



这是一位好心的读者提供给我的, 我觉的十分地有用, 所以决定把它分享给大家. 通常你去看病时, 医院会要你填一份如下面的病历表, 很多人平常简单的英文都不会了, 更不用说这些医学名词了.  我把所有的英文都加上中文解释, 各位可以对照著查询:

Have you ever had or do you now have any of the following: (YES/NO)

1. Do you smoke cigarattes    你抽烟吗? (有抽烟保费较贵喔)
2. skin disease, including acne acne 这个字是粉刺的意思,另外一个常用字pimple,是青春痘
3. frequent or severe headaches 经常性或严重的头痛
4. Severe head injury 严重的头部伤害
5. Corrective lenses (glasses or contacts) lense是镜头的意思,在这里指的是眼镜,glasses是一般我们戴在鼻梁上的眼镜,contacts是隐形眼镜(注意是复数)
6. Eye disease 眼疾
7. Ear, nose, or throat trouble 耳鼻喉方面的问题
8. Hearing difficulty 听力困难
9. Ruptured or perforated ear drum 耳膜破裂或穿孔
10. Hay fever or other non-drug allergy 这个在美国倒是很常见,Hay fever指的是花粉热
11. Severe tooth or gum trouble 严重的牙齿或口腔毛病,这里gum指的不是我们嚼的口香糖(chewing gum),gum这里指的是口腔
12. Thyroid disorder Thyroid,甲状腺
13. Close contact with tuberculosis 这个字tuberculosis倒是很常出现在Reader's Digest里,肺结核的意思
14. Abnormal chest x-ray 是不是有过异常的x-ray finding
15. Asthma 气喘,记得这个字好像曾经出现在托福的听力里,托福听力也常常出现allergy,
allergic这些字,因为美国人有hay fever的不在少数
16. Shortness of breath 呼吸困难,竟然是用shortness这个字,我就想不到
17. Chest pain or pressure 胸痛或胸口郁闷
18. Chronic cough chronic是慢性疾病的意思,不过这里我想翻译成「久咳不愈」比较适当
19. Heart pounding 心绞痛, pound是重击.
20. Heart murmur 心杂音, murmur是喃喃细语的意思.
21. High blood pressure 高血压
22. Severe or recurrent abdominal pain recurrent是一再复发的意思,这个是问你是不是曾有严重的或是一再复发的下腹部疼痛
23. Stomach or duodenal ulcer duo这个字首是「十二」的意思,duodenal是十二指肠的意思,念法是duo-'deen-nal.   ulcer是溃疡
24. Chronic or recurent diarrhea diarrhea这个字也可以写成diarrhoea,拉肚子的意思
25. Gall bladder disease 胆囊方面的毛病.  (Gall bladder 胆囊, bladder 则指膀胱)
26. Sexually transmitted disease 性传染病. 嘿.. 你没有得到吧.
27. Hernia (rupture) 疝气, 据说女生也会得, 而且发生的地方也不只胯下~
28. Hemorrhoids (piles) 痔疮,前面的是医学名词,后面的是我们平常用的。像是上小号,正式的名称是urinate,不过这是医生说的,我们通常都说piss,或是直接用pee
29. Urinary problem 知道urinate,这个字可以猜猜看吧?
30. Blood, sugar, albumin in urine 尿中是否有糖, 血或是血蛋白...因为正常人尿中这些量都是极少的. albumin是一种血蛋白
31. Bone or joint disability or deformity 骨骼或关节失能或变型
32. Loss of an extremity or portion thereof extremity是四肢的意思,当然你要是说arms and legs人家也听得懂啦。这句话是问,
33. "Trick" joint 经常性的关节脱落
34. Varicose veins 静脉曲张
35. Foot trouble 脚的毛病
36. Frequent or severe back trouble 经常性或严重的背痛
37. Paralysis (including polio) 瘫痪或是小儿麻痹
38. Dizzy or fainting spells 短时间意识丧失(昏倒),不需要抢救也能自己醒过来
39. Convulsions or epilepsy 抽搐或癫痫症 (俗称羊癫疯)
40. Psychiatric disorder 精神方面的疾病
41. Diabetes 糖尿病
42. Rheumatic fever or heart disease 风湿或心脏病
43. Hepatitis 肝炎
44. Infectious mononucleosis 传染性单核细胞增多症, 是一种 EBV(EB病毒)所
引起的急性传染病, 病情轻者可以自然好转.
45. Scarlet fever 猩红热
46. Mumps 腮腺炎
47. Whooping cough 百日咳
48. Chicken pox 水痘
49. Rubella (German measles or "3 day") 德国麻疹
50. Rubeola (red measles or "2 week")
51. Drug sensitivity or drug allergy. 对药物过敏
52. Menstrual abnormality-cramps, missed periods 月经不规则
53. Malaria 疟疾
54. Dysentery 痢疾
55. Anemia 贫血
Please list all medications, including vitamins, and birth control pills.
Name any illness, injury, disability, or surgery not mentioned above.
Include tonsillectomy, appendectomy and medical and/or psychiatric
treatment you are receiving.



  这是一封美国同学写给我的邀请函, 相当具有参考价值

You are invited to my home for dinner and an evening of entertainment on
Saturday Feb. 27th beginning at 6 PM.  My daughter Caitlin (2) has
promised to exhibit her skills by putting on a bubble blowing exhibition
& possibly a short dance routine.  I thought that after we ate, would
could play some board (or card) games.  Something along the lines of
Balderdash, Charades, or Trivia Pursuit...  If you have a favorite game
please bring it.

The menu will consist (tentatively) of:  Honey Baked Ham, Turkey Breast,
Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli casserole, Macaroni & cheese, Creme style
corn, Peas, Stuffing, Biscuits, and Croissants...  Drinks on hand will
be:  Sweet Tea, Diet Coke, Diet Mt. Dew, Milk, Water, Orange, Apple, and
Grape juice.

No one is expected or encouraged to bring anything (except themselves),
but if you feel you must, please let me know what ahead of time so that
we don't double up on anything.

I live on Cumberland Blvd., which is off of Cobb Pkwy. in Smyrna
(Northwest Atlanta intersection of 285 and 75).  Take 75 to x-109b "285
West exit" (or take 285 to 75 North exit), and follow the signs to
Highway 41 (Cobb Pkwy) instead of getting on 285.  When you come to the
stop light, turn right and go through the first stop light (near Service
Merchandise) and Turn Left at the Second Stop light (top of the hill
near the Taco Bell).  This is Cumberland Blvd.  Take a right at the
second stop light on Cumberland blvd. (only about ?mile).  There will
be a sign saying Walton Grove Apts.  Dial my number (#815) at the gate
call box & I will open the gate for you.  Go straight until the road
turns to the left, then turn right and park.  I am in apartment 201 (on
the BACK left of the building as you are facing it).  If you could keep
straight on the entrance road in the apartment complex, it would run
past my front door (i.e., it is the building you see at the end of the
straight stretch).

It is guaranteed to be fun or I will give your money back.  That was a
joke of course there is no charge for anything.  Please let me know as
soon as possible whether or not you can attend, so I know how much food
to fix or if I should invite others.  I expect there will be about 10
people (all environmental engineers at GT and their significant others). 
My phone number is (770) 436-3978.  Feel free to call if you have any

Guest List:  Barbara Brouckaert, TK Liu, Timmerly Richman and Husband,
Elizabeth Corley and Husband, Kun-Lin Yang, Jianzhong He, and Jessica

By James Amburguy



想到婉拒别人的邀请要怎么样说的委婉又体面呢? 看看这封我

同学寄给我的 E-mail 吧.

Hey Kun-Lin!  Chris and I are not going to be able to make dinner on

Sunday night.  One of his grandmothers is coming into town and they are

going to have a family dinner together.  Maybe we could have it sometime

next quarter.  Hopefully next quarter will be more convenient for you too

(you won't have to be packing your bags and cooking at the same time!).

Thank you so much for the dinner invitation.  Chris & I are really excited

about eating with y'all sometime.  We both like to try out new food!  I

hope you have a great trip to Boston & Toronto.  Take lots of pictures.

I'll have to show you our pictures of when we went to Costa Rica sometime.

See ya later,  Karen

Karen Alison Crandall

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