

Deep learning:三十九(ICA模型练习)



  本次主要是练习下ICA模型,关于ICA模型的理论知识可以参考前面的博文:Deep learning:三十三(ICA模型)。本次实验的内容和步骤可以是参考UFLDL上的教程:Exercise:Independent Component Analysis。本次实验完成的内容和前面的很多练习类似,即学习STL-10数据库的ICA特征。当然了,这些数据已经是以patches的形式给出,共2w个patch,8*8大小的。




  1. 设置网络的参数,其中的输入样本的维数为8*8*3=192。
  2. 对输入的样本集进行白化,比如说ZCA白化,但是一定要将其中的参数eplison设置为0。
  3. 完成ICA的代价函数和其导数公式。虽然在教程Exercise:Independent Component Analysis中给出的代价函数为:



  但是在UFLDL前面的一个教程Deriving gradients using the backpropagation idea中给出的代价函数却为:





  4. 最后就是对参数W进行迭代优化了,由于要使W满足正交性这一要求,所以不能直接像以前那样采用lbfgs算法,而是每次直接使用梯度下降法进行迭代,迭代完成后采用正交化步骤让W变成正交矩阵。只是此时文章中所说的学习率alpha是个动态变化的,是按照线性搜索来找到的。W正交性公式为:


  5. 如果采用上面的代价函数和偏导公式时,用Ng给的code是跑不起来的,程序在线搜索的过程中会陷入死循环。(线搜索没有研究过,所以完全不懂)。最后在Deep Learning高质量交流群内网友”蜘蛛小侠”的提议下,将代价函数的W加一个特征稀疏性的约束,(注意此时的特征为Wx),然后把Ng的code中的迭代次数改大,比如5000,
















%% CS294A/CS294W Independent Component Analysis (ICA) Exercise%  Instructions%  ------------% %  This file contains code that helps you get started on the%  ICA exercise. In this exercise, you will need to modify%  orthonormalICACost.m and a small part of this file, ICAExercise.m.%%======================================================================%% STEP 0: Initialization%  Here we initialize some parameters used for the exercise.numPatches = 20000;numFeatures = 121;imageChannels = 3;patchDim = 8;visibleSize = patchDim * patchDim * imageChannels;outputDir = '.';% 一般情况下都将L1规则项转换成平方加一个小系数然后开根号的形式,因为L1范数在0处不可微epsilon = 1e-6; % L1-regularisation epsilon |Wx| ~ sqrt((Wx).^2   epsilon)%%======================================================================%% STEP 1: Sample patchespatches = load('stlSampledPatches.mat');patches = patches.patches(:, 1:numPatches);displayColorNetwork(patches(:, 1:100));%%======================================================================%% STEP 2: ZCA whiten patches%  In this step, we ZCA whiten the sampled patches. This is necessary for%  orthonormal ICA to work.patches = patches / 255;meanPatch = mean(patches, 2);patches = bsxfun(@minus, patches, meanPatch);sigma = patches * patches';[u, s, v] = svd(sigma);ZCAWhite = u * diag(1 ./ sqrt(diag(s))) * u';patches = ZCAWhite * patches;%%======================================================================%% STEP 3: ICA cost functions%  Implement the cost function for orthornomal ICA (you don't have to %  enforce the orthonormality constraint in the cost function) %  in the function orthonormalICACost in orthonormalICACost.m.%  Once you have implemented the function, check the gradient.% Use less features and smaller patches for speed% numFeatures = 5;% patches = patches(1:3, 1:5);% visibleSize = 3;% numPatches = 5;% % weightMatrix = rand(numFeatures, visibleSize);% % [cost, grad] = orthonormalICACost(weightMatrix, visibleSize, numFeatures, patches, epsilon);% % numGrad = computeNumericalGradient( @(x) orthonormalICACost(x, visibleSize, numFeatures, patches, epsilon), weightMatrix(:) );% % Uncomment to display the numeric and analytic gradients side-by-side% % disp([numGrad grad]); % diff = norm(numGrad-grad)/norm(numGrad grad);% fprintf('Orthonormal ICA difference: %g\n', diff);% assert(diff < 1e-7, 'Difference too large. Check your analytic gradients.');% % fprintf('Congratulations! Your gradients seem okay.\n');%%======================================================================%% STEP 4: Optimization for orthonormal ICA%  Optimize for the orthonormal ICA objective, enforcing the orthonormality%  constraint. Code has been provided to do the gradient descent with a%  backtracking line search using the orthonormalICACost function %  (for more information about backtracking line search, you can read the %  appendix of the exercise).%%  However, you will need to write code to enforce the orthonormality %  constraint by projecting weightMatrix back into the space of matrices %  satisfying WW^T  = I.%%  Once you are done, you can run the code. 10000 iterations of gradient%  descent will take around 2 hours, and only a few bases will be%  completely learned within 10000 iterations. This highlights one of the%  weaknesses of orthonormal ICA - it is difficult to optimize for the%  objective function while enforcing the orthonormality constraint - %  convergence using gradient descent and projection is very slow.weightMatrix = rand(numFeatures, visibleSize);%121*192[cost, grad] = orthonormalICACost(weightMatrix(:), visibleSize, numFeatures, patches, epsilon);fprintf('%11s%16s%10s\n','Iteration','Cost','t');startTime = tic();% Initialize some parameters for the backtracking line searchalpha = 0.5;t = 0.02;lastCost = 1e40;% Do 10000 iterations of gradient descentfor iteration = 1:20000                           grad = reshape(grad, size(weightMatrix));    newCost = Inf;            linearDelta = sum(sum(grad .* grad));        % Perform the backtracking line search    while 1        considerWeightMatrix = weightMatrix - alpha * grad;        % -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------        % Instructions:        %   Write code to project considerWeightMatrix back into the space        %   of matrices satisfying WW^T = I.        %           %   Once that is done, verify that your projection is correct by         %   using the checking code below. After you have verified your        %   code, comment out the checking code before running the        %   optimization.                % Project considerWeightMatrix such that it satisfies WW^T = I%         error('Fill in the code for the projection here');                considerWeightMatrix = (considerWeightMatrix*considerWeightMatrix')^(-0.5)*considerWeightMatrix;        % Verify that the projection is correct        temp = considerWeightMatrix * considerWeightMatrix';        temp = temp - eye(numFeatures);        assert(sum(temp(:).^2) < 1e-23, 'considerWeightMatrix does not satisfy WW^T = I. Check your projection again');%         error('Projection seems okay. Comment out verification code before running optimization.');                % -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------                                                [newCost, newGrad] = orthonormalICACost(considerWeightMatrix(:), visibleSize, numFeatures, patches, epsilon);        if newCost >= lastCost - alpha * t * linearDelta            t = 0.9 * t;        else            break;        end    end       lastCost = newCost;    weightMatrix = considerWeightMatrix;        fprintf('  %9d  %14.6f  %8.7g\n', iteration, newCost, t);        t = 1.1 * t;        cost = newCost;    grad = newGrad;               % Visualize the learned bases as we go along        if mod(iteration, 10000) == 0        duration = toc(startTime);        % Visualize the learned bases over time in different figures so         % we can get a feel for the slow rate of convergence        figure(floor(iteration /  10000));        displayColorNetwork(weightMatrix');     end                   end% Visualize the learned basesdisplayColorNetwork(weightMatrix');



function [cost, grad] = orthonormalICACost(theta, visibleSize, numFeatures, patches, epsilon)%orthonormalICACost - compute the cost and gradients for orthonormal ICA%                     (i.e. compute the cost ||Wx||_1 and its gradient)    weightMatrix = reshape(theta, numFeatures, visibleSize);        cost = 0;    grad = zeros(numFeatures, visibleSize);        % -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------    % Instructions:    %   Write code to compute the cost and gradient with respect to the    %   weights given in weightMatrix.         % -------------------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------         %% 法一:    num_samples = size(patches,2);%     cost = sum(sum((weightMatrix'*weightMatrix*patches-patches).^2))./num_samples ...%             sum(sum(sqrt((weightMatrix*patches).^2 epsilon)))./num_samples;%     grad = (2*weightMatrix*(weightMatrix'*weightMatrix*patches-patches)*patches' ...%         2*weightMatrix*patches*(weightMatrix'*weightMatrix*patches-patches)')./num_samples ...%         ((weightMatrix*patches./sqrt((weightMatrix*patches).^2 epsilon))*patches')./num_samples;    cost = sum(sum((weightMatrix'*weightMatrix*patches-patches).^2))./num_samples ...            sum(sum(sqrt((weightMatrix*patches).^2 epsilon)));    grad = (2*weightMatrix*(weightMatrix'*weightMatrix*patches-patches)*patches' ...        2*weightMatrix*patches*(weightMatrix'*weightMatrix*patches-patches)')./num_samples ...        (weightMatrix*patches./sqrt((weightMatrix*patches).^2 epsilon))*patches';    grad = grad(:);end





     Deep learning:三十三(ICA模型)

     Exercise:Independent Component Analysis

     Deriving gradients using the backpropagation idea


  作者:tornadomeet 出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/tornadomeet 欢迎转载或分享,但请务必声明文章出处。



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