



Collecting the Genuine and Discerning the Fake (Part one)

篆刻作品的艺术欣赏价值和经济价值地位受到社会的重视后,伪作便形影相随。朱简在《印经》中称文彭、何震“名倾天下”,一般士人犹艳羡其印作而不可得 。 乾隆四十四年(1779年)出现的一部《文三桥印谱》,所收全是赝品;清嘉庆十二年(1807年),李渡所辑何震《七十二侯印谱》,亦完全出于假托。


Once society caught on to the appreciation value and economic value of seal works, fakes emerged as sure as night follows day. Zhu Jian, writing in his Classics of Seals, said that after Wen Peng and He Zhen “had their names known everywhere” ordinary scholars all admired their seal works, but could not obtain them. A Collection of Seal Imprints of Wen Sanqiao (文三桥印谱) appeared in 1779, but its contents all turned out to be fakes; in 1807 Li Du compiled He Zhen’s Collection of Seal Imprints of Seventy-Two Marquises (七十二印谱) but these also by another’s hand. 

In Hangzhou during a tour of southern China in 1784, Emperor Qian Long wrote a poem Inscription for the Four Beauteous Ming Dynasty Seals (题明印四美), recording how he had seen seals of Wen Zhengming, Wen Peng, He Zhen and Gan Yang. In another poem Song to the Ivory Seals cut by sages of the Ming Dynasty (明贤象牙章歌), he writes: ”The eunuchs knew only gold and hade imperial seals, and discarded them in the broken basket of an Imperial Manufactories official. I found them by accident and recognized them, so ordered an official to rearrange them in a new order,”and “luckily the famous seals have returned to the Palace, elsewise their imitations should become a vogue.” In fact, the Wen Peng seals in the Palace Treasury at the time were contemporary fakes-evidence that seals made by Ming seal engravers were already regarded as treasures by the middle of the Qing Dynasty. There were numerous fakes of Wen Peng’s and He Zhen’s stone seals, some of which can still be seen today.


Book of Seal Imprints of Wen Sanqiao (文三桥印谱). Shanghai Museum



During the period from Emperor Kang Xi to Emperor Jia Qing, as the masters Ding Jing and Deng Shiru, and their respective schools gradually became knows, fake products emerged in tandem. Even the expert Wang Qishu could not avoid art forgery when compiling the Collection of Seal Imprints of Fei Hong Studio (飞鸿堂印谱).  

The fakes that deceived Wang Qishu were only part of the whole fakery picture. The postscript to the Seals of Seven Masters (七家印跋) compiled by Qin Zuyong in the early years of the Qing Emperor Guang Xu’s reign is another egregious monument to seal engraving forgery. The book contains 232 side inscriptions by Ding Jing and six other masters. Wei Jiasun condemned it as “a product of an impudent person.” (Postscript of Side Inscriptions in the Ink Slab Woods) .  After comparison with the original edition of Qin’s Postscript to the Seals of Seven Masters, it can be confirmed that most of them were forged by a single hand.


Fake version of Chen Hongshou’s “Xiaohong sings low, as I play the xiao flute (小红低唱我吹箫). Included in Postscript to the Seals of Seven Masters (七家印跋) 




“志在名山诗酒”(图a)此印边款移自真品“笑谈间气吐霓虹” (图b)印而略去了若干字。印文笔画光滑,与何震犀利劲拔的刀法相左。边款文字结体虽然刻意摹仿但形神皆散,是一方利用明代旧青田石制作的伪品。

Fake seals said to be engraved by renowned hands and imitations of ancient seals were numerous in the late Qing Dynasty. Following examples may demonstrate their general characteristics:

Fake of He Zhen' Seal 

“Resolve to Recite Poems with Wine in Famous Mountains”(志在名山诗酒) (Fig. a) This side inscription was transferred from the genuine piece“Great Aspiration Revealed Amidst Talks and Laughers”(笑谈间气吐霓虹) (Fig. b), but some characters were omitted. The strokes of the seal inscriptions are smooth, unlike Hu Zhen's sharp and vigorous cutting. The side inscription text is sedulously imitated, but the form and the look seem disconnected. It is a fake made from Ming Dynasty old Qingtian stone.

a. 伪仿何震“志在名山诗酒”,百螺斋所藏资料

b. 明,何震刻“笑谈间气吐霓虹”,石,上海博物馆藏

a.  Fake version of He Zhen's seal“Resolve to Recite Poems with Wine in Famous Mountains”(志在名山诗酒). Bai Luo Studio (Fig. a)

b.  Stone seal “Great Aspiration Revealed amidst, Talks and Laughters”(笑谈间气吐霓虹), engraved by He Zhen. Ming Dynasty Shanghai Museum (Fig. b)




Fake of DingJing's Seal 

“Mountain House by Jade Pond”(玉池山房) (Fig. a) A seal with the same characters of the“Seal of Ding Jing”appears in He Yuanxi's Collection of Seal Imprints of the Four Masters of the Xiling Seal Society (西冷四家印谱), but with a smaller size impression face. (Fig. b) The characters of the bigger seal are similar to DingJing's style, and the lines rise and fall slightly. However, they are quite different from Ding Jing's natural and rough chopping cuts, a hallmark feature of Ding Jing's works. The side inscription on the bigger seal is also different from that in He Yuanxi's compilation, and has been grafted from the “Seal of Chen Hongbin” (陈鸿宾印) (Fig. c). Evidently this is a forgery made by grafting one twig on to a “host tree.”

a.  伪仿丁敬“玉池山房”印文及边款

b.  何元锡本《西泠四家印谱》辑录的“玉池山房”印文及边款

c.  丁敬刻“陈鸿宾印”及边款

a.   Imprint and side inscription, fake version of Ding Jing's seal “Mountain House by Jade Pond”(玉池山房) (Fig. a)

b.   Imprint and side inscription of“Mountain House by Jade Pond” included in He Yuanxi's Collection of Seal Imprints of the Four Masters of the Xiling Seal Society (西泠四家印谱) (Fig. b)

c. “Seal of Chen Hongbin” (陈鸿宾印), and its side inscriptions (Fig. c)



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