







原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:osmond 转载请注明出处

论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-254516-1-1.htmlFrom the party beaches of Ibiza to the remote sand stretches of Thailand, the world is covered with miles of spectacular shoreline.

We've scoured world to find the best beaches you should put on your bucket list.

There's something for everyone: we found beaches where you can swim with penguins, relax under ancient Mayan ruins, bask on volcanic black sand, and more.


The remote White haven Beach at Whitsunday Island National Park, Australia, has nearly 5 glorious miles of uninhabited coastline and has more than once been named Queensland's Most Beautiful Beach. Flickr/Jeremy Vandel


Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is known for its sexy bodies tanning on the sands, its great restaurants, and its awesome views. Flickr/over_kind_man


Hike, swim, or relax on pristine Coast Guard Beach in Massachusetts, which is part of the Cape Cod National Seashore.Flickr/once more

属于Cape Cod国家海岸部分的马萨诸塞州海岸警卫队海滩非常适合远足、游泳和做一次彻底的身心放松。

The picturesque Matira Beach in Bora Bora, French Polynesia, has gorgeous blue water and fine sand. Its location on the west side of the island makes it ideal for watching sunsets.   Shutterstock.com


The famous Plage de Pampelonne in St-Tropez, in the south of France, has plenty of chairs for sunbathing and watching the beautiful people stroll by. Shutterstock.com


Located on the edge of an underwater national park, Turquoise Bay in Exmouth, Australia, is aptly named for its turquoise waters. Snorkeling gear is a must. Flickr/robertpaulyoung


Ancient monolithic Moai statues watch over swimmers at the picturesque Anakena Beach in Easter Island, Chile.Flickr/nanderson


Though nudity is officially forbidden in St. Barts, it's most likely to be practiced at isolated Anse de Grande Saline.  Shutterstock.com

尽管在加勒比海上的法属圣巴特岛裸体已经被正式禁止了,但是你大可以在岛上的Anse de大盐湖里尽情的裸而无需担心。

The more than 1,000 islands that make up the Maldives means that there are hundreds of amazing beaches for relaxing, swimming, and scuba diving. Some top resort islands include Kanuhura, Angsana Ihuru, and Soneva Fushi. Flickr/Christian Steen

马尔代夫这个国家是由1000多个岛屿组成的,也就是说这意味着这个岛国可以为你提供数量惊人的休闲海滩,这些海滩中可以游泳和潜水的就有数百个之多,此外还有以下这些顶级的度假岛屿任君选择,包你满意:Kanuhura岛,Angsana Ihuru岛,Soneva Fushi岛……

Mountains and forest surround Chesterman Beach in British Columbia, Canada. Great waves make it a surfer's haven, but people also come to explore the tide pools and watch the spectacular sunsets over the Pacific Ocean.  Flickr/AShimell


Located just outside of Sydney, Australia, Bondi Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Australia. It has good-sized waves perfect for surfers and a diverse and attractive crowd of beach-goers. Flickr/robertschrader


At Plage Beau Rivage in Nice, France, you can enjoy food and wine just steps from the teal waters of the Mediterranean Sea.Shutterstock.com

在法国南部城市尼斯的Plage Beau海滩,你可以享受地道的法式美食和美酒,而来自地中海的深蓝色海水距你只有一步之遥。

Wild ponies still roam the sands of Assateague Beach, Virginia—enough said. Flickr/Mrs. Gemstone


Though located on Ibiza, one of the world's most infamous party islands, Ses Salines beach can be surprisingly quiet at times. Bask in the Spanish sun or take a dip in the ultra-blue Mediterranean. Flickr/sky_hlv

位于地中海西海岸的西班牙伊比沙岛有着世界上最为伤风败俗的、荒淫无度的、声名狼藉的海岛派对。但这里的Ses Salines海滩在安静下来的时候就会出人意料的成为你放松身心的好去处,每当这个时候你就可以尽情的享受具有西班牙特色的日光浴,或者把自己完全浸泡在蓝宝石一样纯净的地中海海水里来放松自己。

Mayan ships used to dock at Mexico's Tulum beach while on trade routes around the Yucatán peninsula. Now, beachgoers can swim and relax beneath the ancient Mayan ruins that overlook the Caribbean Sea. Flickr/Alaskan Dude


Locals and tourists flock to Elafonissi Beach in Crete, Greece, for its warm blue water, pink sand, and small nearby islands.Flickr/RevStan


Limestone cliffs shelter the beaches on Koh Phi Phi Leh, in southern Thailand. Maya Beach was made famous by the movie "The Beach" and gets overcrowded during the day, so check out the beautiful Ao Ton Sai or Laem Tong for more a more peaceful atmosphere. Shutterstock.com / itsmejust

位于泰国南部的Phi Phi Leh岛,处在险峻的石灰岩峭壁之下的Maya海滩,因在这里拍摄了著名的好莱坞电影“迷离沙滩”而闻名。这里常年人满为患,在风和日丽的时候你可以在这里看到美丽的 Ao Ton Sai 或者 Laem Tong(译注:这里的这些未翻译字母应该全是泰文读法,看不懂)

Watch the colonies of African penguins in their natural habitat at Boulders Beach in Cape Town, South Africa. There's also an excellent place for swimming nearby. Flickr/yozza


Tenerife's Playa Bollullo, in Spain's Canary Islands, is a secluded black-sand beach with stunning views of the Atlantic.Flickr/Dani Latorre

西班牙 加那利群岛 中的 特内里费岛 Playa Bollullo海滩是一个与世隔绝的的黑砂海滩,在这里还可以欣赏到令人心旷神怡的大西洋美景。

Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman, in the Cayman Islands, is famous for its awesome diving and its miles of uninterrupted shoreline. If you're feeling adventurous, go scuba diving and explore Doc Polson, one of the many shipwrecks that's been taken over by the sea. Flickr/neepster

在拉丁美洲的开曼群岛有一条长达11公里的海滩,这条延续11公里不间断的海滩是著名的潜水圣地。如果你觉得自己天生就是个冒险家,来这里潜水并勘察Doc Polson号沉船的情况吧,Doc Polson号是沉入这片海域的众多船只之一。

Pines and cypress trees line the private Plat Beach in Dubrovnik, Croatia.  Shutterstock.com

克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克的private Plat海滩,由松树和柏树为你组成的天际线。

St. John's Trunk Bay is part of the Virgin Islands National Park and features pristine white beaches along with a 225-yard-long Underwater Trail for snorkeling. Flickr/LennyBaker


High rises tower over South Beach in Miami, Florida, where beachgoers come to see and be seen. At night, everyone comes here for the excellent restaurants and hot clubs. Flickr/matt.h.wade


Hundreds of seals sunbathe in Gardner Bay, a beach on Espa?ola Island in Ecuador's Galapagos Islands, every day.


The 110-mile long Bahamian island of Eleuthera is known for its miles of beaches and laid-back atmosphere. For waves, visitors can head to Surfer's Beach on the Atlantic Ocean, and for calmer waters there's the tranquil Caribbean Sea.  Flickr/trishhartmann


Protected as National Seashore, Cape Hatteras consists of miles of undeveloped shoreline along the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Once the stomping grounds of pirates, it's now popular among surfers, birdwatchers, and anyone looking for an easygoing place to relax. Shutterstock.com

作为受重点保护的国家海岸,美国北卡罗来纳州外海的Cape Hatteras是由数英里长的海滩构成的,这里曾经是海盗出没的地方,现在则受到了冲浪爱好者、观鸟者和任何想放松休闲的游人的欢迎并随时可以来这里放松享受。

Bordered by boulders and covered in beautiful sand, Anse Lazio in the Seychelles' Praslin Island, is frequently named one of the best beaches in the world. The clear waters and sheltered cove provide excellent snorkeling conditions. Flickr/scarygami

位于非洲东部的塞舌尔共和国普拉斯兰岛上的Anse Lazio海滩是由美丽的沙滩和巨石共同组成的,Anse Lazio海滩经常被评为世界上最好的海滩之一,这里有清澈的海水和较为隐蔽的海湾,为浮浅爱好者提供了良好的浮浅条件。

Playa de los Ingleses in Punta del Este, Uruguay, is known as one of the best party beaches in South America. It's also great for strolling along the miles of soft, sandy coastline.

位于乌拉圭埃斯特角城的Playa de los Ingleses海滩被认为是南美最好的海滩之一,这里有数英里的软质砂海滩,非常适合休闲漫步。 

The beaches of Yasawa Island are some of Fiji's best. With only one small resort, the number of visitors is limited, which means that the stunning beaches are also private. Shutterstock.com


An old fishing village-turned-resort-style beach, the beautiful Praia do Forte in Bahia, Brazil, features colorful boats and small, lazy waves. Flickr/frmorais

巴西东部的巴伊亚Praia do Forte海滩,这里有一个古老的渔村风格的海滩度假村,Praia do Forte海滩具有丰富多彩的特点,这里的小渔船,海面迎风而起的荡漾的微波都是其显著的特点。

Hawaii's Punalu'u Beach is famous for its black sand, which comes from the island's volcanic activity. Hawksbill and Greenback turtles frequently nest on this Hawaiian beach. Flickr/The Shifted Librarian


With its curved shoreline and pink sand, Horseshoe Bay is one of the most famous beaches in Bermuda. Flickr/dbking


Main Beach in East Hampton, New York, is a family-friendly beach with lots of amenities, like snack bars and bathrooms. The Hamptons beach also has wide swaths of white sand that lead to the Atlantic Ocean. Flickr/sukhchander


Agonda Beach in Goa, India, has white sands, green mountains, and views of the Arabian Sea. Flickr/VnGrijl


With a long crescent of white sand, Kauna‘oa (also known as Mauna Kea), is one of the most beautiful beaches on Hawaii's Big Island. Crowds are kept at bay with limited public parking. Flickr/takenbygabi



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:osmond 转载请注明出处

论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-254516-1-1.html FormerTurbineGuy on Jul 5, 12:24 PM said:

What no "Crane's Beach" in Ipswich Ma? How about the beach in Ogunquit ME?


JUNERY on Jul 24, 12:46 AM said:

@gary Anderson: This LIST is not CREDIBLE...Where is BORACAY Beach of the Philippines.?Boracay beach is consistently voted as one of the most beautiful beaches in the World by many international travel magazines and Boracay is PARADISE beach on the planet with it's unparralled white powder sand and blue and clean waters. Boracay should be on the top of this List.-:)))


Iwannagotothebeachnow on Jul 5, 2:16 PM said:

May I recommend Mauritius?


PhillGolux on Jul 5, 2:46 PM said:

Your picture of Bora Bora is misleading. That's a view to the east, not the west.


MikeDLA on Jul 5, 5:23 PM said:

Mostly awful photos of some great beaches. Where did you get the terrible photos from?


e.mellow@hotmail.com on Jul 6, 5:56 PM said:

Eagle Beach in Aruba?


Mitch on Jul 7, 12:44 AM said:

Where's Manuel Antonio Beach in Costa Rica on this list?

哥斯达黎加的Manuel Antonio海滩呢?也没有吗?

James1 on Jul 7, 1:28 PM said:

I actually vacationed at Cape Hatteras earlier this summer. Love that area, since it's mostly undeveloped and not as busy as VA Beach. Very relaxing.

实际上我今年夏天就是在北卡罗来纳州外海的Cape Hatteras度的假,大爱啊,因为那里是不发达的地区,能让人非常放松,而不是像忙忙碌碌的弗吉尼亚海滩一样。

Sarah on Jul 7, 9:49 PM said:

Morocco also has some lovely white-sand beaches; but I think nothing really compares to Fiji and the Maldives

... if you can even afford to fly there! :)


Jammy Ungab on Jul 8, 12:56 AM said:

You guys missed Alona Beach Panglao in Bohol Philippines, El Nido Palawan in Philippines, Coron Palawan in Philippines, Boracay Island in Philippines.

各位啊,你们都错过了菲律宾的Panglao岛和Bohol岛的Alona海滩了,还有Palawan的El Nido岛、Coron岛,长滩岛的海滩了。

iamjames on Jul 8, 8:51 PM said:

An NY beach makes the list but a CA beach doesn't? Man the bitterness must really burn.


LawrenceRumble on Jul 9, 4:35 PM said:

Diani Beach in Kenya, south of Mombasa, is sensational. Perfect water, white sand so fine it turns to clay in the water, turtles laying eggs, Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves (best beach bar in the world). Small crowds and great vibe.


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