



1. 福建省科技重点项目:可调谐高功率双包层光纤激光器,福建省科学技术厅,2005.7-2007.12,主持人;
2. 福建省科技重大专项课题:高功率全固体连续蓝光激光器的研发与应用,2004.7- 2007.6,第一合作者;
3. 厦门大学优秀人才科研启动基金项目:光纤光栅传感器和激光器,主持人。


厦门大学 信息科学与技术学院 电子工程系
邮编: 361005





附: 叶陈春教授发表的论文
1. Ye, C. C. & Tatam, R. P. 2005, "Ultrasonic sensing using Yb3+/Er3+-codoped distributed feedback fibre grating lasers", Smart Materials & Structures, 14, 170-176
2. Chehura E., Skordos A.A., Ye C.C., James S.W., Partridge I.K.,and Tatam R.P. 2005, "Strain development in curing epoxy resin and glass fibre/epoxy composites monitored by fibre Bragg grating sensors in birefringent optical fibre", Smart Materials & Structures, 14,354-362
3. Wencai Huang, Xiulin Wang, Zhiping Cai, Huiying Xu, and Chenchun Ye, 2005 "A pump power insensitive high stability L-band erbium-doped superfluorescent fibre source",  J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. 7, 179-182
4. Huang Wen-Cai, Ming Hai, Cai Zhi-Ping, Xu Hui-Ying, and Ye Chenchun, 2005, "A Selective C and L-Band Amplified Spontaneous Emission Source using a 1x2 optical switch", Chinese Physics Letters, 22 (4): 887-888
5. Guoyong Sun, Zhiping Cai, Chenchun Ye, "Dual-order Raman fiber laser with suppressed low-frequency pump-to-Stokes RIN transfer", Optics Communications, (Accepted)
6. Guoyong Sun, Zhiping Cai and Chenchun Ye, "Gain-clamped discrete Raman amplifier with suppressed low-frequency relative intensity noise pump-to-signal transfer", Optical Engineering, (Accepted)
7. Chehura, E., Ye, C. C., Staines, S.E., James S.W. & Tatam, R.P. 2004, "Characterization of the response of fibre Bragg gratings fabricated in stress and geometrically induced high birefringence fibres to temperature and transverse load", Smart Materials & Structures, 13, 888-895
8. O'Dwyer, M.J., Ye, C.C. James S.W. and Tatam, R.P. 2004, "Thermal dependence of the strain response of optical fibre Bragg gratings", Meas. Sci. Technol. 15(8), 1607-1613
9. Chehura, E., Ye, C. C. & Tatam, R. P. 2003, "In-line laser Doppler velocimeter using fibre-optic Bragg grating interferometric filters", Meas. Sci. Technol. 14, 724-735
10. Ye, C.C., Staines, S. E., James, S. W. & Tatam, R. P. 2002, "A polarisation maintaining fibre Bragg grating interrogation system for multi-axis strain sensing", Meas. Sci. Technol. 13, 1446-1449
11. Wei, C. Y., Ye, C. C., James, S. W., Irving, P. E. & Tatam, R. P. 2002, "AFM observation of surface topography of fibre Bragg gratings fabricated in germanium-boron codoped fibres and hydrogen-loaded fibres", Optical Materials 20, 283-294
12. Wei, C. Y., Ye, C. C., James, S. W., Irving, P. E. & Tatam, R. P. 2002, "The influence of hydrogen loading and the fabrication process on the mechanical strength of optical fibre Bragg gratings", Optical Materials 20, 241-251
13. Ye, C. C., James, S. W. & Tatam, R. P. 2000, "Simultaneous temperature and bend sensing using long-period fibre gratings", Opt. Lett. 25, 1007-1009
14. Ye, C. C., Jaskorzynska, B., Helmfrid, S. & Fonjallaz, P-Y. 1998, "Nondestructive method for measuring the degree of clustering-induced quenching in Er3+-doped waveguides and fibres",  App. Opt. 37, No.27, 6362-6365
15. Ye, C. C., Hempstead, M., Hewak, D.W. & Payne, D. N. 1997, "Proposal for an Er3+-doped chalcogenide glass fibre upconversion laser operating at 980nm and pumped at 1480nm", IEEE Photonics Technology Lett. 9, 1104-1106
16. Ye, C. C., Hewak, D. W., Hempstead, M., Samson, B.N. & Payne, D. N. 1996, "Spectral properties of Er3+-doped gallium lanthanum sulphide glass", J. Non-Crystal Solid 208, 56-63
17. Roman, J. E., Hempstead, M., Ye, C. C., Camy, P., Laborde, P. & Lerminiaux, C. 1995, "1.7micron excited-state absorption measurement in erbium-doped glasses", Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 470-472

18. Chehura E, Skordos A.A., Ye C.C., James S.W., Partridge I.K. and Tatam, R.P., 2004, Multidimensional strain and temperature measurements using a novel high birefringent fibre Bragg grating interrogation system, Proc.SPIE, 5457, 213-224 (ISTP收录:BBA73)
19. Zhang L, Liu L, Cai ZP, Ye CC, Wen GB,2005,Fabricating subwavelength fiber tapers using a CO2 laser,Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices, Pts 1 and 2 : 987-994 (ISTP收录: BBQ75)
20. Ye, C. C., Staines, S. E., James, S. W. & Tatam, R. P. 2002 A polarisation maintaining fibre Bragg grating interrogation system for multi-axis strain sensing. 15th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS'15, 2002,USA), Conf. Technical Digest, pp.179-182 (ISTP收录: BU40F)
21. Chehura, E., Ye, C. C. & Tatam, R. P. 2002 Optical fibre Bragg grating based Fabry-Perot interferometer for in-line laser Doppler velocimetry. 15th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS'15, 2002, USA), Conf. Technical Digest, pp.515-518 (ISTP收录: BU40F)
22. Ye, C. C., Staines, S. E., James, S. W. & Tatam, R. P. 2002 A polarisation maintaining fibre Bragg grating interrogation system for multi-axis strain sensing. Smart Structures and Materials (2002, USA), SPIE Proc. 4694, pp.195-201
23. Chehura, E., Ye, C. C. & Tatam, R. P. 2001 In-line fibre-optic laser Doppler velocimetry. Conference of Optical Diagnostics for Fluids, Solids, and Combustion (2001, USA), Proc. SPIE 4448, pp.72-83
24. Wei, C. Y., James, S. W., Ye, C. C., Tatam, R. P. & Irving, P. E. 2000 Application issues using fibre Bragg gratings as strain sensors in fibre composites. J. of the British Society for Strain Measurement: Strain 36, No.3, 143-150
25. Ye, C. C., James, S. W. & Tatam, R. P. 2000 Long-period fibre gratings for simultaneous temperature and bend sensing. Conference on Applications of Optical Fiber Sensors, (UK, 2000), Proc. SPIE, 4074, pp.305-312 
26. James, S. W. Ye, C. C. & Tatam, R. P. 2000 Bend sensing using optical fibre long-period gratings. 14th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS'2001, Italy), Proc. SPIE 4185, pp. 66-69 
27. Ye, C. C., Wei, C., Khaliq, S., James, S. W., Irving, P. E. & Tatam, R. P. 2000 Bend sensing in structures using long-period optical fibre gratings. 5th European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (2000, UK), Proc. SPIE, 4073, pp.311-315
28. James, S. W., Wei, C. Y., Ye, C. C., Tatam, R. P. & Irving, P. E. 1999 An investigation of the tensile strength of fibre Bragg gratings. 13th International Conference on Optical Fibre sensors (OFS'1999, Korea), Proc. SPIE 3746, pp.38-41
29. Wei, C. Y., James, S. W., Ye, C. C., Tatam, R. P. & Irving, P. E. 1999 The influence of process route on mechanical and sensing performance of fibre Bragg grating optic fibre sensors. Smart Structures and Materials (1999, USA), Proc. SPIE, 3670, pp.164-170
30. Taylor, E. R., Ye, C. C., Ault, B. J. & Payne, D. N. 1994 Fabrication and optical characterisation of Er3+-doped germanosilicate fibres. New Materials for Advanced Solid State Lasers (USA, 1994) 329, pp.185-190

31. Ye, C. C. & Tatam, R. P. 2003 Acoustic-emission detection using Yb3+/Er3+-codoped fibre grating lasers. Proc. the 16th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS'16, Oct. 2003 Japan)
32. Chehura, E., Ye, C. C., James, S. W. & Tatam, R. P. 2003 Characterisation of the response of fibre Bragg grating sensors written in different types of high birefringent fibres subjected to transverse load. Proc.the 16th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS'16, Oct. 2003 Japan)
33. Chehura, E., Skordos, A.A., Ye, C. C., James, S. W., Partridge, I. K. & Tatam, R. P. 2003 Multi-axial strain monitoring in curing glass fibre/epoxy composites measured using fibre Bragg grating sensors fabricated in high birefringent fibres. Proc. the 16th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS'16, Oct.2003 Japan)
34. Cheung, C.S., James, S.W., Ye, C.C. & Tatam, R.P. 2003 The Strain Sensitivity of Fibre Fabry-Perot Cavities Formed between Chirped Fibre Bragg Gratings, Proc. the 16th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS'16, Oct.2003, Japan)
35. Ye, C.C., and Tatam, R.P. 2003 Distributed feedback Yb3+/Er3+-codoped fibre grating lasers for ultrasonic wave sensing, Institute of Physics meeting: In-Fibre Gratings and Special Fibres (Oct. 2003, UK)
36. Kazilas, M. C., Ye, C. C., Zarrelli, M., Partridge, I. K. & Tatam, R. P. 2001 Monitoring cure and strain development in a structural adhesive. 6th International Conference on Structural Adhesives in Engineering (2001, UK)
37. Wei, C. Y., Ye, C. C., James, S. W., Tatam, R. P. & Irving, P. E. 2001 An experimental approach to quantify strain transfer efficiency of fibre Bragg grating sensors to host structures. 13th International Conference on Composite Materials (2001, China)
38. Everitt, S. J., James, S. W., Ye, C. C. & Tatam, R. P. 2000 Static strain compensating Fabry-Perot cavity formed between two chirped fibre Bragg gratings. Proc. of Applied Optics and Opto-Electronics Conference (UK, 2000), p.17
39. Khaliq, S., James, S. W., Ye, C. C., Wei, C., Irving, P. E. & Tatam, R. P. 2000 Structural bend sensing using optical fibre long period gratings. Proc. of Applied Optics and Opto-Electronics Conference (UK, 2000), pp.20-21
40. Ye, C. C., Jaskorzynska, B., Helmfrid, S. & Fonjallaz, P-Y. 1997 Method for measuring degree of ion-clustering in Er3+-doped waveguides and fibres. Proc. of 8th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO'97, Sweden), pp.177-180
41. Hempstead, M., Roman, J. E., Ye, C. C., Wilkinson, J. S., Camy, P., Laborde, P. & Lerminiaux, C. 1995 Anomalously high uniform upconversion in an erbium-doped waveguide amplifier. European Conference on Integrated Optics (Holland, 1995), pp.233-236
42. Ye, C. C., Hewak, D. W., Hempstead, M., Samson, B. N. & Payne, D. N. 1995 Spectral properties of Er3+-doped chalcogenide glasses. Proc. of 12th UK National Quantum Electronics Conference (UK, 1995), P1-33
43. Ye, C. C., Morkel, P. M., Taylor, E. R. & Payne, D. N. 1993 Direct observation of cooperative upconversion mechanisms in erbium-doped fibre amplifiers. 19th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC'93, Switzerland), Vol.2, pp.73-76

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