

试着翻译《折纸设计的奥秘》3.第三章 设计大象
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3.第三章 设计大象 
Elephant Design

In the beginning—at least,according to some mythologies—there was the Elephant. And so it is with theelephant that we begin our foray into origami design. The elephant—the subjectof Georgeot’s exhibition—is one of the most common subjects for origami.Presumably, this is because it is so readily suggested. Almost any large shapewith a trunk is recognizable as an elephant. If the shape has four legs andlarge, floppy ears, so much the better. But all these features aren’t needed;in fact, it is possible to fold an elephant using a single fold, as Figure 3.1shows (designed by Dave Mitchell).
1. Begin with a sheet of writingpaper. Fold the upper right corner down along an edge.
2. Finished One-Crease Elephant.
Figure 3.1.
图 3.1.
Dave Mitchell’s One-CreaseElephant.
Do you see it? The elephant isfacing to the right.
Yes? Perhaps? This simple model—aboutas simple as you can get—illustrates one of the most important characteristicsof origami models: They simplify the subject. Nearly all origami design isrepresentational, but unlike, say, painting, the constraints of folding with nocuts make it nearly impossible to produce a truly accurate image of thesubject. Origami is, as origami artist and architect Peter Engel has noted, anart of suggestion. Or put another way, it is an art of abstraction. Thechallenge to the origami designer is to select an abstraction of the subjectthat can be realized in folded paper.
You can also select a subject thatlends itself to abstraction. Elephants are also popular subjects for origamidesign because they offer a range of challenges. What features do you includein the design? Is it a spare representation relying on a few lines to suggest aform, or is it necessary to capture all of the features of the subject? Gettingthe head and trunk may be sufficient for some folders, while others will besatisfied with nothing less than tusks, tail, and toenails. A somewhat moredetailed elephant is shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2.
Base crease pattern and finishedfolded model of my African Elephant.
These two designs illustrate therange of origami design: Every origami design falls somewhere along a continuumof complexity. Arguably, the one-crease elephant is the simplest possibleorigami elephant. But the complex elephant is almost assuredly not the mostcomplex elephant possible. Complexity in origami is an open-ended scale; thetitle of “most complex” origami design (for any subject) is always transitory.
Furthermore, complexity carrieswith it a special burden. We do not denigrate the one-crease model for itsabstraction; indeed, its abstract nature is part of its elegance and charm.
But a complex model creates acertain level of expectation in the viewer: an expectation that the model willconvey a richer vision. The more folds we have in the model, the more we canreasonably expect from it. And thus, we must make every fold in the designcount for something in the end result if elegance is to be attained.
Georgeot’s exhibition consisted of88 elephants ranging from simple to very complex indeed. But elephants, likerabbits, have a way of multiplying. Once he became known as “the origamielephant guy,” origami elephants continued to come his way. He wrote that hehad accumulated 155 different designs by the year 2000. Many folders have sentmore than one, up to eight different designs from a single artist.
If you were to pick any two ofGeorgeot’s elephants, you would find that they differ in many ways: One couldbe flat, the other three-dimensional; one in profile, one in front view. Theymight differ in the orientation of the paper relative to the model, in thenumber of appendages, or in what part of the paper those appendages come from.They may differ in the level of abstraction versus verisimilitude, incartoonism versus realism, even in the use of curved versus straight lines (andwhich lines are chosen). All of these features are decisions that the designermakes along the way, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Of all the artistic criteria thatmay be applied to origami, one of the most important, yet elusive, is elegance.Elegance as it applies to origami is a concept not easily described. It impliesa sense of fitness, of economy of effort. In origami, an elegant fold is onewhose creases seem to go together, in which there is no wasted paper, whose linesare visually pleasing. Elegance cannot be easily quantified, but there is aproperty closely related to elegance that can: efficiency. While elegance is asubjective measure of the quality of a design, efficiency is an objectivemeasure. An efficient model is one in which all of the paper gets used forsomething; nothing is tucked out of the way. Inefficient models are those withunnecessary layers of paper. Such models are thick and bulky, often difficultto fold, and usually less aesthetically pleasing than a model withoutunnecessary layers of paper.
The most efficient models are thelargest possible for a given sheet of paper. If you have folded two figuresfrom ten-inch squares of paper and one figure is three inches across and theother is two inches across, then the smaller figure must by necessity have morelayers of paper on average in any given flap. The smaller model will generallybe thicker; it will hold together less well; and it will show more edges, whichwill break up the lines of the model. In short, the less efficient a model is,the poorer its visual appeal. Thus, efficiency is an aesthetic goal as well asa mathematical goal. For a base with a fixed number of flaps, the mostefficient base is that base in which the flaps are as large as possible.
The tools of origami design cannot(yet) directly address elegance, but they can address its close relative,efficiency, by quantifying what is possible and impossible and providingdirection for maximally efficient structures. To wield the tools of origamidesign, one must have some tools to start with. The way to build a set of toolsis to examine some examples of design and deconstruct the model, identifyingand isolating specific techniques. To get started and to illustrate some basicprinciples of origami design, let’s add three more elephants to the roster.
3.1. Elephant Design 1
The first design shown in Figure3.3 is for an Elephant’s Head. It is very simple and takes only five creases.
This is very simple—it’s perhapsone step up from the One-Crease Elephant, although, you might note, it tookfive steps. Can you devise an elephant using exactly two creases? Exactlythree?
3.2. Elephant Design 2
On the scale of origami complexity,both the One-Crease Elephant and the Elephant’s Head fall into the “simple”category. But as we add more features to a model, it almost invariablyincreases in complexity. As an illustration, let’s take the same basic designas the Elephant’s Head and add a pair of tusks to it.
The amount of folding increasedsubstantially, just to create two tiny points for tusks. But I also added a fewsteps to give definition to the ears (step 9). Why? Why not just leave the facea flat surface as we did in the previous model? Two reasons. In the firstElephant’s Head, the ears came almost for free—there were two flaps (thecorners of the square) available to work with. But in this design, we needed tocreate side flaps (in steps 8 and 9) to define the ears, which required morefolding.
There’s a second reason, however,which is a bit more subtle. There is an aesthetic balance that needs to bemaintained across an origami design. The tusks introduce some small, finefeatures into the model. The contrast between those fine features and thebroad, flat, featureless expanse of the face is jarring, so we introduced twofolds to break up the surface of the face a bit and bring some balance to thelines of the model.
1. Begin with the colored side up.Fold and unfold along the vertical diagonal. Turn the paper over.
2. Fold edges AC and BC in to lie along the center line DC.
3. Fold corners A and B down sothat their outer edges are  vertical.
4. Fold down about 1/3 of point D(the exact amount isn’t critical) and turn the model over.
5. Finished Elephant’s Head.
Figure 3.3.
Folding sequence for an Elephant’sHead.
图 3.3.
1. Begin with the colored side up.Fold and unfold along both diagonals. Turn the paper over.
2. Fold edges AC and BC in to liealong the center line DC and unfold. Repeat with edges AD and BD.
3. Fold rabbit ears from corners Aand B.
4. Fold corners A and B to theoutside edges.
5. Fold corner D down so that it lieson an imaginary line running between points A and B.
6. Fold corners A and B in half. Foldcorners E and F down (the exact amount isn’t critical).
7. Turn the model over.
8. Pleat the front flap upward. Themountain fold will run from corner G to corner H.
9. Pleat the sides of the head toform ears.
10. Finished Elephant’s Head.
Figure 3.4.
Folding sequence for the morecomplex Elephant’s Head.
1. Begin with the colored side up.Fold and unfold along the diagonals. Turn the paper over.
1. 纸的彩色面朝上开始。依照折图折后展开。翻转纸张。
2. Fold and unfold.
3. Bring the four corners togetherat the bottom to make a Preliminary Fold.
4. Fold edges AD and CD in to thecenter line and unfold. Then fold point B down and unfold.
5. Petal-fold front and back tomake a Bird Base.
6. Fold and unfold on the nearflap. Each crease lies directly over a folded edge.
7. Fold corner D down while pullingpoints A and C out to the sides; flatten.
8. Turn the paper over.
9. Reverse-fold the two bottompoints out to the sides.
10. Narrow the two points withvalley folds in front and behind.
11. Fold point E down.
12. Fold point B down.
12. 向下折叠点B。
13. Fold the corners down and turnthe model over.
14. Curve the tusks.
15. Finished Elephant’s Head.
15. 大象头完成。
Figure 3.5.
Folding sequence for yet anotherElephant’s Head.
3.3. Elephant Design 3
We can take another step up theladder of complexity. Now we’ll make the tusks a bit longer.
These three models depict the samesubject, but with progressively greater anatomical accuracy (although theystill leave a lot to be desired—like a body). They are simple, but illustratesome basic principles of origami design that are worth identifying:
Generally, the more long points a model has, the more complex itsfolding sequence must be.
Generally, the more long points a model has, the smaller the finalmodel will be relative to the size of the square.
These principles were widely knownin the origami world of the 1960s and 1970s, but it was not until the 1980s and1990s that they could be quantified. Those two decades saw the appearance of anew type of origami, the “technical fold.” It is hard to define precisely whatconstitutes technical folding; technical folding tends to be fairly complex anddetailed, encompassing insects, crustaceans, and other point-ridden animals. Itis often geometric, as in box-pleated models and polyhedra. The earlypractitioners of what we call technical folding—Neal Elias, Max Hulme, KoshoUchiyama, and a handful of others—were joined by a host of other folders—Montroll, Engel, and myself in the U.S., Fujimoto, Maekawa, Kawahata, Yoshino,Kamiya, Meguro, and many others in Japan—an expansion of the art that continuestoday. In fact, technical folding has its own name in Japan: origami sekkei. Itis difficult to pin down a unique characteristic of a model that defines it asorigami sekkei, but I have a candidate criterion: A fold is a technical foldwhen its underlying structure shows clear evidence of intentional design.
这些原理早在十九世纪六十、七十年代就已在折纸界广为流传,但直到十九世纪八十、九十年代才被量化。在这中间出现了一种全新的划时代的折纸类型——艺术折纸。很难精确的定义艺术折纸的构成,艺术折纸倾向于更加复杂与精细,题材涉及昆虫、甲壳动物和其它顶点较多的动物。它经常是与几何学相关的,像箱式折叠(蛇腹折)模型和多面体。艺术折纸的先驱有——尼尔.伊莱亚斯、马科斯.胡尔默、内山兴正,其后一些其它种类折纸的顶尖人物加入了这一行列——美国有蒙特利尔、恩格尔还有我本人,其他更多的在日本,有藤本、前川、川畑、吉野、目黒,直到今天这一群体还在不断地增长。实际上,艺术折纸有其自己的日文称谓:“origami sekkei”(折纸设计)。虽然很难确定究竟具备哪些显著的特征才能称之为艺术折纸,但是我有一个候选标准:如果一个折纸作品的基础结构可以明显看出是有目的性的设计出来的,那么它就可以称为艺术折纸。
The first steps of design, however,do not require use of any specialized techniques or mathematical theorems.Anyone who can fold origami can design origami. In fact, if you folded one ofthe three elephant designs, you were calling upon your design skill. A sequenceof folding diagrams—no matter how detailed—can still only provide a set ofsamples of what is a continuous process. In following a folding sequence, thereader must interpolate; he must connect the steps in his mind to form acontinuous process. Depending on the amount of detail into which the steps arebroken down, this process can be easy, as in Figure 3.6, or it can bedifficult, as in Figure 3.7.
A good origami diagrammer, balancingthe needs of brevity and clarity, strives to match the level of detail to thecomplexity of the fold and to the intended audience. In this book, I have aimedfor a middle ground, along the lines of Figure 3.8.
When you begin following diagrams,you require each instruction to be broken down into the smallest possiblesteps.
1. Begin with the colored side up.Fold and unfold along the diagonals. Turn the paper over.
1. 纸的彩色面朝上开始。依照折图折后展开。翻转纸张。
2. Fold and unfold.
3. Bring the four corners togetherat the bottom to make a Preliminary Fold.
4. Fold edges AD and CD in to thecenter line and unfold. Then fold point B down and unfold.
5. Petal-fold front and back to makea Bird Base.
5. 前后花瓣折做成鹤型基底。
6. The Bird Base.
6. 鹤型基底。
Figure 3.6.
Detailed sequence for folding aBird Base.
As you gain experience in followingdiagrams, the jumps between steps become larger. Instead of seeing everyindividual crease, the creases start to come in groups of two or three. As wehave seen, the most common groups of creases have been given names: reversefolds, rabbit-ear folds, petal folds. More advanced folds may have groups of 10or 20 creases that must be all brought together at once, or several differentfolds must occur simultaneously, or not all creases may be visible in thediagram. Following such a sequence is even more a process of design. Followinga folding sequence is, in effect, resolving a series of small design problemsgoing from one configuration of the paper to the next. Designing an entirelynew model is the same task, merely scaled up.
1. Divide the square in half verticallyand horizontally with creases. Crease all angle bisectors at the corners, thenassemble using the creases shown.
2. The Bird Base.
Figure 3.7.
Compact sequence for folding a BirdBase.
图 3.7.
1. Begin with a square with creaseddiagonals. Bring the four corners together at the bottom and flatten.
2. Petal-fold front and back.
3. The Bird Base.
Figure 3.8.
Intermediate sequence for folding aBird Base.
图 3.8.
Origami design runs along acontinuous scale ranging from minor modification of an existing design to the“ground-up” creation of an entirely new model. Just as a beginning foldershould begin to fold simple models from diagrams, the beginning designer shouldchoose simple shapes to design.
And now is as good a time as any tostart. The elephants in Figures 3.4 and 3.5 have colored tusks. Can you find away to alter each model so that the tusks become white as shown in Figure 3.9?(Hint: Turn a flap inside-out.) The first stage of origami design is to modifysomeone else’s work, as you can with the elephants. Origami design is, in largepart, built on the past. The origami designers of the present have created newtechniques, but in doing so, they used techniques of those anonymous Japanesefolders of history (as well as those of their contemporaries, of course). Itbehooves us to spend some time studying how prior generations of folders designedtheir models.

Figure 3.9.
Two variations on the Elephant’s Heads.
图 3.9.
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