

tip 1 put code in files. your choices are to write main-level programs, batch files, and normal procedures/functions. the bulk of your code should probably be in procedures and functions, but there are certainly reasons to use both main-level programs and batch files. main-level programs are handy for setting up a situation and allowing you to enter commands accessing the variables in the program after it has run. batch files are good for including code that needs to be typed in multiple locations.
tip 2 place your main routine last in a file and name the file the same as this routine plus a ".pro" extension. alternatively, you could put each routine in its own file with the same name as the routine plus a ".pro" extension. following this advice will save a big headache someday. when you manually compile your code, this tip doesn't matter. do this if you want idl to automatically find your code (and you will eventually, probably tomorrow).

tip 3 be aware of short integers. the default integer in idl is a 16-bit ("short") integer which has a range of -32,768 to 32,767. it is used in situations like:

n = 5
where no specific type of integer is specified. if you want to change the default integer, put  

compile_opt defint32
at the beginning of every routine where you want to change the behavior. or, always specify the type of integer you want, like

n = 5l
to create a long integer (32-bit).
n = 5  
compile_opt defint32
n = 5l
tip 4 put compile_opt strictarr at the beginning of every routine you write. the explanation is a bit subtle, but doing this will save you a day's work sometime. it comes down to the fact that both arr(5) and arr[5] can index into the array arr. but idl can get confused trying to figure out if arr(5) is indexing into an array or a function call. the solution is to always use arr[5] for array indexing and to tell idl that you will be doing this with

compile_opt strictarr  
at the beginning of each routine. (this is not a global setting since there is plenty of legacy code, including idl's library, that would not work with it.)
在你写的每个程序的开头键入compile_opt strictarr,这个解译起来有点不太好理解,但这样做有时会省去你一天的工作。这是源于arr(5)和arr[5]都可以索引数组,但idl尝试去识别arr(5)是索引一个数组还是调用一个函数的时会发生误解。解决的办法就是总是用arr[5]作为数组索引,通过程序开头的compile_opt strictarr告诉idl你要这样做。(这不是全球的设置,因为有很多传统代码,包括idl的库是不支持的。)

  作者: owen0801

2008-1-20 01:00   回复此发言   

2 [转贴]使用IDL的12个小技巧  
  tip 5 learn to use where. any time you want to find the elements of an array that match a given condition (naively, you would have an if statement inside of a for loop), you should try to use where instead. (also, make sure to use the optional count parameter and check to make sure it's greater than zero before you index an array with the returned indices.)
tip 6 use keywords in routines you write. keywords are a useful feature that differentiate idl from many other languages. generally, keywords are optional inputs or outputs, though idl does not enforce it. also, learn how to use n_elements, arg_present, n_params correctly to check parameters.
在你写的程序中应用关键字。关键字是idl不同于其它很多语言的一个有用的特征,一般说来,关键字是可选的输入值或输出值,尽管idl没有作出这样的规定。还要学会正确使用n_elemens, arg_present, n_params来检查参数。
tip 7 use array operations. this is called vectorization and is key to writing efficient idl code. for example, if arr is an array, then

result = arr   1.0
will add 1.0 to each element of arr. almost all of idl's operators will handle array or scalar operands. it is much faster to use them with array operations than to loop over the elements and use the scalar version.
result = arr   1.0
tip 8 use the online help. all the documentation is now online and nice looking on all platforms. it is accessible with ? from the idl prompt. it is particularly good at documenting the library api, but it is the first source for everything idl.
tip 9 if you're on unix, consider using idlwave. the current idl development environment is "somewhat lacking." if you want more than just a commandline interface, try emacs with idlwave mode installed. emacs traditionally has a steep learning curve, but if you're not really tied to an editor right now, it's probably worth learning.
tip 10 have a style. a style will give you guidance in many of the things that idl doesn't care about: names of variables/routines, capitalization, indentation, comments, etc. unfortunately, rsi ittvis doesn't provide a style since the library routines are written in a myriad of styles. there are some third party style guidelines.
有规范的格式。规范的格式会在很多idl不敏感的事情上成为你的向导。如变量或指令的名字,大小写,缩进,注释等。遗憾的是rsi ittvis没有提供统一格式,因为库程序是用很多不同格式写的。有一些是第三方格式标准。
tip 11 learn to use the debugger. the debugging environment is a main advantage of the interactive nature of idl. it can be used from the command line or the de (although, i must confess that i like to push buttons in the de in this respect of programming). one key point here is that runtime errors drop the command line to the level of the offending statement. you can enter idl statements at the command line as if they were in the original program. this is really handy in examining the situation to find the error.
tip 12 use single quotes for strings. both single and double quotes are valid for literal strings, but double quotes have some extra odd uses, like specifying integer values in octal. so for instance, in the following

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