


17.Giving feedback to students




Very good.

That’s very good.

Great stuff!

Well done.

That’s it.


Yes, you’ve got it.


Very fine.

That’s nice.

I like that.


You did a great job.



That’s correct.

Quite right

That’s right.

That’s quite right.

It depends.

That’s much better.

In a way, perhaps.

You’ve improved a lot.

Sort of, yes.

That’s more like it.

It might be, I suppose.

That’s a lot better.

You’re on the right lines (UK).

There’s no hurry.

Have a guess.

That’s almost it.

You’re halfway there.

You’ve almost got it.

You were almost right.

There’s no need to rush.

We have plenty of time

Unfortunately not.

I’m afraid that’s not quite right.

Not quite right. Try again.

Good try, but not quite right.

You can’t say that, I’m afraid.

You can’t use that word here.

Have another try.

Not really.

Not exactly.

Special situations

18.Special sentences

Happy birthday!

Merry Christmas!

I hope you all have a good Christmas.

Happy New Year!

All the best for the New Year.

Happy Easter.

Tom has his 11th birthday today.

Anna is eleven today. Let’s sing “Happy Birthday”.

Have a nice weekend.

Thanks for your help.

Best of luck.

Good luck.

I hope you pass.


Well done!

Never mind.

Better luck next time.

Do you feel better today?

Are you better now?

Have you been ill?

What was the matter?

I’ll be back in a moment.

Carry on with the exercise while I’m away.

I’ve got to go next door for a moment.

I’m afraid I can’t speak any louder.

I seem to be losing my voice.

I have a headache.

I’m feeling under the weather.

Do you mind if I sit down?

I have a sore throat.


19.Time to stop

Let’s stop now.

It’s time to finish now.

It’s almost time to stop.

I’m afraid it’s time to finish now.

We’ve run out of time.

We’ll have to stop here.

There’s the bell. It’s time to stop.

That’s all for today. You can go now.

Have you finished?

Stop now.

Any questions?

Collect your work, please.

Pack up your books.

One minute to finish that activity. It’s nearly time to go.

Are your desks tidy?

Don’t forget to bring your … tomorrow.

The next class is waiting (outside/ to come in)

You’ll be late for your next class (if you don’t stop now)

We’ll have to finish this tomorrow/ in the next lesson.

Look at the time/ What time is it now?

That’s all for today.

20.Not time to stop

The bell hasn’t gone yet.

The lesson doesn’t finish till ten past five.

Hang on a moment.

We seem to have finished early.

Just a moment, please.

Just a second/ Wait for it!

There are still three minutes to go.

Just hold on a moment.

One more thing before you go.

We still have a couple of minutes left.

Your watch must be fast.

We have an extra five minutes.

Sit quietly until the bell goes.

Tom, you have to stay five extra minutes(as I told you earlier/ because you…)

Back to your places.

Stay where you are for a moment.


Remember your homework.

Take a worksheet as you leave.

What do you have to do before the next lesson?

This is your homework for tonight.

Finish this exercise.

Do the next exercise tonight, and we’ll check it tomorrow.

Prepare the next chapter for Tuesday.

Do exercise 5 on page 36 for your homework.

There is no homework today.

22.Next time

The next class starts at 7 o’clock.

We’ll do the rest of this chapter next time.

We’ve run out of time, so we’ll continue next lesson.

We’ll continue this chapter next Monday.

We’ll do some more practice of this in the next class.

We’ll finish this exercise next lesson.

We’re going to continue with this tomorrow.


Goodbye, everyone.

See you again next Thursday/ next week/tomorrow/ on Monday.

Have a good holiday.

Enjoy your vacation.

See you tomorrow afternoon.

Stand up and say goodbye to the class,please.

See you in Room 8 after the break.

24.Leaving the room

Form a queue (UK) and wait for the bell.

Get into a queue (UK).

Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working.

Try not to make any noise as you leave.

It’s tidy up time

Everybody outside!

All of you get outside now!

Hurry up and get out!

Line up!



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