

专家简介:托马斯-劳医师简介 版权声明:搜狐健康独家原创稿件,转载请注明出处!
托马斯·劳:The anti-aging philosophy is the human cells and human body consists of cells, and the cells can be regenerated inside the body, from inside cell by cell. And the regenerative capacity, the strength for regeneration of cells is normally in our population is blocked by toxins, by lack of nutritions. Therefore, we do detoxification, and the specify nitrification of the body, of the cell.
托马斯·劳:The clinic researches more than 30 years of intensive treatment and experiences with hundred of ten thousand of patients and it concentrates of preventing aging and it concentrates of treating chronic diseases and preventing cancer by early rebuilding cell by cell. The main research is integrative and active cell treatment, cell activation treatment to prevent aging, those degeneration of the cells. By doing so, we can prevent chronic diseases, we can heal chronic diseases.
托马斯·劳:The treatment which we do is always remove the causes why the body is sick. And this is detoxification, and it’s always intestinal weakness, so we treat the intestines, we do the detoxification. This is the basis, then come the cell treatment.Yes, very important the detoxification and the nitrification, the nutrition, the food, very specific, this is important.
托马斯·劳:Yes, cell therapy is one of the core, but it has to be done individualized, we have to look which organ is diseased then we can activate very specific and always combine the detoxification.
No. it no more works nowadays. Because patients, they are so toxic load and blocked and they can’t regenerate, only the therapy with life cells, it doesn’t work, it has to be combined with the very specific detoxification.
托马斯·劳:The difference between Swiss biological medicine and conventional medicine is huge. Conventional medicine just focuses on supervising symptoms. It does not really heal, it does not look for reasons. And we look for reasons and remove these reasons for sickness and then we activate the cells to rebuild. We never treat only symptoms, we always treat the whole body by changing the internal milieu which allows up building of the cells. And we activate the regulatory capacity, up building the capacity of the body. And only so, we can heal all these mortal diseases like chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia or diabetes or heart disease, all these mortal diseases we can heal, and conventional medicine can’t.
托马斯·劳:I practice myself 30 years but the clinic exists since 1958, we do this treatment and it develops all the time.
The effects of the treatments are very good, because we see it our patients, they come back spontaneous, 80% of the patients, they come back and they want the treatment again. And the effects are they get healed from chronic disease, heart disease, diabetes, even cancer can be stabilized.
托马斯·劳:Yes. Suggestion for Chinese customers. Active cell therapy is not just simply injecting some life cells, this does not work. It has to be combined with detoxification, it has to be combined with the activation of the cell life, cell capacity. So I suggest to the customers to choose the system which integrates detoxification and looks for the cause for diseases. Our clinic has a long history in treating life with life cells. But more and more we see that we have to integrate with other treatments. So when they come for our cell treatment they have to do a check of their system, of their health system, if they are toxic, or if the intestinal system can’t uptake nutrients.
托马斯·劳:The proper way of doing anti-aging treatment and the regenerative treatment is to clean the body, to detoxify the body, so they can up build the cells, then when you are prepared very well then we can give the injections, but the injections have to be given very specifically to the body. One patient needs liver, one patient needs more brain or hormones, placenta is not for everybody, it doesn’t work if the body is toxic. In our clinic, after the 30 years’ experience I know that I have to examine the patient very individually, with all the techniques which we have, then we can give the individualized life cell treatment. We rebuild the body from inside cell by cell.
首先必须得来做一个全身的体检,之后做一个量身订作的排毒,因为每个人的身体状况都不同,然后在注射细胞的时候也必须是个性化。比如打肝脏细胞,如果你肝脏没事,就没必要打那个细胞了。每个人都有不同的需求,经过三十多年的经验,我知道要做一件事情,必须做一个很个性的体检,很清楚他的状况之后才可以量身订作。我们是让你从内修复到外, 一个细胞一个细胞地修复。
托马斯·劳:Yes. There are other countries in which the treatment is done like Germany, or even in United States, but there it is not legal and the difference is we do the whole diagnostic to see what the problem of the patients is, much more deep going than conventional medicine does, we look how do the regenerative functions of the cells up. At Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland, Dr. Rau’s way we practice, we do each patient gets diagnostic for toxic load, for evacuation capacity if the body can not yet to stimulate, if the intestinal system which has to take up the whole nutrients is intact so we see how the capacity of the body is, and which organ needs the cell treatment.
托马斯·劳:No. They do not have the same function. They are like nutrients you eat product, it’s different because you need to be digested, ever thing we take all has to come through the intestines and therefore it get spited it does not have to same effect as if we do directly not over the entire system. The oral preparation would only work if you have the very good intestinal absorption and system, but nowadays sick patients no more have this. Therefore if you really want the intensive activation of the cell function, you have to detoxify, increase the intestinal function and the cell activation.
托马斯·劳:It’s a waste of money.
托马斯·劳:Paracelsus clinic is established since 1958, which is an integrative biological center with a very long history. We have now more than 10 doctors permanently working every day, 300 to 400 patients come to the clinic, we have patients from 81 countries from the whole world. It has a big, big practitioner. Since many years, I have our own Paracelsus academy to teach nurses, doctors, pharmacists about our treatments. Besides that, Paracelsus clinic has a big experience of cell treatment. We integrate most modern technologies in diagnosis of toxic load of cellular activity of each organ specifically. Much more deep going than conventional techniques. We can test hormone function, we can test pituitary gland function, we can test the adrenal function which is stress capacity. Then we can give a very individualized advice how about to do. So even in 3 days, it’s enough to do the full diagnostic check-up, but very deep going then I can see which organ has to be stimulated.
托马斯·劳:If you want to come to Paracelsus, or if you want to have a life cell treatment, the best way is to apply to Paracelsus, then we tell the patients what to do, preliminary in their country as tests, afterwards, you come with these tests, send to us then you come they want they know all the item a lot, we can do very specific in 2, 3 days with all additional tests and make the program and begin the program, and afterwards you get the medical plan program which you can do at home to get away the clinic which you work, all with the practice, which you work.
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