

PQ3R 英语学习方法技能

PQ3R 英语学习方法技能

PQ3R是大多数高等学院使用的教学方法。 英语大学推荐同学们使用 PQ3R 学习方法,系统高效的学习英语. 
    PQ3R is a formula that stands for the basic steps in learning from reading in an efficient manner. It is a useful technique for fully absorbing written information. In this formula:
P= Preview what you are going to read
Q = Question what you are going to learn after the preview
3R = Read, Recite, and Review
    The following is a detailed illustration of each step, taking Passage A as an example. 
Preview: In this step you need to look for main ideas and subjects, notice any new words and form an impression about what you are going to read.
Practice:   1. Quickly look over the words that are in bold type.
               2. Find out the author's main argument.
Question: Raise questions that you aim to answer, in your own words, about what you are about to read and learn:
               1. What do I already know about this topic? — in other words, activate prior knowledge. 
               2. Turn the heading into a question, to which you will be seeking the answer when you read. For example: “Why is there a need for a technological revolution in education?” Or “What if there is not a technological revolution?” 
Read: Read the passage selectively to find answers to your questions.
Recite: Stop every once in a while, look up from the book, and put in your own words what you have just read. If you cannot do it reasonably well, look over that section again.
Practice:   1. What makes computer technology both a blessing and a curse?
               2. How may recent breakthroughs in biology and medicine change education?
Review: This review can be done by rereading the passage, by expanding your notes, or by discussing the material with classmates.
Practice: What are the main parts of this passage?
After you complete the review step, don't forget to go back and reread any section that you are not sure of. By using PQ3R, you will significantly improve the quality of your study.

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