

《双语印章史》| 本期内容:授官授印与集权制度?



Sealing-clay piece with imprint 'Xi of Emperor for Summoning Officials'(皇帝信玺). Qin Dynasty.


An important characteristic of the Qin and Han official seal systems is their connection to the administrative concept of highly centralized authority, which in essence exists as the appointment of officials through seal conferral. The conferral or confiscation of official seals was identical to bestowing on or removing from an official his authority, position and title. In fact this characteristic was already present in the Warring States Period; for instance, according to the Records of the Grand Historian: Biography of Gan Mao(史记·甘茂传), the state of Qin conferred on Gan Mao the ministerial position of councilor, and a “grand chancellor seal”.


Sealing-clay piece with imprint 'Yangzhou Governor'(扬州刺史). Western Han Dynasty.


Outranking the seals of civil and military officials, the personal seal of the emperor and the Heirloom Seal of the Realm not only represented the imperial power but also the symbol of the existence of a dynasty to rule all China. For this reason, the Heirloom Seal of the Realm with the inscription “Mandated by Heaven, the Emperor Leads a Long and Prosperous Live”(受命于天,既寿永昌) was regarded as the divine object of supreme power by all the dynasties in China. Stories about the losing and winning of this seal were frequently recorded in ancient books of history. According to the History of the Southern Dynasty: Biography of Kong Linzhi(南史·孔琳之传), Kong said “the Han Dynasty used the Xi of the Son of the Heaven of the Qin Dynasty and lasted 400 years.” To connect the seal of the emperor to the existence of a dynasty was traditional idea of feudal regimes in China. The founding emperor of a new dynasty always considered the making of the jade seal of the Son of Heaven his first priority. For instance, Sun Hao, the king of Wu in the period of the Three Kingdoms(220-280), had the six seals of the Son of Heaven make with gold when no jade cutter could be found at the time.


Silver 'Seal of General of Guanghan'(广汉大将军章).Xin Dynasty.


Besides their symbolic meaning, the most essential characteristic of official seals is their authentication of an official position or the authority of an office, and thus as special instruments indispensable in the exercise of public powers. 


Bronze seal with imprint 'Supervisor of Water Conservancy Projects in Zhejiang'(浙江都水). Qin Dynasty.


The conferral of an official seal also indicated possession of a territory and was a declaration of sovereignty. According to the Chronicles of the Han Dynasty: Biography of Wang Mang(汉书·王莽传), Wang Mang, the regent chancellor at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, overthrew the Han Dynasty and established his own dynasty called “Xin”, and subsequently dispatched an envoy to take back the seal of the Xiongnu King that had been conferred by the Western Han on the Xiongnu chieftain, replacing it with the Seal of Xiongnu King of the Xin Dynasty(新匈奴单于帐). This was to declare the replacement of the Han Dynasty by the Xin Dynasty and the change in relevant subordinate relationships. Wang Mang changed the official seals of other ethnic group too: for instance, “Qian Hu Centurion of the Xin Dynasty”(新前胡佰长), and “Xi He Left Centurion of the Xin Dynasty”(新西河左佰长).


'Right Commandant of Sha Sai of Xihai'(西海沙塞右尉). Xin Dynasty.


In the official seal systems of the Qin and Han dynasty, official seals were symbols of the rank of the official position and physical manifestations of political status. In addition there were also seal ribbons of different colors to match the ranks mentioned above. The official seals of the emperor and empress had a larger imprint part than those of seals used by officials. The rank standards were rather strictly enforced. Even when official positons and nobility titles were conferred to excess and the imperial coffers were almost empty, official seals at the ranks of gold and silver still had to use gold and silver, but as plating.


Gold'Seal of Prince of Guangling'(广陵王玺).Eastern Han Dynasty.


In fact, the use of a particular material, knob form, number of characters, name and ribbon to signify different ranks gave the form of a seal two functions – presenting for examination and pressing an imprint. Thus a seal could indicate the official title and status from both its external form and the content of the impression part. These seemingly complex but rather definite standards regulating the format of official seals reflect both the social hierarchy and the important role of seals in political life. 


Jade'Xi of the Empress'(皇后之玺).Western Han Dynasty.


Sun Weizu: The History and Art of Chinese Seals, Foreign Languages Press, 2010


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