

PKU, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge Presidents on Univers...

What is the Future of Universities? 

During the celebration of Peking University’s 120 anniversary, the leaders of Peking University, Yale University, the University of Oxford, and the University of Cambridge sat down with CGTN host Tian Wei at PKU’s Linhu Pavilion under a starry night for a World Insight special program.

When East meets with West, what pearls of wisdom do the four university presidents share? What do university students look like in their eyes? What is their expectation for higher education in the future? Let’s take a look.

          During the program, the four leaders were asked to use one word to describe the common characteristics of this generation of students at their universities. Here is what they said.

 “Ambitious” — Vice-Chancellor Toope

“I think our students today are really driven to succeed, in part because they feel a great deal of competition and there is a certain amount of anxiety…but it also because they have a deep desire see the world made better, and I am really inspired by that as a university leader.”

“Motivated” — Vice-Chancellor Richardson

Vice-Chancellor Richardson illustrated that Oxford’s selectivity attracts motivated students, and when students get into the university, they become further motivated by connecting with other motivated students, and they inspire each other to make the world a better place.

“(Future) Leaders” — President Salovey

'What we are trying to do is both provide education that is flexible, that allows one to learn throughout one's life, but that tradition of the university combined with just how motivated and ambitious this generation of students is… means that we are going to see a lot of leaders come out of our universities.'

“Diversity” — President Lin

University is supposed to be a place to promote the diversity of students, especially after years of preparation for the college entrance exam which made them somewhat similar, explained President Lin. By sharing a belief of former PKU president Cai Yuanpei that the graduates of Peking University should contribute to society as scholars, President Lin encouraged students to pursue their ambitions through many different ways after they graduate.

University leaders discuss the future of higher education

          When it comes to the future of universities, the leaders were again asked to use one word to describe it.

The four leaders shared similar thoughts on the future of universities. That universities of the future will be more open and inviting, resulting in a better platform for students to develop diverse and inclusive networks, and because of the openness and network-orientated features, universities will be more inclusive, so students will have more opportunities to become bright future leaders.

Linhu Pavilion

This World Insight Special was held at Peking University in the Linhu Pavilion. The Pavilion is not only a beautiful historical landmark that served as the residence of former Yenching University and Peking University presidents in the past, it currently is a place to receive and host international guests and events.

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