

试着翻译《折纸设计的奥秘》 4.第四章 传统基底
4.第四章 传统基底
The design of an origami model maybe broken down into two parts, folding the base, and folding the details. Abase is a regular geometric shape that has a structure similar to that of thesubject, although it may appear to bear very little resemblance to the subject.The detail folds, on the other hand, are those folds that transform theappearance of the base into the final model. The design of a base must takeinto account the entire sheet of paper. All the parts of a base are linkedtogether and cannot be altered without affecting the rest of the paper. Detailfolds, on the other hand, usually affect only a small part of the paper. Theseare the folds that turn a flap into a leg, a wing, or a head. Converting a baseinto an animal using detail folds requires tactical thinking. Developing thebase to begin with requires strategy.
The traditional Japanese designswere, by and large, derived from a small number of bases that could be used tomake different types of birds, flowers, and various other figures. For much ofthe 20th century, most new origami designs were also derived from these samebasic shapes.
Bases have been both a blessing anda curse to inventive folding: a blessing because the different bases can eachserve as a ready-made starting point for design, a curse because by luring thebudding designer onto the safe, well-trodden path of using an existing base, heor she starts to feel that there’s nothing new to do and never explores thewilds of base free origami design.
We will, by the end of this book,do both. However, we will start with the traditional bases—first, to understandwhat our origami designer forebears had to work with, and second, because thetraditional bases, despite being picked over by scores of origami designers fordecades, still have some surprising life in them. While they may seem likeunique constructions, the traditional origami bases are actually specificembodiments of quite broad and general design principles. By thoroughlyunderstanding the traditional bases, we are prepared to understand the deeperprinciples of origami design.
4.1. The Classic Bases
4.1. 经典基底
So what, exactly, are the standardbases of the origami repertoire? Now, it must be admitted that any labelingscheme that dubs certain structures “the standard bases” is going to besomewhat arbitrary. But there are four shapes known for hundreds of years inJapan that are the basis of several traditional models. These shapes have aparticularly elegant relationship with one another that takes on a specialsignificance in origami design. They are often called the four Classic Bases oforigami and are named for the most famous models that can be folded from them:the Kite, Fish, Bird, and Frog Base.
Perhaps not surprisingly, in manycases, more of the structure of an origami model is evident in the creasepattern than in the folded base. For one thing, in the crease pattern, allparts of the paper are visible, while in the folded model only the outermostlayers are visible—perhaps 90% or more of them are hidden. Furthermore, certainstructures appear over and over in a crease pattern, which you can recognize asfeatures of the finished model. (Do a lot of creases come together at a singlepoint? That point probably becomes the tip of a flap of the model.) Withpractice, you can learn to read the structure of a model in the crease patternas if it were the entire folding sequence. The crease patterns, bases, and arepresentative model from each of the four Classic Bases are shown in Figure4.1.
We have already encountered threeof these in the Elephant’s Head series—the Kite, Fish, and Bird Bases.(Challenge: Can you design an elephant that makes full use of the flaps of aFrog Base?) There is no precise definition of a base; perhaps a good workingdefinition is “a geometric form with the same general shape and/or number offlaps as the desired subject.”
In origami, a flap is a region ofpaper that can be manipulated relatively independently of other parts of themodel. In origami design, bases supply flaps; major flaps on a base then getturned into major appendages of a final model. The Kite, Fish, Bird, and FrogBases have, respectively, one, two, four, and five large flaps and one, two,one, and four smaller flaps. To fold an animal, you usually need to start witha base that has the same number of flaps as the animal has appendages. A simplefish has two large flaps (head and tail) and two small ones (pectoral fins),which is why the Fish Base is so appropriate and so named. The averageland-dwelling vertebrate has five major appendages (four legs and a head),which suggests the use of the Frog Base, but only if there is no long tail. TheFrog Base does have five flaps, but the flap on the Frog Base that is in aposition to form a head is thick and difficult to work with. One of the fourflaps of a Bird Base would be easier. But to use a Bird Base to fold afour-legged animal, you would have to represent two of the legs (usually therear legs) with a single flap. In the 1950s and 1960s, there were a lot ofthree-legged origami animals hobbling around.

Figure 4.1.
Crease pattern, base, and a representativemodel for (top to bottom): Kite Base; Fish Base; Bird Base; Frog Base.
图 4.1.
4.2. Other Standard Bases
The Classic Bases are not the onlybases in regular use. There are a few other candidates for standard bases: theso-called Preliminary Fold (a precursor to the Bird and Frog Bases), theWaterbomb Base (obtainable from the Preliminary Fold by turning it inside-out),the Cupboard Base (consisting of only two folds), and the Windmill Base (alsoknown as the Double-Boat Base in Japan).

Figure 4.2.
Top to bottom: the Cupboard Base,Windmill Base, Water-bomb Base, and Preliminary Fold.
图 4.2.
The Preliminary Fold was named Foldrather than Base by Harbin since it was a precursor to other bases, a somewhatartificial distinction that has stubbornly persisted in the English-speakingorigami world.
Up through the 1970s, origamidesigners combined these bases with other procedures, known variously asblintzing, stretching, offsetting, and so forth—and we will learn some of theseas well—resulting in a proliferation of named bases. It was not unheard-of tofind, for example, a “double stretched Bird Base (type II)” as the startingform for a model. (Rhoads’s Bat, Secrets of Origami). Of all the possiblevariants, two are sufficiently noteworthy as to deserve attention: thestretched Bird Base and the blintzed Bird Base are fairly versatile treat-mentsof the classic Bird Base that have seen heavy use in modern times. Both areshown in Figure 4.3.
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