

1.       There are four s________(季节) in a year. They are spring, summer, a_________(秋天) and winter.
2.       There are 100 years in a c_________(世纪).
3.       A q________(一刻钟,四分之一) means fifteen minutes.
4.       He was late for class because he m_______() the first bus.
5.       There are twelve m________() in a year.
6.       He did b________() of all in the high jump, becoming the w________().
7.       Red and yellow are my favorite c________().
8.       My father is _______(忙) than ever before.
9.       ----You’ve left the lights on.     ---Oh, so I have. How c_________() I was!
10.   C__________() is the most important traditional holiday in the Western countries.
11.   We go to the c________() to watch films or movies.
12.   Ningbo is one of the most beautiful ________(城市).
13.   Look at the c_______() in the sky. It looks like the rain.
14.   Winter is the c_______() while autumn is the d_______() of all the seasons.
15.   The ________(音乐会) given by S.H.E starts at 8:00.
16.   It is d___________() to swim in the river because it is not only deep but also dirty.
17.   ---What’s the d________()?  ----July 16.
18.   December is the t________() month of the year.
19.   He has been d_______() for ages, but he lives in our heart forever.
20.   East, west, h_______() is the best.
21.   We’ll have the end-of -year _________(考试) next week.
22.   A __________ (有名的) scientist will give us a talk on space next week.
23.   Which is f________() from here, New York or London?
24.   I _________(喂) some animals yesterday.
25.   May is the f________() month of the year.
26.   Look! Can you see some kites f________() high up in the sky?
27.   Most of the animals live in the f_______().
28.   ---Are you f_______() later today?   ---No. I am busy.
29.   He got m_________(), but he didn’t have a child.
30.   We are living a ________(幸福) life than we used to.
31.   We are living more_________(幸福) than we used to.
32.   To keep ________(健康) is more important than to keep lots of money.
33.   Tom is in good ________(健康). He is doing sports every day.
34.   The children here eat _________(健康) and they are taken good care of.
35.   The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the ________(健康) you will be.
36.   It began to rain ________(大) just when we were about to leave.
37.   Help y_________ to some fruit, my kids!
38.   After he took the pills, Tom felt even w________().
39.   The machine was ________(发明) in the 1980s.
40.   I wasn’t _________(邀请) to the party, so I was angry with him.
41.   March comes before A________().
42.   The funny story he told made all l________().
43.   The s_________ on his face shows he is pleased with what we have done.
44.   ---Which do you like b_______, science or history?
---- Science, of course. You know, history is l______ interesting than science.
45.   How ________(幸运) I was to catch the last bus!
46.   __________(幸运), I didn’t hurt myself badly in the accident.
47.   ----What do you m_________ by Nie Dao in Ningbo dialect?  --- The m_______ of the word is SILLY or FOOLISH in English.
48.   September is the n_________ of the year.
49.   He was born in the _________(东北) of the country.
50.   He received many p_______ from his friends on his _______ (二十) birthday.
51.   ---Which is q_______, a car or a train?   ---Trains run more q_________.
52.   He bought two ________(收音机) and gave them to the children as pesents.
53.   ---Shall we go?   --- No. We are not r________.
54.   I can’t r_________ her name. I am forgetful.
55.   I have written him several letters but I have never received a single r________/a_______.
56.   I did well in the exams. I am expecting to get my school ________(报告单).
57.   The alarm-clock failed to wake me up. It didn’t r_______ this morning.
58.   After school, the students said g________ to each other and then went back home.
59.   She is good at singing. She wants to be a s________ in the future.
60.   Drive carefully and s_______ on the icy road!
61.   I will s_______ the pictures to you after they come out.
62.   On a _________ (下雪的) night the story happened.
63.   The song s________ beautiful and everybody likes to listen to it.
64.   People feed on rice in the _______(南方).
65.   Tom is s________ enough to carry the heavy stone alone.
66.   Science is the most interesting of all the s_________.
67.   Today is the ________ (阳光的,晴朗的)than yesterday.
68.   The fish smells nice. Would you like to have a t_______?
69.   _________(千) of patients are treated in the hospital every day.
70.   The dog was ________(捆,系,栓) to the tree.
71.   He felt hungry and t________ after a long journey.
72.   One day his dream will surely come t________.
73.   It is going to rain. Why not take a raincoat and an u________ with you?
74.   Let’s do as he says. He is r________.
75.   English is the most u________ and important language. It is widely used all over the world.
76.   He was born in a small mountain v_________.
77.   The museum is _________(参观) by hundreds of people every day.
78.   When spring comes, the days are getting w________.
79.   What w________ weather! It has been raining for the whole week.
80.   With these ________(话),the teacher left the classroom _________(生气).
81.   The teacher got a________ at his being late for school again and again.
82.   My parents __________(希望) me to be a doctor when I was a child.
83.   The old man was ________(撞) when he was going a________ the street.
84.   Every one should take an a_________ part in protecting the environment.
85.   That kind of the house costs too much. I can’t a________ it.
86.   ---Who helped you to finish the work?    -----I did it all by m__________.
87.   ---Have they reached the hotel?   ---Yes. They a__________ there half an hour ago.
88.   -----I didn’t fall asleep until it was 2:00 in the morning.    ---You mean you kept a_______ till 2:00 in the morning?
89.   He is always borrowing money from others. All are f_______ up with him.
90.   We ________ (相信) Ningbo’s future will be better and brighter.
91.   He can’t see or hear anything. He is b_______ and d________.
92.   Scuba machine makes it possible for people to b________ under the sea for a long time.
93.   The Oversea B________ will be built between Ningbo and Jiaxin in 2010.
94.   It’s sunny today. The sun is shining b_________.
95.   He worked hard and soon he c________ up with his classmates.
96.   The mountain fire was c_________ by a burning end of the cigarette.
97.   Ningbo has ________(变化) a lot since its opening to the outside of the world.
98.   Girls are ________ (聪明)than boys in learning languages.
99.   The moon c_________ the earth and the earth turns around the sun.
100.  He was ________(选择) not only because was clever but he was hard-working.
The key to单词拼写专项
1-10 seasons autumn century quarter missed months best winner colors busier careless Christmas
11-20 cinema cities cloud/clouds coldest driest concert dangerous date twelfth dead home
21-30 exam/examination famous farther fed fifth flying forests free married happier
31-40 happily healthy health healthily healthier heavily yourselves worse invented invited/asked
41-50 April laugh smile better less lucky Luckily mean meaning ninth northeast southern presents twentieth
51-60 quicker quickly radios ready remember reply/ answer report ring goodbye singer slowly
61-70 send/show snowy sounds south strong subjects sunnier/finer taste Thousands tied
71-80 tired/thirsty true umbrella right useful village visited warm wet words angrily
81-90 angry wished hit across active afford myself arrived awake fed believe
91-100 blind deaf breathe Bridge brightly caught caused changed cleverer circles chosen

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