

A house between the trees / Jakub Szcz?sny
建筑 住宅 波兰 华沙 树 Jakub Szcz?sny
非常感谢Jakub Szcz?sny将以下内容授权gooood发行。
Appreciation towardsJakub Szcz?sny for providing the following description:
A triangular, forestal plot is situated in one of pre-war garden cities around Warsaw. Apart from responding to client's brief, the house had to
respond to it's primary condition of need to maintain maximum of existing trees, which could be obtained only through fitting structure's shape
into the trees. The condition was partially imposed by restrictive local regulations due to status of the city being a natural and cultural monument.
What occured as best approach was a design based on Voronoi formula: the layout of trees was triangulated and the lines were divided in two by
perpendiculars that were later offset appoaching as much as possible the trunks. This way, the layout of zero level was developed; the level below
was retracted in order to guarantee minimum necessary space to secure root systems of surrounding trees, making the zero level become an
elevated platform placed on average one metre above ground level. The approach of fitting a 300m2 groundfloor between the trees and ?hiding”
the cellar under the platform in order to save trees was well perceived by the clients and by a number of authorities surveiling the location- from
Voivodship Conservator of Cultural and Natural Heritage, through local Town Hall, to Regional Authority of Governmental Forests, all of which
unofficially claiming that it will be nearly imposssible to build in a given condition. In case of one of the officials, a lady from Architecture
Department in local administration's bureau, we've received the permit because she enthousiastically said, that the house makes her think of her
childhood, when she was spending holidays in socialist camping huts by the lakes, which actually makes sense.
交接处的那面墙上绘上了Maurycy Gomulicki创作的橙色基调壁纸。Pawe? Jasiewicz负责房屋中的木材家具。建筑师尽力将不规则形状住宅中的房
After months of enforcing the project through various authorities we've managed to receive the building permit, to choose the contractor and
start building.
The house is a single-floor (270m2) structure with a cellar (150m2) covered with vertical Siberian cedar panels. The flat roof was shaped in a way
providing best geometry for getting rid of fallen leaves and fitting a number of skylights- a welcomed type of window in such location.
Groundfloor is composed out of clearly divided night ( with five bedrooms and three bathrooms, a workspace and two wardrobes) and day ( entry,
living, dining and kitchen) zones. It's cut with three patios for visual continuity and maintenance of trees growing in the middle of the perimeter of
the house. The biggest issue was the location of the garage with it's gate and a ramp, due to a line of thick oaks along the access road, we've managed
with a light steel platform.
The interiors are rectangular, thus with the exeption of the dining room, where we've decided to design a special convertible table that fits the
triangular shape of the room and can host from 10 to 20 people. The appointed designer was Pawe? Jasiewicz, a renowed and specialized wooden
furniture designer. The day and night zones are divided by a long wall covered with a vibrating mural by Maurycy Gomulicki, who also proposed ?
a post-orgasmic chill ceiling mural” ( as he has put it ) in the master bedroom. Kuba B?kowski was invited to develop a series of in-situ art
installations basing on video projections, since January 2014, one was realized.
architecture: Jakub Szcz?sny ( Centrala ), Ryszard Szcz?sny ( Studio Deco )
author's cooperation: Tomasz Fabirkiewicz
structural design: S?awomir Pucek, Ryszard Nalepski
landscape design: Robert Nowicki ( Urbandesign )
table design: Pawe? Jasiewicz
murals: Maurycy Gomulicki
in-situ art installations: Kuba B?kowski
photos: Radek Wojnar
contractor: Nowy Konstancin
design period: 2009-2011
construction: 2011-2014
↑ site plan 总平面
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