



It’s important to know the rules of English punctuation when you write, as using the wrong punctuation may lead to misunderstandings. Using the correct punctuation is especially important when you are writing to impress, such as when you are applying for a new job.


Here is a guide to the rules for using the more common punctuation marks in English.

When to use capital letters


1. At the beginning of the sentence 在句子的开头

It’s cold today.

2. For the personal pronoun 'I' 第一人称“I”

I live in a big city.

3. For 'proper nouns' 专有名词

- names and titles: Sarah, Mr Stevens, Doctor Roberts

- places and countries: London, England,

- nationalities and languages: He is French, She speaks Italian

- companies, products and brands: Microsoft, Coca Cola

- institutions: The Ashmolean Museum, The Department of Trade

- religions and religious festivals: Christianity, Ramadan

- abbreviated names: The BBC

4. For books, television and radio programmes, newspapers and magazines 书名、广播电视节目、报纸和杂志名称

The Simpsons, The Times.

5. Days of the week and months of the year 星期和月份

Wednesday, August 10th.

6. Historical periods or events 历史时期或事件

The Russian Revolution

7. Rivers, mountains and lakes and geographical regions 河流山川和其他地理区域

The Amazon, The Middle East

8. In addresses 地址

Flat 2, 16 London Road.

When to use commas in English

1. To separate items in a list 在列表中区分单独的项

We need coffee, tea, sugar and milk.

美式:'We need coffee, tea, sugar, and milk.'

*British English writers do not normally put a comma before 'and', although in American

English, a comma can be used.


2. To separate clauses which are related in meaning区分意义上的从句

Do you know the answer, or should I ask Tony?

*Where the clauses are short, commas are not used:


'I was tired so I went home.'

3. After introductory phrases 在介绍性短语后

Unfortunately, I cannot send you the information.

4. Before and after a word or phrase that interrupts the main clause 在主句中的插入语前后

Some children,if they are gifted, attend special schools.

5. Before and after non-defining clauses 在非限制性定语从句前后

The factory workers, who were in a meeting, decided to accept the pay offer.

= All the factory workers were in a meeting.

*Compare with a defining clause (which restricts the noun).


6. To show millions, thousands and hundreds 数字中

5, 890, 2811

10, 050

When to use a full stop (or 'period' in American English)

1. At the end of the sentence 句末

Thank you for your letter.

2. As a decimal point 作为小数点使用

2.5%, $9.99.

When to use a colon

1. To introduce a list 介绍一系列项目

You will need to bring the following: a waterproof jacket, a change of clothes, a battery-operated torch and some matches.

2. To introduce explanations 给出定义

There is one thing to remember: the nights can get cold, so bring a warm jacket.

3. To write the time 时间

The 10:40 train to London is late.

4. Between the title and subtitle of a book 书名的副标题

Shakespeare: The Complete Works

When to use a semi-colon in English


Semi-colons show a pause which is longer than a comma, but not as long as a full stop. Short clauses which are related in meaning can be separated by a comma. However, if the clauses are longer, you will probably need a semi-colon:


例如:We’ll need to hold some meetings abroad with our suppliers; please could you check your availability in April.

1. To separate long items in a list在列表中区分较长的项目

Our writing course includes several components: correspondence, including

letters and emails; style and vocabulary choice; punctuation; layout and planning.

2. To give balance to sentences, or to link parallel sentences 使句子更平衡,或者连接并列句

We went out for the day; they stayed in.

When to use an apostrophe in English

1. With an s to show possession s连用表示所属关系

The company’s profits.

2. To show abbreviation 表示缩写

I don’t like smoking. (= do not)

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