

2011 广州高考2模试卷



第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

      I saw the old man, with his untidy clothes and messy hair, as he dashed between the rows of the department store. He was trying to be ordinary but he was hard not to     1     .

     He     2     the saleswoman and with a slight     3    , possibly German, asked where the women’s shoes were sold. “ Fourth floor.” She responded in a voice I could hear 10 miles away. “ Pardon? Where did you say they were?” he asked again, apparently    4    . Clearly the old man was somewhat    5    . “ Fourth floor, sir,” the friendly saleswoman replied patiently, this time so  __6___ that customers turned to see what was causing the    7    .

     I continued watching as the man thanked the saleswoman and      for what I assumed was the fourth floor. But rather than walk to the    9    or the lift, he dashed behind a shelf, took out a notebook and started writing hurriedly, with an almost mad    10   on his face. Then he went straight up to another saleswoman and asked where the women’s shoes were sold. Again he asked her to    11   the answer and once more he walked away and took down some notes.

He did this three more times before a department store    12    , thinking him mad, removed him from the store. But rather than be    13    , the old man departed with a huge smile on his face. Although the incident was    14   _ , it was not until a year later, during my first year of university, that I gave it any further    15  _ . I walked into my language classroom and met my professor. It was that very same man.

1. A. see                  B.notice                C. neglected             D. find

2. A. followed           B. interviewed         C. chose                D. approached

3. A. doubt               B. voice                C. accent                D. smile

4. A. confused           B. amused              C. annoyed             D. tired

5. A. silly                 B. shy                  C. deaf                  D. weak

6. A. angrily             B. loudly                C. suddenly              D. quickly

7. A. disturbance        B. accident              C. pleasure               D. quarrel

8. A. put away          B. passed away          C. pulled away          D. headed off

9. A. shoes              B. stairs                   C. exit                   D. sign  

10. A. confusion        B. appearance           C. pain                   D. expression

11. A. reply              B. recite                   C. repeat               D. retell

12. A. security-guard      B. customer            C.saleswoman       D. policeman

13. A.arrested               B.embarrassed         C.relaxed            D. refused

14. A. unusual              B. serious              C. dangerous         D. unforgettable

15. A. wonder              B. sense                 C. thought            D. idea

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

   Hic! You've just hiccupped(打嗝) for the tenth time since you finished dinner. Wonder ___16    these funny noises are coming from? The part __17    (blame) is your diaphragm, the muscle(肌肉)at the bottom of your chest. All hiccups start here.

    The diaphragm almost always ___18      (work) perfectly--- it pulls down when you breathe in to help pull air into the lungs __19      it moves up when you breathe out to help push air out of the lungs. But sometimes the diaphragm becomes upset, and when ___ 20       happens, it pushes up in an irregular way , making your breath come out differently ____21       how it normally does. When this irregular breath hits your voice box, you're left with a big hiccup. Things ___22     bother the diaphragm include eating too quickly or too much, stomachaches or feeling nervous.

If you want to know  ___23    to get rid of hiccups, here are some "cures", ___24     (breathe) into a paper bag is one method some people use. Others think taking a mouthful of water is the way to become hiccup-free. Sugar under your tongue might also drive away the hiccups. And maybe the most famous      25     (treat), having someone scare you , also helps beat the hiccups.

П 阅读理解

第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


A black and white kitten with a broken back lay on animal doctor Betsy Knenon's examination table. A regular customer had rushed him to her office after his pet dog brought the cat home in his mouth. The dog's owner was horrified, believing that his pet had caused the cat's injuries. But Kennon found no teeth marks or bite wounds, which showed that the dog had probably saved, not harmed, the kitten.

     In Kennon’s opinion, however, the cat was a hopeless case. Many doctors would have put down such a badly hurt animal. But she couldn’t be so cruel. The kitten’s bright eyes and sad face had won her over. There was no way of finding his owner, so Kennon, a single woman aged 56, decided to keep him.

     She gave him a round of shots and fed him food mixed with medicines. He couldn’t move his back legs but soon started pulling himself forward with his front legs. The doctor named him Scooter and contacted a company that makes carts for disabled animals. Scooter took to his new wheels like a natural. In no time he was able to move freely, if somewhat awkwardly, around Kennon’s office, home and even her backyard. The sight of the determined Scooter was uplifting and amusing in equal measure and Kennon had to smile each time the cat entered the room.

     Kennon was convinced that her kitten could share his high spirits with others. So she took Scooter to the local hospital to see if he could help the patients. His first patient was an elderly woman who’d had a stroke and hadn’t spoken to anyone for two days. Scooter jumped out of Kennon’s arms and onto the bed, rolled over to the patient, and lay gently near her cheek, purring softly. The woman looked at Scooter. “Kitty,” she murmured as she began to talk to him. Amazed, Kennon turned to the doctor--- and saw that she was in tears. The cat had engineered a small miracle.

    Today Scooter spends about ten hours a month working with patients who are recovering from strokes and injuries. Again and again, Kennon watches as her cat provides hope and comfort. As one patient who’d lost her leg in a car accident said, “If he can do it, so can I.”

26. From Paragraph 1, we know that ___________.

A. the dog’s owner was a stranger to Kennon      B. the cat had several bite marks on its body

C. the dog was extremely cruel to the cat          D. who actually injured the cat was unknown

27. The underlined phrase “put down” in Paragraph 2 most probably means___________.

A. hurt        B. killed        C. refused         D. replaced

28. Why did Kennon decide to keep the cat?

A. She wanted a companion.             B. The cat’s owner abandoned him.

C. She liked the cat.                       D. The cat was hopeless.

29. How did Kennon help the cat move around?

A. By curing his broken back.              B. By getting him a special cart.

C. By feeding him medicines.              D. By exercising him in her backyard.

30. According to the passage, what is the main reason that the cat works miracle?

   A. He is able to inspire others.                B. Patients feel sympathy for him.

   C. People are amused by his appearance.    D.He has the ability to cure the ill.


We each have a unique genetic(基因的,遗传的) make-up. Every cell of your body has the same set of about 100,000 separate genes made of DNA. These are the instructions for producing a person. Genes decide everything from the colour of your skin to the way your brain works. You have one of several billion combinations of DNA which come from the random mixing of your parents’ genes. Except for identical twins(同卵双胞胎), no one has the same combination as another person. You are unique! You are unique in another way too: in the way you are raised and all the experiences you have from before birth to adult life. These experiences influence you, your behaviour and attitudes, and the choices you make.

But are genes or life experiences more important in shaping your appearance and personality? Scientists are studying twins to find out. One set of twins occurs every 70 births---some are identical and others are non-identical twins. Identical twins are special because they share exactly the same genes and often the same environment. Non-identical twins are more like ordinary brothers and sisters.

Some identical twins have been adopted and brought up in different homes. With identical genes but a different home environment, scientists can study twins to see how much a particular feature depends on the genes we inherit. For example, we know that eye problems, like short-sightedness, are mostly genetic. But resistance to pain is largely dependent on experiences. Genes also influence our eating habits. Identical twins brought up apart often like to eat at the same time of day and feel full after eating the same amount. Non-identical twins in similar circumstances have more varied eating habits. Identical twins are also more likely to follow the same patterns for marriage and divorce than non-identical twins.

Scientists are trying to identify the different genes that influence our behaviour. Some people are thrill-seekers and get into risk-taking and adventurous activities. They take up extreme sports like bungee jumping and possibly take drugs. Scientists have discovered a gene which affects this.

We could ask, “Are our lives determined by our genes or our upbringing?” Scientists are learning more all the time, but it is certainly true that both are important in making us who we are.

31. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

   A. We cannot easily change our physical appearance.

   B. How we turn out depends on our parents’ genes.

   C. Everyone has a physical double somewhere in the world.

   D. Both our genes and our experiences make us who we are.

32. Why are scientists studying twins?

   A. To find out how many twins are born every year.

 B. To discover what shapes us as individuals.

   C. To compare differences between twins.

   D. To study brother-and-sister relationships.

33. According to the passage, __________.

   A. one in 70 twins are genetically identical 

B. non-identical twins are usually not of the same sex

   C. twins separated at birth behave exactly the same

   D. identical twins are genetically the same

34. Which of the following is most affected by experience according to the passage?

   A. Eating habits.        B. Eye-sight.        C. Pain resistance.       D. Marriage patterns.

35. What does the underlined “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

   A. Our love of sport.                     B. Our attitude to risk-taking.

   C. Our skill at bungee jumping.        D. Our ability to take drugs.


As you climb into the hill country, the roads get dustier and rougher, and fewer cars can be seen. Phonxay is one of the poorest districts of Laos, and many of its villages are only accessible by footpath. Our destination this hot morning is a concrete water tank that can be found just off the road. A UK organization helped to build it six years ago, and in the nearby village of Thapho, where clean drinking water is scarce, it has made a big difference. The tank feeds six taps which in turn give water to over 800 people---it has improved things for almost every family, from schoolchildren to grannies.

    But lately, we were told, the clean water supply has come under pressure from new arrivals, people who have come down from the hill areas, and there are concerns that there will not be enough clean water to go round.

   There are also serious worries about resources in Laos. The Chinese are building a 400km railway link, which could transform the landlocked country. About 150,000 Chinese workers will be involved. What will this do to local clean water supplies? How will the workers be fed?

The vast majority of Laotians live on farms. But with foreign investors wanting to buy up land, local people will have to be moved to make room for them. Heavily dependent on both foreign aid and foreign investment, Laos still falls well behind its neighbours, although its economy has grown at about 6% a year in the last decade. Its biggest economic problem is the lack of locally trained skilled workforce.

But there are reasons to be hopeful for the future. Laos is beautiful, and foreign tourism continues to grow: fortunately so far the fast-food chains and coffee bars common elsewhere are nowhere to be seen. Although all local media are government-run, the Internet is not controlled and the BBC and CNN are available to those with satellite dishes.

The government has also achieved impressive results in rural development, with communities benefiting not just from cleaner water but the construction of new schools and regular visits from medical teams. Poverty will not be history in Laos within the next decade, but with small steps forward and a bit of outside help, the country could find itself out of the UN’s least-developed category by 2020.

36. The underlined word “scarce” in paragraph 1 most probably means_________.

A. valuable         B. rare           C. infrequent            D. missing

37. What is putting pressure on the local supply of clean water?

A. Dust from the road is making the water dirtier.

B. There are too many taps accessing the water.

C. The population of the area is growing fast.

D. The coming summer will dry up rivers and lakes.

38. What is the most serious limitation on Laos’ economic growth?

A. The lack of local skilled workers.         B. A poor transportation system.

C. Too much foreign aid.                       D. Too many foreign workers.

39. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a reason for Laos to be hopeful?

A. There are no fast-food restaurants in the country.

B. Laos has a variety of tourist attractions.

C. Information on the Internet is freely accessible.

D. The government owns all local media.

40. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Laos: small steps forward.            B. Laos: slow-developing nations

C. Laos: least-developed land            D. Laos: landlocked country


One-hundred-and seventh birthdays aren’t usually celebrated for authors who aren’t alive anymore. But Theodor Seuss Geisel---better known as the children’s books author Dr. Seuss ---who came into the world on 2 March, 1904, was an unusual man.

Like generations of children I was raised on his wonderful stories. But when I now read them to my children it’s not just the childhood memories I enjoy. His writing is brilliant and imaginative and flows with a self-confidence as sure as the words of a Shakespeare poem. Readers ride his characteristic rhythm with an effortless joy that cannot be matched by any other modern writer:

You have brains in your head

You have feet in your shoes

You can steer yourself any direction you choose

And will you succeed?

Yes indeed, yes indeed!

Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.

Seuss’s brilliant cartoons and clever words make his books a delight for adults but they appeal most to children of course. His stories teach kids moral lessons but in indirect and entertaining ways.

The first Seuss book I was given was The Lorax, written just as the 60s were becoming the 70s. Seuss was ahead of his time, and in this book the dawn of concern for environmental problems are shown as the Lorax “who speaks for the trees” battles against an evil businessman who wants to destroy the forest and make goods “which everyone needs”.

It’s not only a warning of the heavy price of environmental destruction, written well before most people had thought to worry, but it’s also a smart analysis of consumer societies: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” This is of course a moral message, but not of the kind designed to persuade the youngsters into behavior that adults want.

 I could go on, but hey, it’s a birthday, and I’m sure you folks have some good toasts to raise for the party…

41. What’s the purpose of this passage?

   A. To introduce Dr. Seuss’s life.               B. To analyse Dr. Seuss’s books.

   C. To describe Dr. Seuss’s writing style.      D. To celebrate Dr. Seuss’s achievements.

42. Why does the author include Dr. Seuss’s poem?

   A. To encourage readers to use their brains and choose their own way.

   B. To give readers a sample of Seuss’s story The Lorax.

   C. To provide readers with an example of Seuss’s writing style.

   D. To explain how relevant Seuss’s stories remain today.

43. Why do adults also enjoy Seuss’s books?

   A. His words and pictures are imaginative enough to be enjoyed by all.

   B. His books give children obvious moral messages to learn from.

   C. He writes about adult topics in a way that is understandable to children.

   D. He was the first person to write about the environment.

44. When was the book The Lorax written?

   A. Early 1960s.        B. Early 1970s.     C. Late 1960s.      D. Late 1970s.

45. Which of the following is true about Seuss?

   A. Many of the issues he discussed attracted greater concern in later years.

   B. He is widely considered as the twentieth-century Shakespeare.

   C. His books are more popular now than when they were first published.

   D. Most readers thought his ideas were difficult to understand.

第二节  信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A.                                                                                                                                                        B.

Accounts Clerk

We are looking for a bright and intelligent

employee for a full-time position in our city-based accounting office. Must have a university degree. Excellent work conditions and office near public transport.

Building Worker

We want strong and healthy people to work on our construction side for the next 6 months. No experience necessary but must be willing to work hard. Work time flexible but must be available to work weekends and have own transportation.










C.                                       D.


High-class restaurant in city-centre requires

experienced waiting staff to begin immediately. The positions are part-time (20 hours per week) and the successful candidates must be available to work weekends and night.

Office Secretary

Our design company is seeking to employ an office secretary. Applicants should be able to type 50 words per minute (wpm) and be familiar with common computer software applications. Full time position from Mon. to Fri. 8:30 am---4:30 pm.

 E.                                        F.

Research Assistant

Our university in the countryside is looking for a research assistant. Candidates must have strong maths and computer skills. Ideally suits a graduate from maths, computing or economic fields.


Sales Assistant

Department store requires an attractive female salesperson with excellent people-skills to work in the perfume department. Must be friendly and well-spoken. Experience preferred but not necessary. Store located near the city-centre train station.

请阅读下列应聘者的信息, 然后匹配应聘者与所拟应聘的职位

46. Julie wants to return to work now that her son has started school. To prepare, she recently completed a computer training course where she learned a range of common office software programs. During the course her typing speed was measured at 65 wpm.

47. Robert is studying Physical Education at the local university and is looking for a part-time job. He would prefer an outdoor job where he could get some exercise. He studies during the day but is available at all other times. Location is no problem as he has his own car.

48.Bill is an accountant but he finds the job unsatisfying. He wants to get out of the city and find a job where he can put the knowledge he gained through his Bachelor of Mathematics degree to better use.

49. Belinda recently left her job as an airline hostess. Her boss was sad to see her go as she was one of the prettiest and most pleasant staff members. She wants a full-time position that allows her to deal with people directly and is also convenient to reach.

50. Sam is a recent university graduate looking for a full time job in the city. He has no previous work experience and worries his degree in economics won’t be enough to get him a good office job.

III 写作

第一节        基础写作

假设你是李华,昨天下午参加了英语才艺大赛(Talent Show),并获得一等奖。以下是参加情况及获奖感受:





[写作内容]  据以上介绍,给回美国度假的外籍教师Mike写一封感谢信,内容包括:

1  告知获奖;

2  介绍参赛情况;

3  表达获奖感受。

[写作要求]   只能用5个句子表达所给的全部内容。信的开头与结尾已给出。

[评分标准]   句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。

Dear Mike


Please accept my warmest thanks. I look forward to your return to China.


                                                          Li Hua

第二节        读写任务


Growing Good Corn

There was a Nebraska farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered the district’s farming competition where his corn always came out on top and won the blue ribbon.

One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. To his great surprise, the reporter discovered that each year the farmer shared his corn seed with his neighbors.

“Why do you share your best seed with your neighbors when they are competing against you?” the reporter asked. The farmer’s reply made everything clear.

“Why sir, said the farmer, “didn’t you know? The wind will blow corn pollen (花粉) from field to field. If my neighbors grow poor corn, it will affect the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn. I must help my neighbors grow good corn.”

His corn canot improve unless his neighbors’ corn also improves. And so it is in life. If we co-operate and help each other out, life can get better for everyone, and the benefits can be shared by all. But if we think only of ourselves, our selfishness will not only hurt others but it may come back to hurt us.


1  以约30个词概括这篇短文的主要内容;

2  然后以120个词就互助才能共赢的话题进行议论,内容包括:

1       你对文中故事的看法及感受;

2       进一步说明互助才能共赢的道理。


1  在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2  作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

[评分标准]    概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。

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