

Global carbon budget 2010 | Tyndall?Centre for Climate Change Research ?

The original data to complete the global CO2 budget are generated by multiple agencies and research groups around the world and are collated annually by the Global Carbon Project.

'Rapid growth in CO2 emissions after the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-2009' by GP. Peters, G. Marland, C. Le Qu?r?, T. Boden, J.G. Canadell and M.R. Raupach is published online by Nature Climate Change on December 4th 2011.

Brief summary of data sources:

The land sink for 1959-2010 was estimated from the residual of the other budget terms: 

land_sink = fossil_fuel + land_use_change - atm_growth - ocean_sink

All values in PgC/yr, for the globe. For values in billion tonnes of CO2, multiply the numbers below by 3.67.

      time      fossil-fuel   land-use   atmospheric   ocean        land          year        +cement      change      growth       sink        sink       1959.5        2.45        1.46        2.00        1.46        0.46      1960.5        2.57        1.45        1.15        1.37        1.50      1961.5        2.58        1.52        2.02        1.24        0.84      1962.5        2.69        1.51        1.36        1.25        1.59      1963.5        2.83        1.51        1.51        1.41        1.42      1964.5        3.00        1.50        0.59        1.62        2.28      1965.5        3.13        1.54        2.17        1.82        0.68      1966.5        3.29        1.54        2.63        1.80        0.40      1967.5        3.39        1.58        1.57        1.60        1.81      1968.5        3.57        1.54        2.19        1.56        1.36      1969.5        3.78        1.54        2.78        1.59        0.95      1970.5        4.05        1.53        2.25        1.50        1.83      1971.5        4.21        1.40        1.80        1.61        2.20      1972.5        4.38        1.32        3.59        1.80        0.31      1973.5        4.61        1.31        2.57        1.76        1.60      1974.5        4.62        1.29        1.66        1.66        2.60      1975.5        4.60        1.30        2.40        1.76        1.74      1976.5        4.86        1.32        1.78        1.81        2.59      1977.5        5.03        1.35        4.46        1.86        0.05      1978.5        5.09        1.30        2.76        1.90        1.73      1979.5        5.37        1.25        3.72        1.73        1.18      1980.5        5.32        1.25        3.74        1.87        0.96      1981.5        5.15        1.26        2.34        1.94        2.14      1982.5        5.11        1.26        2.21        2.00        2.16      1983.5        5.10        1.44        3.89        2.20        0.45      1984.5        5.28        1.47        2.48        2.05        2.22      1985.5        5.44        1.50        3.69        2.05        1.20      1986.5        5.61        1.54        2.23        2.07        2.85      1987.5        5.75        1.52        5.71        2.04       -0.47      1988.5        5.97        1.52        4.73        1.98        0.77      1989.5        6.09        1.54        2.87        1.95        2.81      1990.5        6.15        1.45        2.59        2.11        2.90      1991.5        6.24        1.65        1.49        2.21        4.20      1992.5        6.18        1.69        1.46        2.35        4.06      1993.5        6.17        1.56        2.65        2.36        2.72      1994.5        6.28        1.52        3.57        2.24        2.00      1995.5        6.42        1.50        4.14        2.15        1.63      1996.5        6.55        1.48        2.27        2.12        3.63      1997.5        6.66        1.46        4.18        2.17        1.77      1998.5        6.64        1.45        6.03        2.33       -0.27      1999.5        6.58        1.41        2.82        2.16        3.01      2000.5        6.75        1.43        2.63        2.04        3.50      2001.5        6.91        1.24        3.91        1.91        2.34      2002.5        6.98        1.07        5.12        2.44        0.50      2003.5        7.40        1.04        4.67        2.40        1.37      2004.5        7.78        1.02        3.35        2.35        3.09      2005.5        8.09        1.00        5.12        2.44        1.53      2006.5        8.35        1.00        3.80        2.46        3.09      2007.5        8.54        0.95        4.50        2.52        2.47      2008.5        8.75        0.94        3.84        2.34        3.51      2009.5        8.63        0.88        3.46        2.47        3.57      2010.5        9.14        0.87        5.01        2.31        2.69

Questions and comments should be sent to Corinne Le Qu?r?

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