一些有关蚀刻剂及其成分在处理和处置上的基本建议

6.2.1 倾倒、混合或蚀刻过程中应始终正确使用防护设备如眼镜、手套、围裙等),同时我们强烈建议操作人员始终在通过了认证和测试的通风柜内工作。这是由于蚀刻剂释放出的臭气或有毒气体会逐渐累积并变成爆炸性气体。需要特别注意的是,对于含有高氯酸的溶液,为避免具有爆炸性的高氯酸盐的累积,应在具有冲洗功能的专用排风罩下使用。更多信息可参阅E2014《金相实验室安全指南》中有关含有高氯酸的电解液的安全防护措施部分内容。

6.2.2 不存在可对所有可能的危害都能提供保护作用的手套。因此,针对指定的将要使用的蚀刻剂,应按照需要的保护功能仔细选择并使用防护手套。某些情况下,为达到合适的保护效果,可能需要佩戴的防护手套不止一副。可查阅所用化学品的材料安全数据表来获得相应的防护手套的描述信息。若其提供的信息不够详细,应直接联系该化学品的制造商进行咨询。此外,还可联系手套制造商进行咨询,或查阅制造商的手套功能图(若有)。若列表中没有当前使用的化学品,或使用的为混合物,应联系手套制造商并听取他们的建议。

6.2.3 应使用合适的器皿玻璃或塑料进行溶液的称重、混合、盛装和储存操作。很多蚀刻剂会产生烟雾或蒸汽,只能将它们储存在具有合适的通风条件的容器中。将这些发烟型蚀刻剂储存在密封或不通风容器内可能会导致爆炸危险。

6.2.4 进行蚀刻剂混合操作时应随时向溶液中滴入试剂除非另有说明。

6.2.5 蚀刻过程中,应始终避免身体与蚀刻剂和试样发生直接接触;应使用类似于试样夹(棉球)这样的工具进行操作。

6.2.6 甲醇是一种具有累积性毒害的化学品。对于甲醇或乙醇或二者可互换使用时应首选乙醇作为溶剂。而甲醇则必须在设计合理的化学通风柜内使用。

6.2.7 使用HF氢氟酸)时必须始终佩戴合适的防护手套、防护镜和围裙。在保证可用性的前提下,购买最低浓度的HF(氢氟酸)可显著降低风险。此外,建议准备葡萄糖酸钙乳霜或其他适当的HF(氢氟酸)中和剂,以供发生皮肤与此类蚀刻剂直接接触时使用。

6.2.8 美国环保局EPA声明,人类研究成果已明确表明吸入铬VI是一种致癌物质可提高罹患肺癌的风险。动物研究表明以吸入的方式摄取铬(VI)会引起肺部肿瘤。因此,当处理类似于K2Cr2O7CrO3这样含有铬(VI)的化合物时,应始终使用通过了认证和测试的通风柜。如需更多相关信息,可访问美国环保局(EPA)网站3

6.2.9 为确保苦味酸的运输安全发货时制造商均将其混合在超过30%的水中。这是由于干燥的苦味酸具有振动敏感性和特别高度极具)爆炸性,尤其是与类似于铜、铅、锌和铁等金属混合到一起之后,因此必须注意保持其处于潮湿状态。它还可以与包括石膏和混凝土在内的碱性材料发生化学反应并形成爆炸性化合物。因此,应当小批量购置,购买时应)以满足六到十二个月的使用即可;并应定期检查其含水量。可向苦味酸中添加蒸馏水来维持其水合状态,仅能将其储存在塑料或玻璃瓶中,且瓶塞为非金属材料制成。若在瓶塞附近发现了干燥的苦味酸颗粒,开启瓶塞前,应将整个瓶子浸入到水中进行水合。对于任何出现干燥现象或无法查出生产日期的瓶装苦味酸,建议操作人员不要打开,而是将该情况报告给相关的应急人员。

6.2.10 对于溢出的化学品应立即擦拭或冲洗干净不论量多量少或其性质如何。

6.2.11 应妥善处置所有未确定成分和浓度的溶液。

6.2.12 应按照化学品制造商的建议进行相应的储存、处理和处置操作。应注意阅读试剂瓶上印制的注意事项。

6.2.13 应妥善保管与正在使用的化学品、溶剂、酸、碱等相对应的毒性、危害和操作注意事项等信息(如材料安全信息表MSDS),以便迅速查阅。针对这一问题,可参阅本标准选出的有用的资料,见参考文献1-114

6.2.14 日常接触化学试剂的服务机构应为(经常接触化学蚀刻剂的设施制定)员工制定出安全培训计划,以确保员工拥有能够)正确处理化学蚀刻剂的知识。

6.2.15 使用蚀刻剂工作时,应始终清楚距离工作地点最近的安全淋浴器、洗眼站和应急电话的位置。

7. Miscellaneous Information(其他杂项)信息)

7.1 If you know the trade name of an alloy and need to know the composition to facilitate the use of Table 1, refer to a compilation such as Ref (12).

7.2 Reagent grade chemicals shall be used for all etchants. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents conform to specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical Society where such specifications are available. Other grades, such as United States Pharmacopeia (USP), may be used, provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use without detrimental effect.

7.2.1 Unless otherwise indicated, references to water shall be understood to mean reagent water as defined by Type IV of specification D1193. Experience has shown that the quality of tap water varies significantly and can adversely affect some etchants.

7.3 Methanol is usually available only as absolute methanol. When using this alcohol it is imperative that approximately 5 volume % of water is added whenever an etchant composition calls for 95 % methanol. Some of these etchants will not work at all if water is not present.

7.4 For conversion of small liquid measurements, there are approximately 20 drops/mL.

7.5 Etching should be carried out on a freshly polished specimen.

7.6 Gentle agitation of the specimen or solution during immersion etching will result in a more uniform etch.

7.7 The etching times given are only suggested starting ranges and not absolute limits.

7.8 In electrolytic etching, d-c current is implied unless indicated otherwise.

7.9 A good economical source of d-c current for small scale electrolytic etching is the standard 6-V lantern battery.

7.10 In electrolytic etching, the specimen is the anode unless indicated otherwise.

7.11 Do not overlook the possibility of multiple etching with more than one solution in order to fully develop the structure of the specimen.

7.12 Microscope objectives can be ruined by exposure to hydrofluoric acid fumes from etchant residue inadvertently left on the specimen. This problem is very common when the specimen or mounting media contain porosity and when the mounting material (such as Bakelite) does not bond tightly to the specimen resulting in seepage along the edges of the specimen. In all cases, extreme care should be taken to remove all traces of the etchant by thorough washing and complete drying of the specimen before placing it on the microscope stage.

7.13 Tint etchants (13, 14-16) are always used by immersion, never by swabbing, as this would inhibit film formation. An extremely high quality polish is required as tint etchants will reveal remaining polishing damage even if it is not visible with bright field illumination. After polishing, the surface must be carefully cleaned. Use a polyethylene beaker to contain the etchant if it contains fluorine ions (for example, etchants containing ammonium bifluoride, NH4 FHF). The specimen is placed in the solution using tongs, polished face up. Gently agitate the solution while observing the polished surface. After coloration begins, allow the solution to settle and remain motionless. Remove the specimen from the etchant when the surface is colored violet, rinse and dry. A light pre-etch with a general-purpose chemical etchant may lead to sharper delineation of the structure after tint etching.

7.14 Specimens should be carefully cleaned before use of a vapor-deposition interference film (“Pepperhoff”) method (13, 14-17). A light pre-etch, or a slight amount of polishing relief, may lead to sharper delineation of the constituents after vapor deposition. The deposition is conducted inside a vacuum evaporator of the type used to prepare replicas for electron microscopy. One or several small lumps of a suitable dielectric compound with the desired index of refraction is heated under a vacuum until it evaporates. A vacuum level of 1.3 to 0.013 Pa (10?3 to 10?5 mm Hg) is adequate and the polished surface should be about 10–15 cm beneath the device that holds the dielectric compound. Slowly evaporate the lumps and observe the surface of the specimen. It may be helpful to place the specimen on a small piece of white paper. As the film thickness increases, the surface (and the paper) will become colored with the color sequence changing in the order yellow, green, red, purple, violet, blue, silvery blue. Stop the evaporation when the color is purple to violet, although in some cases, thinner films with green or red colors have produced good results.

7.15 Metals Handbook (18) provides additional advice on etching solutions and techniques for various alloys.

7.1 若需要通过表1查询一种已知商品名称的合金材料的成分,可参阅类似于参考文献12这样的汇编资料。

7.2 所有蚀刻剂均应具有试剂级别的化学品材料。如无其他说明,所有符合美国化学学会分析试剂委员会规范的蚀刻剂均应具有符合相应规范的试剂。如果可以确定某一蚀刻剂具有足够的纯度且使用过程中不会产生不良效应,可采用类似于美国药典(USP)这样的其他分级方法。

7.2.1 如无特殊说明,各参考文献中提到的水应理解为符合规范D 1193 中定义的IV型试剂用水。实践经验说明,不同的自来水具有显著的差异,甚至可以对一些蚀刻剂产生反作用。

7.3 甲醇通常以无水甲醇的形式保存。使用时,无论蚀刻剂成分是否要求甲醇的体积比应达到95%,均应向其中加入大约5%体积的水。这是由于如果没有水的存在,很多此类蚀刻剂根本不会发生反应。

7.4 对于少量液体测定的转换,可近似认为20滴为1毫升。

7.5 蚀刻操作处理)必须在新近抛光的试样上进行。

7.6 对于浸入式蚀刻处理,缓慢搅拌试样或溶液有助于获得更加均匀的蚀刻效果。

7.7 给定的蚀刻时长仅作为起始范围供参考,并不是绝对的限制。

7.8 进行电解蚀刻操作处理)时,如无其他说明,默认情况(下是存在即是直流电流()。

7.9 对于小型电解蚀刻处理所需的直流电流,采用标准的6V照明灯电池作为电源具有较好的经济性。

7.10 进行电解蚀刻操作处理)时,如无其他说明,试样为阳极。

7.11 为充分显现试样的微观结构,不得忽视采用多种溶液对试样进行多次蚀刻处理的可能性。

7.12 试样上残余的蚀刻剂挥发出的氢氟酸具有损坏显微镜物镜的能力。当试样或镶嵌材料安装介质)具有较多的孔隙或镶嵌材料垫层材料)(如胶木(电木)酚醛塑料))没有紧密的压合到试样表面而沿着试样的边缘出现渗液产生边缘泄漏)时,这种情况尤为常见。因此, 任何情况下都应该特别注意一点:将试样置于显微镜载物台镜台)上面之前,应对试样进行彻底清洗并烘干,以清除试样上残存的蚀刻剂。

7.13 染色蚀刻剂(13,14-16)通常采用浸没而非擦拭的方式使用,这是由于后者会抑制薄膜的形成。由于染色蚀刻剂能够显示出试样上存在的所有抛光损伤,包括在亮视场照明条件下看不见的损伤,因此,必须对待用试样进行过极高质量的抛光处理。抛光后,必须仔细清洗试样表面。若蚀刻剂中含有氟离子(例如含有氟化氢铵(NH4 FHF)的蚀刻剂),应使用聚乙烯制成的烧杯盛装蚀刻剂。用钳子将试样置于溶液中,抛光面朝上。轻轻搅动溶液,同时观察抛光表面。开始着色后,保持溶液静止不动。当试样表面变为紫色时将其从浸蚀液中取出,冲洗,干燥。(染色蚀刻处理后,)()用普通的化学蚀刻剂对试样进行轻微的预浸蚀,在染色蚀刻处理后可得到轮廓更加清晰的结构影像。

7.14 采用气相沉积干涉薄膜(“Pepperhoff”)13, 14-17之前,应仔细清洗试样。(气相沉积处理后,)对试样进行轻微的预浸蚀或轻微的浮雕抛光,在气相沉积处理后可更加清晰的显现试样的结构组成成分)。沉积处理应在真空蒸发器中进行,这种蒸发器为用于制备电子显微镜复样的仪器。在真空条件下,对一个或多个尺寸合适,且具有规定折射率的块状电介质复合物加热,直至蒸发完毕。真空度应达到1.3 0.013 Pa 10?310?5mm 汞柱),抛光面应放置在低于装夹电介质复合物的装置下方10-15厘米的位置处。缓慢蒸发块体,并观察试样的表面变化。将试样放在小块白纸上将有助于观察。随着薄膜厚度的增加,试样表面(和纸面)颜色变化顺序为:黄色、绿色、红色、浅紫色、深紫、蓝色、银蓝色。虽然在某些情况下,绿色或红色的较薄的薄膜也可达到良好的效果,但通常应在颜色由浅紫色变为深紫色时再停止蒸发。

7.15 有关各种合金材料所需的蚀刻液和蚀刻技术的补充建议,可参阅《金属材料手册》18)。

8. Precision and Bias精度和偏差

8.1 It is not possible to specify the precision or bias of this practice since quantitative measurements are not made.

8.1 由于本操作方法无定量测量,所以没有必要不可能)确定其(什么)精度或偏差。

9. Keywords关键词

9.1 etch; etchant; interference method; metallography; metals; microetch; microscope; microstructure; Pepperhoff method; tint etch

9.1 蚀刻蚀刻剂干涉法金相学金属微蚀刻显微镜;显结构Pepperhoff气相沉积干涉层法);染色蚀刻


1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E04 on Metallography and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E04.01 on Specimen Preparation.

Current edition approved May 1, 2007. Published May 2007. Originally approved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as E407–99 DOI: 10.1520/E0407-07.

2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.

3 http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/hlthef/chromium.html

4 The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of this standard.



当前版本于200751日核准。20075月出版。最初为1999年核准。上次版本E 407-991999年核准。

2 访问ASTM网站www.astm.org或联系ASTM客服service@astm.org以获取相关ASTM标准。ASTM标准年鉴 卷号方面的信息请参见ASTM网站上的标准文件摘要页面。

3 http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/hlthef/chromium.html

4 括号内的粗体数字代表本标准后面给出的参考文献的序号。


Copyright ? ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbour Dr. P.O. box C700 West Conshohocken Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United States

ASTM国际?版权所有,美国宾夕法尼亚州西康舍霍肯巴尔港大道100号,邮编:PA 19428-2959,邮政信箱:C700



(1) Lewis, R.J., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 11th ed. John Wiley and Sons., Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004.

(2) Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories, National Resource Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1995.

(3) Furr, A.K., CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety, 5th ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2000.

(4) .Wesenberg, G., Proctor, N. ., Proctor and Hughes’ Chemical Hazards in the Workplace, 5th edition, edited by Gloria J. Hathaway and Nick H, ProctorWiley-Interscience, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004.

(5) OSHA Lab Safety Standard 29 CFR 1910.1450, Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in the Laboratory.

(6) Prudent practices in the laboratory : handling and disposal of chemicals, Committee on Prudent Practices for Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Chemicals in Laboratories, Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council.Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 1995.

(7) Lefevre, M. J., and Conibear, S., First Aid Manual for Chemical Accidents, 2nd ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc., New York, 1989.

(8) Lewis, R. J., Rapid Guide to Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace, 4th ed.,John Wiley and Sons., Inc., New York, 2000.

(9) Anderson, R. L., “Safety in the Metallography Laboratory,” Westinghouse Research Lab, Pittsburgh, PA, Scientific Paper 65-1P30- METLL-P2, 1965.

(10) Urben, P. and Bretherick, L., Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, , 1999.

(11) NFPA Haz-Mat Quick Guide, 1997.

(12) Woldman’s Engineering Alloys, 9th ed., J. P. Frick, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio, 2000.

(13) Vander Voort, G. F., Metallography: Principles and Practice, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio, 1999.

(14) Beraha, E., and Shpigler, B., Color Metallography, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1977.

(15) Vander Voort, G. F., “Tint Etching,” Metal Progress, Vol 127, March 1985, pp. 31–33, 36–38, 41.

(16) Weck, E., and Leistner, E., Metallographic Instructions for Colour Etching by Immersion, Parts I, II and II, Deutscher Verlag, Für Schweisstechnik GmbH, Düsseldorf,West Germany, 1982, 1983, and 1986.

(17) Bühler, H. E., and Hougardy, H. P., Atlas of Interference Layer Metallography, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Metallkunde, Oberursel 1, West Germany, 1980.

(18) Metals Handbook, Metallography and Microstructures, 10th ed., Vol 9, ASM International, Metals Park, Ohio, 2004.


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