



★have/draw/pull/wear a long face:哭丧着脸;板着脸

:Jill had such a long face yesterday after she learned that she failed her exam.

★a long row to hoe:麻烦的工作,艰巨的任务

:I know finishing this thesis will be a long row to hoe, but I’m actually looking forward to the challenge.

★a long leash:形容被给予很大的自由,未受到严格的监管/牵制

:Her parents giver her quite a long leash, so it doesn’t surprise me that she gets up to as much trouble as she does.

★a long shot:形容成功的可能性不大;不大会成功的尝试

:Her candidacy was a long shot from the beginning, and her landslide defeat was no surprise.

★be long in the tooth:指年纪大;尤指年纪太大(而无法做某事)

:Our poor cat is so long in the tooth that he struggles just walking around the house these days.

★cast a long shadow:形容影响深远

:Cancer has cast a long shadow over almost every family in the country.


★a card up (one’s) sleeve:暗中留着的一手;秘而不宣的计划

:I figured the defense attorney had a card up her sleeve, and here it is—a new eye-witness.

★a few cards shy of a (full) deck:比喻人的智力或精神状态不太正常

:He says he’s going to start a business selling bees as pets—I think he may be a few cards shy of a full deck.

★a house of cards:筹划不周难以成功的计划;不牢靠的计划

:So your plan is to just cram and miraculously get good grades on all of your exams? That sounds like a real house of cards to me!

★be in the cards:某事可能发生;有把握

:If you keep performing at this level, I think a promotion is in the cards.

★go in with good cards:大有成功的可能

:I studied so hard for this exam that I feel like I’m going in with good cards for once.

★keep (one’s) cards close to (one’s) vest:守口如瓶;秘而不宣

:We’re all curious about what the boss has been discussing in those meetings with the lawyers, but she’s keeping her cards close to her vest.

★show (one’s) cards:摊牌;吐露自己的真实打算

【近义词:lay one’s cards on the table;tip/show one’s hand;have a showdown】


★bare-knuckle fight:残酷的斗争

:We always knew it would be a bare-knuckle fight to get this legislation approved, so we’re prepared to do whatever it takes.

★a straight fight:一对一的竞选

★an uphill fight:艰难的博弈

★couldn’t fight (one’s) way out of a wet paper bag:形容某人软弱无力

:You can definitely beat that scrawny kid—come on, he couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag!

★fight tooth and nail/claw:竭尽全力或激烈斗争

:The senator vowed to fight the proposal tooth and claw.

★fight a losing battle:进行一场毫无成功希望的斗争

★fight fire with fire:以毒攻毒;以其人之道还治其人之身

★fight the good fight:为正义而战

:They’ve been fighting the good fight for positive change in the company’s sexist culture.


★a paper tiger:纸老虎

:The new management team tries to command respect through lots of blustery speeches, but all of us workers just see it as a paper tiger.

★a paper trail:书面记录

★can’t carry a tune in a paper sack:形容在音乐方面没有天赋

:I think it’s lovely that George wants to be in his church choir, but that boy can’t carry a tune in a paper sack!

★give somebody their walking papers:解雇某人

:After messing up that account, I’m terrified that my boss is going to give me my walking papers.

★look good on paper:从理论上看起来合理(实际不然)

:Your idea looks good on paper, but I don’t think it would work in a real-world environment.

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