

How we met at PKU: From South Korea to Singapore

Editor's Note


Peking University offers a unique international campus environment for students of all nationalities, cultures, and backgrounds to pursue their passions and interests, welcoming students from all walks of life across the globe, as we gather here at Yanyuan, sharing the same PKU identity. 

'How We Met at PKU' is an interview series showcasing the close-knitted bonds formed by various Pekingers across geographical borders at PKU, documenting these peculiar cross-cultural friendships formed into our shared PKU Family memory journal. 

We welcome all current Pekingers and alumni to submit your stories at the end of this article. 

Haerin Lee (Left) and Zeyu Wei (Right) 

Haerin Lee (李海璘) from South Korea and Zeyu Wei (韦泽玉) from Singapore are third year undergraduate students from the School of International Studies, Peking University. Haerin and Zeyu's friendship grew from being classmates online to being close friends offline.

Online to offline

Haerin and Zeyu both saw each other for the first time while taking online classes in their first semester of their first year at Peking University. During the first year, they both attended online classes and had minimum communication or exchange which were limited to assignments and group works as classmates. 

Although we already knew each other's existence from WeChat groups, because of the COVID-19, we did not get any chance to meet each other directly

However, after Zeyu returned to campus in their second year, they both were finally able to meet in person. They both credit their group of 7 international students consisting of girls who come from different countries: Korea, Tajikistan, Singapore, Canada, and Japan for bringing them closer. Haerin explains that her group of friends whom she calls 'SIS (School of International Studies) Sisters' get to know each other better. Although they all didn't know each other well in the beginning, being in a group made it easier for them to bond slowly with one another. While Zeyu's first impression of Haerin was that she was very attentive and outspoken in class, Haerin initially found Zeyu slightly unapproachable due to her serious facial expression. It was just a matter of time that the girls would meet for meals and hangout more often.

The SIS Sisters

For Haerin it was the lunch meals that they had together which sparked their friendship. Haerin explained that she was smitten by how fluent she was bilingually and how beautiful she is. Zeyu describes Haerin as friendly and heartwarming and she shares that she feels very blessed to become friends with her. In order to better, Haerin made effort to initiate group activities like playing Secret Santa and brought cakes for the class to celebrate the end of semester. 'We have had many great experiences together and I look forward to forging more unforgettable memories with her.' Zeyu adds.

Group photo of the SIS sisters

Gathering memories worth a lifetime  

Haerin and Zeyu named three best memories they have made together:


Secret Santa

Among the 7 SIS sisters, 6 friends who missed the Christmas decided to have a little activity called Secret Santa. The rule for Secret Santa is to secretly give a gift to the person you randomly picked. Interestingly, among 6 friends who participated in this activity, 3 groups of people coincidently became each other’s Secret Santa 'Of course, Zeyu was my Secret Santa and I was hers!' Haerin excited illuminates. For their Secret Santa gift, Zeyu gifted Haerin a music box in the shaped of a Christmas tree. 'It was a perfect present for me because I like listening music and cute little ornaments' Haerin shares. She got Zeyu a cute doll shaped like a heart which represents her affection for Zeyu and for her to hug it when she sleeps. She also added a fancy sticker saying 'Future Rich Woman Training Room' in the gift for her to put on her door. Haerin believes that this is the perfect explanation for her room in my opinion) and acknowledged that they both loved our gifts for each other.

Group photo of the SIS sisters


The Forbidden City

'Going to the Forbidden City was one of the greatest memories that I made in this holiday' shares Haerin. She and Zeyu, and other members of the SIS sisters group decided to take a trip to the Forbidden City during the first snowy day of 2022. Thanks to Zeyu's amazing and professional photo skills, they managed to take some fabulous pictures. 'Just look at the pictures!' Haerin excitedly suggests.

the SIS sisters at the Forbidden City

They ended their trip by treating each other for a great meal at Cheesecake Factory. This was one of the most wholesome experience they have had together. Although Haerin has been to Forbidden City many times during her 7 years in Beijing, the trip they took together will always be more special than any other.


Takoyaki treat

Being a part of an international group of friends have been an opportunity for both Haerin and Zeyu to learn and experience different cultures. During one of their group activities, one of their PKU SIS sisters from Japan, Yuna, who haerin describes as the 'greatest chef ever', made Takoyaki, a traditional Japanese cuisine, at their dorm. 'Although it literally took us 6 hours to make 3 batches of Takoyaki, but we really had a great international cultural exchange' shares Haerin.

the SIS sisters throwing the Takoyaki treat

Friends who study together stay together

Haerin and Zeyu have been together through thick and thin in just two years. 

We had to beat the most fearful monster together: the final exam

Exams can be an anxious period for every student, regardless of the 'dull and dreadful final revision' Haerin and Zeyu had each other throughout the process. Haerin credits Zeyu's fluent Chinese and her willingness to help Haerin understand many key concepts during revision. She further tributes acing her exam to Zeyu's help and support throughout the revision process as well as throughout the semester. 'As we tried to explain questions to each other, we were able to reinforce our understanding for the major subjects. Besides this, it also helped me a lot to improve my Chinese speaking skills.' Haerin explains. Soon they both are eagerly hoping to escape Beijing and travel outside once the pandemic situation gets better. Due to the COVID-19 situation and strict prevention and control measures they have been in Beijing during the holidays. Haerin and Zeyu both hopes to invite each other to their countries for a visit.

SIS sisters in class




PLEASE be my friend after I come back from my exchange student program Zeyu! I really need you guys in every aspect!


Thank you for being such a sweetheart, hope you can enjoy your time in Paris, we will miss you!  I look forward going to South Korea and Singapore with you!



No borders, Just Horizons.

Share with us the amazing friendship

you and your close international friend(s) 

share dearly!

Tell us your story today!

Tell us your story today! 

How we met at PKU: From South Korea to Singapore

Writer:Aneka R. Rajbhandari

Contributors:Haerin Lee (李海璘) from South Korea and Zeyu Wei (韦泽玉)

Editor:Pu Hairui

Producer:Amanda Hu

Designer:Chin Xiao Yun Pauline, Goh Chia Chia

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