

大朝金合折五【出谱】Gold collection packs "spectrum"








 "Gold collection" square hole in a round of money, Ding Fubao illustrated treatment of the generations of old coins have been placed in the money section of the opening. However, there are many articles that discuss currency the Yuan dynasty was not all mention or no mention at all of such coins. It does not count money? exactly when the casting? is it currency? how their use? because differences say much deserves some analysis and discussion, think of the kosen illustrated through the ages, the money was "Mongolia does not change the national title," big "before casting. Nowadays people to research, "Tong Bao" might be categorized as Mongolia Khanate period casting, "gold collection" money but certainly did not. Chin Ho, who also had several arguments.

 1, foreign theory. Li Xiaomei mentioned early in the book the Spectra through the ages, gold money, saying that "this money trail inches in five minutes, 15 strains whose text books for our Gold collection, back of the meat are Zhou Guo.

     "The existing note" or the cloud is called foreign cast ". 2, I do not know about.

    1149 book of the Southern Song dynasty in the Quan-Chi Hong Zun Chin Ho in an "unknown age", saying that "this money trail an inch high, cover a lot of money." 3, non-Liao on. Weng Shupei Koizumi meeting dynasty says: "said before the Northern Song dynasty, Liao?

    ” 4, Sung about.

    Fangeaux the surface of the money and had recorded four star seal "gold collection" money for Mongolia in Southern Song dynasty and Jin and the song immediately cast by civil, he said: "the song Ode to the good and evil gold cursed gold, from casting, but prophecies" and "real ear of song". 5, Peng Xinwei "gold collection" was considered to be worth the money that is very popular, in the history of China's currency: "Li Xiaomei ... ... Referring to gold, saying it was foreign money. When he was not sure that was what people cast, but for thousands of years no one better than him. Numismatic historians said it was so far Mongolia jianyuan people before casting.

Li Xiaomei, the Spectra through the ages was written during the Northern Song dynasty Shaoxing San 1094-1098, which although not handed down, in 1149, written by Hong Zun the Quan-Chi has recorded. Jintaizua founding of the bone to ll15, temujin Genghis Khan in 1206, the founding of, and therefore, the "Golden collection" money not earlier than the emergence of Mongolia Khanate, prior to the founding of the Jin dynasty.


   If we leave aside that may occur later imitated casting aside, then think big gold money is casting Kanekuni, Sung Kim, Mongolia coexistence casting in Southern Song dynasty and Mongolia said none of the cast was founded by the Khanate. As the generations of old coins illustrated books contained in the gold money has been negative, while older books contained in the spectrum has been unable to see the money, it is difficult to study. Today spring was recorded in writing and argument are many cast by some collectors believe that Wang Mang period of the Western Han, also believes that the Khitan State or local governments during the period of the Tang dynasty cast, all vary.

Still on the premise of no precise records unearthed, daikao!! My collection for many years ago by an old-timer spring gift, the old no doubt! Packs, spectrum, and is now hanging out with spring friends sharing.

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