

Questions of the Day
Questions of the Day

These pages are designed to be clipped to a clip board.  During your day,
have the children answer the question on the clip board. 
At the end of the day tally the results. 

100 Day Questions

Have you ever been apple picking?
Have you ever been on a boat?
Do you have a cat?
Would you rather be a Cat or a Dog?
Clifford-Name something that is red
Have you ever hung clothes on the line to dry?
How do you wash your clothes?
How do you dry your clothes?
Dental Questions of the Day
Dinosaur Questions of the Day
Dog Questions of the Day
Dr. Seuss Questions several available
Have you ever colored Easter Eggs?
Have you ever been angry?
Have you ever been scared?
How do you feel today?
Have you ever caught a firefly?
Have you ever caught a fish?
Have you ever caught a frog?
Do you prefer purple or green grapes?
Have you ever been to a hockey game?
Question for the book The Gruffalo
Have you ever gone ice skating?
Halloween Questions
Is there anything that you are afraid of?
Do you prefer a hamburger or hotdog?
Do you like ketchup or mustard on your hotdog?
Jack and Jill-What words begin with J?
What would you do if you were King for the day?
Have you ever flown a Kite?
Do you celebrate Kwanzaa at your house?
Have you ever seen a Lamb?
Have you ever seen a Lion?
Will March come in like a Lion or a Lamb?
Joseph-I have 11 brothers.  How many do you have?
Have you ever held a ladybug in your hand?
Which color of leaf do you like best?
Can you think of animals that love the night?
What is your favorite Mardis Gras color?
Have you ever roasted a marshmallow?
Did you stay up late on New Year's Eve?
Which is you favorite ocean animal?
Do you like pickles on your hamburger?
What do you need a partner to do?
Do you have a pet?
Have you ever ate a piece of pie?
Which pizza topping do you like best?
What is your favorite color of play dough?
What would you do if you were Queen for the day?
What would you do if you saw a snake?
Have you ever built a snowman?
St. Patrick's Day several question available
Have you ever slept in a tent?
Have you ever seen a train?
Have you ever had an X-ray?
What can you do now that you couldn't do when you were little?

What do you do slowly?
What Do Your Wear?  Hood-Hat-Both
What is your favorite vegetable?


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