


A Man and His Castle

La Cuesta Encantada (The Enchanted[使用魔法迷惑] Castle) isone of the most remarkable displays of power and passion in the world. Thismarvelous tourist site now known as Hearst San Simeon State Historical Monumentis better known as Hearst Castle. It is located sixhours south of San Francisco and five hoursnorth of Los Angeles.Sheltered by the mountains in northern San Luis Obispo County, the complex of165rooms and 127 acres of gardens, terraces(露台), pools,fountains and footpaths draws approximately 800,000 visitors annually. Tounderstand the castle, you have to understand the man who built it, WilliamRandolph Hearst. And to understand the man, you have to understand the landupon which he built his dream.

Born on April 29, 1863,William Randolph Hearst was the only child of Gorge Hearst and his wife,Phoebe. George was a multimillionaire(千万富翁) who amassed(积聚)his fortune through partnerships(合作关系) in three of theever largest mining discoveries of copper, silver, and gold ores. In 1865,George began to accumulate parcels of land by obtaining 46,000 acres of thePiedra Blanco Ranch on California’s Central Coast. There he began a successfulcattle ranch(大农场), eventually enlarging it to 250,000acres stretching 50 miles along the coast.

William loved the ranchwhere he spent his summer vacations as a youngster and a youth, playing in therugged canyons(峡谷), descending the cliffs and camping in colorful Arab-style tents inthe mountains with his family.

Phoebe was delighted inexposing her darling child to the beauties and wonders of the world and sparedno expense doing so. During one of their adventures, an 18-month tour of thehistoric palaces and castles of Europe,William began a lifelong love of collecting. With his first acquisitions,German picture books, he embarked(着手,开始工作) on a78-year session of excessive spending. He confessed to a love of the finerthings in life and, as he had a bottomless(不见底的) purse,would never deny himself anything he wanted.

In 1887, while William wasat Harvard University, he decided to take over the small newspaper, the SanFrancisco Examiner, which his father had accepted as payment for a gambling(赌博) debt severalyears earlier. George would have preferred that his son be involved in themining and ranching interests, but William declined this offer and was givenownership of the Examiner in March 1887. He was determined to increase thepopularity(普遍,流行) of the paperand acquire the best equipment and writers available.

William’s resolve tosucceed inspired him to publish juicy(有趣的) tales of vice and stories full of dramaand motivation(积极性,动机). In1895, he purchased the New York Morning Journal, putting him in directcompetition with the distinguished(杰出的) Joseph Pulitzerand a circulation(传播,发行) warbegan.

Both the Hearst andPulitzer newspapers started to include sensational(耸人听闻的) stories aboutthe Cuban Insurrection(起义). The stories greatlyexaggerated claims of Spanish troops placing Cubans in concentration camps,forcing them to live under substandard conditions, disease-ridden, starving anddying. This style of reporting became known as “Yellow Journalism(新闻事件)”. The newspapers were transformed as the scope of the newsbroadened and became less conservative. Circulation soared as the public couldget enough of the banner headlines and abundant illustrations. At the time,many people believed William actually might have initiated(开始,发动) the Spanish-American War to encouragesales. According to one report, when one of his correspondents, FrederickRemington, requested to return from Havana,William responded that if Remington would furnish the pictures, William wouldfurnish the war. He was once quoted in an editorial as saying, “Make the newsthorough Print all the news. Condense it if necessary. Frequently it is betterwhen intelligently(聪明的) condensed.”

Another classic example ofhis influence occurred when; merely months after he advocated politicalassassination(暗杀) in an editorial, American President McKinley was assassinated.

As an intelligent anddynamic business man, William generated increased readership by employing someof the most talented(天才的) writers in the United States, recruiting figures from the literarycommunity, like Mark Twain and Stephen Crane, and the previously mentionedillustrator, Frederick Remington. He also showed his initiative when hechartered a yacht(快艇), equipped it as a miniature(小型的) newspaper headquarters, anchored off the coast of Cuba, and ledhis army of reporters into the field.

William’s interests led himto follow in his father’s footsteps, inspiring him to enter into politics. Hewas elected to the U.S. Congress as a senator representing the State of New York in 1902 andserved until 1907. He was a candidate for the office of mayor of New York City and governor of New York State,but failed in both of these attempts.

While honeymooning in Europe after his marriage to Millicent Wilson in 1903, heexpanded his publishing empire with Motor Magazine. The Hearst Corporation grewto comprise a total of 12 newspapers, including the Examiner, and 25 magazines,including Cosmopolitan. Not satisfied with just his publishing enterprises, heexpanded his business operations into radio, and later produced movie newsreels(新闻纪录片).  (To BeContinued)

This influential mediagiant was not without his faults. His prejudices were common knowledge. Hiscareer was blemished(玷污) by his offensive remarks about Spaniards, Japanese, Filipinos, andRussians. He printed lies, forged documents, falsified(歪曲) stories of violence, wrote provocative editorials, and publishedsensational cartoons and photographs to support his opinions.

William hated minorities.He took advantage of every opportunity to heighten racial tensions. His realmotive for his hatred of Mexicans may have been the loss of 800,000 acres ofprime timber land to the Mexican outlaw(逃犯), Pancho Villa. His papers described themas marijuana-smoking, job-stealing, lazy, wicked, and violent degenerates(堕落). Some suggest he saw the Mexicans as a threat to his empire.

During this period, Williammet and fell in love with a young actress, Marion Davies. Millicent, his wifeand the mother of his five sons, including a set of twins, refused to dissolvethe marriage, which obliged William to “live in sin” with the woman whom thetour guides refer to as his “friend” or “companion”.

With the death of hismother in 1919, William inherited the beloved quarter-million-acre ranch. Atfirst, he planned to build modest ranch house on his favorite campsite(野营的) but as he becamemore involved in the project, his vision of a monument to display hiscollections gained momentum(动力). Working closely withfamily architect, Julia Morgan, William created a glorious and extraordinarycastle-like structure, blending Spanish, European, and Californianarchitectural styles. Huge warehouses(仓库) were built inSan Simeon to store the shiploads of splendid antiques, including entire carvedceilings and walls hung with enormous tapestries(挂毯).They could be installed in the completed rooms. Landscaping integrated exotic(外来的,奇异的) plants, hedges, and trees with nativeflora(植物群落). As William was in his 60’s, he had the insight to know hecouldn’t wait for them to grow, but he was optimistic. He ordered tons offertile topsoil to cover the grounds to a depth of five feet and full-grownspecimens of the plants were trucked up the mountain for planting.

With thousands of acres ofland covered with grassland, trees, natural ponds, and man-made reservoirsavailable for use, William stocked the estate with herds of rare oxen and deer,and flocks of sheep and lambs. These animals flourished as they were allowed towander freely. Larger, more dangerous beasts, including tigers, ostriches,buffalo, yaks, emus, kangaroos, llamas, zebras and giraffes were enclosed inthe largest private zoo in the world.

The complex was ready for occupancy(占有) in 1927, butadditions continued until 1947. Eventually it comprised the main house andthree cottages, all of which are furnished with a variety of valuable antiques.Even the lavatories were specially equipped. William’s favorite room was saidto be the library with its collections of more than 5,000 books, ancient Greekvases, and an antique Spanish ceiling suspended(悬挂的) bycables so it will sway in the event of an earthquake (all the antiquefurnishings and treasures are anchored as a precaution as this is earthquakecountry).

In the ‘20s, ‘30s, and ‘40s, Williamloved part-time at the estate with his mistress, Marion Davies. Theyentertained to an excessive extent. To be invited to the castle was aprivilege. Movie stars, politicians, businessmen, and even royalty(皇室成员) were frequentguests. Many of these guests, including a British lord, Sir CharlesKingsford-Smith, Amelia Ear hart, and Charles Lindbergh, flew to the ranch,landing on the private(私人的) airstrip(飞机跑道).

Life on the hill was never dull. The visitors stayed in the main house or thecottages, depending on their prominence(重要) or theirintimacy(亲密) with the family and were free to roam(漫游) the grounds, go riding on their choice of horses on the property.Company was expected, however, to meet in the main drawing room at 7:30 p.m.sharp, principally (主要地) to amuse their host. Dinnerwas a formal affair beginning at 9:00 p.m. this meal was held in the immensedining room, the walls of which are lined with priceless panels from ancientEuropean cathedrals (大教堂). Following dinner, movieswere shown in the private theater, starting at 11:00.

There were, however, threerules guests had to follow: do not get drunk; do not swear or tell off-colorjokes; sleep in separate bedrooms if an unmarried couple. Food was not allowedin the rooms. If you wanted to eat, you could visit the kitchen… if you couldfind it.

Although William wasclosely involved in all aspects of the construction and decoration of themansion(大厦,宅邸), he continued his business and socialinterest. No stranger to scandal, in November 1924, he found himself in thetopic of headlines. The most enduring rumor was that, during a party on hisyacht, he had found Marionkissing Charlie Chaplin. In a fit of jealousy he took a shot at Chaplin,missed, and accidentally his Thomas Ince, killing him. However, even though themorning papers carried the story, the evening paper and successive editionsprinted that Ince had died of acute indigestion(消化不良).

In 1945, William initiatedthe Hearst Foundation and created the California Charities Foundation in 1948(the name was changed to the William Randolph Hearst Foundation soon after hisdeath in 1951). The Great Depression took its toll on even the wealthiest andWilliam Randolph Hearst was no exception. His fantastically(荒诞的) decadentlifestyle couldn’t last forever, and gradually his finances began to suffer,beginning the next chapter in the saga(传奇) of excesses.He came close to being bankrupt but Marionrescued him from debt, unselfishly selling her jewels and some other propertyto raise over a million dollars.

In 1947, due to his poorhealth, he was forced to move permanently to Beverly Hills. Marion looked after him during this time,seldom leaving his side. When he died in 1951 at the age of 88, she was shunned(避开) by his family andforbidden to attend his funeral.

The castle, itsfurnishings, the artworks in the gallery, and 127 acres of land were given tothe state of Californiain 1957. Since that time, the California Department of Parks and Recreation haskept the castle open to tourists.

Today a visit to the estatebegins near the site of the old airstrip. Guests are transported to the top ofthe hill via bus. One can still see the signs giving wandering animals the“right-of-way” on the lanes. Deer, cattle, and sheep often halt the buses’progress up or down the mountain as they meander(漫游) to the salt licks.

Depending on the tour onechooses, guides escort(护送,陪同) the public through a variety of rooms,gardens, cottages, and pools. The luxury of a bygone(过去的) era is evident at every turn. From the moment you arrive at thestairway to the Neptune Pool until you bid farewell to your guides at themagnificent, golden and blue Roman Pool, you are reminded that a man had adream. He had power and influence. Furthermore, he was prosperous enough toachieve his objectives and implement his dream.

















威廉憎恨少数民族。他利用一切机会加剧种族间的紧张关系。他憎恨墨西哥人的真正原因,可能是由于那个墨西哥逃犯Pancho Villa让他损失了800,000英亩的原始树林。他的报纸把他们描绘成抽大麻、磨洋工、懒惰、邪恶和喜欢暴力的堕落者。有人说他认为墨西哥人对他的帝国是一个威胁。














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