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Enhancing the quality of support for online learning and teaching - A service review.

Goss, Halima and Prakash, Saurabh (2003) Enhancing the quality of support for online learning and teaching - A service review.. In Proceedings OLT 2003 Excellence: making the connections, pages pp. 1-9, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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Enhancing the quality of learning and teaching through the use of technology requires effective systems, tools, support, design, evaluation and monitoring. At QUT, the online learning and teaching service known as “OLT” was the subject of a client perceptions review conducted to gauge academics perceptions and expectations of OLT services. A statistical analysis of collected data was conducted using MS-Excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). It was found that WSCoords (Website Coordinators) perceive that the use of OLT has helped improve students’ learning. They also believe that technical service provided for OLT is effective and OLT has helped improve their own teaching practices. Website coordinators note that there is further need for improvement in OLT reliability and additional improvements made to OLT should take their needs into account. Factor analysis indicates that there are two underlying factors summarising the survey: · OLT has helped improving learning and teaching; and · Support and services offered for OLT are useful. This paper describes the process and analysis of the service review data and concludes with a discussion of the implications for continuous improvement of service and support directed at enhancing online learning and teaching.

Item Type: Conference Paper
Status: Unpublished
Refereed: Yes
Keywords: Online teaching, learning, teaching, technology
Subjects: .QUT Faculties and Divisions > Division of Technology, Information and Learning Support
Australian Standard Research Classification > 330000 Education > 330100 Education Studies > 330107 Educational Technology and Media
ID Code: 68
Deposited By: Tran, Han
Deposited On: 09 June 2004

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