


Sheared : Soft, velvety texture, evenly sheared. Often dyed in new fashionable colors. Very durable. More expensive than long-haired (natural) beaver, because the top of the fur is sheared, exposing the underfur

Natural : Long, lustrous guard hairs.

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A short, dense, soft fur with lustrous slate blue guard hairs and dark underfur. Difficult to manufacture, rarer than Sable. Requires a lot of care, but nothing is softer than chinchilla.

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A long-haired fur, often pale gray or tan in color, with thick, soft underfur. Very durable. Usually used for men's garments.

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Very silky white guard hairs and a dense underfur. The fur of European royalty. Rare and expensive.

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An unusual wild long-haired fur from North America. Silky guard hairs in brown to blackish tones and thick underfur. Very durable. A low-key "prestige" fur.

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Long guard hairs over light colored underfur. Color ranges from pale beige to orange tones, with black markings. Very similar to Mink .

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Traditionally the second-most popular fur garment sold in North America. The widest range of natural colors of any fur except Mink . Long, lustrous guard hairs with thick, soft underfur. Fox varieties include silver, cross, crystal, blue, red, gray and white. Can also be dyed in a wide variety of colors.

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: A natural flat moiré pattern. Natural colors include brown, black and gray. Often dyed in more exotic colors. Sleek, lightweight, shiny and flat as fabric but with a slight wave.

Mongolian : Very long, wavy, silky guard hairs. It's natural color is off-white, but it is often dyed. The flashiest of furs, Mongolian Lamb is the only long-haired fur that is curly. 

Mouton : Pelts are sheared closely for a soft, thick, flat fur.

Persian : From karakul sheep raised in Central Asia to Southwest Africa. Fur features flat silky curls. Natural colors are black, brown and gray.

( See also: Shearling )

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: Displays creamy white tones with characteristic darker markings.

Russian : The widest and softest of this very long-haired fur with very subtle beige markings. The whiter the fur, the higher the value.

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: Long silky guard hairs and dense underfur. Color ranges from blue-brown to dark brown.

Baum : Softer, silkier and shinier than American marten. A soft, gold look somewhere between golden Sable and gold-dyed Mink .

Stone : The finest marten. Thick, soft guard hairs and a bluish-brown cast with pale underfur.

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The most popular of all furs sold worldwide. Soft and lightweight with lustrous guard hairs and dense, soft underfur. Primarily farm-raised, mink remains the most popular fur. Female pelts are smaller in size and have a softer, silkier feel than the larger male pelts. Mink can be dyed a wide range of colors and may be sheared for sporty, casual look. Very durable.

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Muquash - Muskrat
Full and thick with a black stripe and a pale beige side. Often sheared for a sporty, lightweight feel. 

New Jersey : Lighter in weight with contrasting colors.

Northern : Strong, longer guard hairs and heavy, thick underfur. Often worked skin-on-skin.

Southern : Flatter with little underfur, usually pale in color.

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A wild fur, usually from North or South America. Similar to Beaver , it is often sheared for a sporty, more lightweight feel. The underfur is very soft and plush. A popular fur for linings and trims, it is frequently dyed in a variety of colors.

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Usually woolly and coarse and used as a raincoat liner or for a men's garments.

American : Long, silvery black-tipped guard hairs with thick underfur.

Australian : Short, dense, plush-like fur, with colors ranging from yellow-gray to natural brown.

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A mid-length wild fur with extremely shiny coat. Usually reserved for men's garments.

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Calfskin. Used as a flat, shiny fur for skirts, suits and outerwear.

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Rabbit - Coney
Generally medium length guard hairs in a variety of natural colors. Often sheared or grooved. Not very durable, sheds easily.

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Long gray/black guard hairs with silvery tips over a woolly, dense underfur. Very durable.

Finn : Long, thick, tan guard hairs with black tips and dense underfur.

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Long, luxurious guard hairs with dense underfur, yet very lightweight.

Russian : Brown with a silver cast, it is the most expensive fur, especially when there is an abundance of silver hairs. Silky quality and very lightweight.

Canadian Golden : In amber tones, somewhat less expensive than Russian Sable. Very durable.

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Natural lamb pelts with the leather side sueded or leatherized and worn on the outside with the fur on the inside. Lightweight and fashionable.

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Short, soft guard hairs with a flatter, dense underfur. Very lightweight, usually dyed. Rarely seen in North America. Soft and supple.

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Also called Japanese Raccoon. Very long guard hairs and a full texture. The coloring is a light amber brown with dark, distinctive markings.

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Similar looking to Mink , with short guard hairs and a semi-dense underfur. Also referred to as "Chinese mink".

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