




I like sports

1. What time is it? 现在是几点?

2. How long does it take you to get to work? 你上班要花多长时间?

3. Does your father live in Roma? 你父亲住在罗马吗?

4. They are German. 他们是德国人。

5. I was too sleepy to get up in the morning. 我早上太困了,起不来。

6. Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? 你想要一杯咖啡还是茶?

7. Where is the bathroom? 洗手间在哪?

8. Nancy is the fastest swimmer in the class. 南希是班上游泳最快的。

9. This is the finest view I have ever seen. 这是我见过的最好的景色。

10. I like sports. 我喜欢运动。

Is this computer yours?

1. That is not a snake. 那不是蛇。

2. Who’s that woman standing next to Mary? 那个站在玛丽旁边的女人是谁?

3. Is this computer yours? 这是你的电脑吗?

4. What is this? 这是什么?

5. Of all these cakes I like this one best. 在所有这些蛋糕中,我最喜欢这一种。

6. How old are you? 你多大了?

7. How long have you been in Canada? 你来加拿大多久了?

8. She doesn’t have an iPad. 她没有iPad.

9. Are these any nice restaurants around here? 这附近有什么好餐馆吗?

10. She has a dog that is called Bob. 她有一只叫鲍勃的狗。

What do you do for work?

1. What do you do for work? 你做什么工作?

2. He sometimes plays the piano for us. 他有时会给我们弹钢琴。

3. I have never been scolded by a teacher. 我从来没有被老师骂过。

4. She’s really smart, isn’t she? 她真的很聪明,对吧?

5. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 你有几个兄弟姐妹?

6. My parents lost weight by running every morning. 我父母每天早上跑步减肥。

7. Her English is very good. 她的英语很好。

8. I’ll call you back after 6:30PM. 我晚上六点半以后给你回电话。

9. I am studying English. 我在学英语。

10. The price of the car is too high. 这辆车的价格太高了。

Is this a dictionary?

1. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

2. I have a cat and a dog. 我有一只猫和一只狗。

3. Let’s leave as soon as he arrives. 他一到我们就走。

4. Her hair is long. 她的头发很长。

5. Is this a dictionary? 这是一本字典吗?

6. Charlie can run the fastest in his school. 查理在学校里跑得最快。

7. I couldn’t eat lunch because I forgot my wallet. 我没法吃午饭,因为我忘记带钱包了。

8. I’m going to buy some food and then I’m going to the library. 我要去买些食物,然后去图书馆。

9. This is the same watch that I have lost. 这就是我丢失的那只表。

10. I don’t know that man talking with Alice. 我不认识那个正在和爱丽丝说话的男人。

Do you know where he went?

1. Has John arrived at the school yet? 约翰到学校了吗?

2. What lovely flowers these are! 这些花多漂亮啊!

3. Do you know where he went? 你知道他去哪里了吗?

4. We usually play basketball here. 我们通常在这里打篮球。

5. She cannot run fast. 她跑不快。

6. What are you listening to? 你在听什么?

7. This watermelon is not sweet. 这个西瓜不甜。

8. I must finish my homework before dinner. 我必须在晚饭前完成作业。

9. Were they in Spain last week? 他们上周在西班牙吗?

10. I was late to school. 我上学迟到了。

Did you play tennis last night?

1. Let’s play chess before dinner. 咱们晚饭前下棋吧。

2. I have a friend who lives in Australia. 我有个朋友住在澳大利亚。

3. I’d like to eat outside. 我想去外面吃饭。

4. I don’t know her name. 我不知道她的名字。

5. Did you play tennis last night? 你昨晚打网球了吗?

6. Is that car new? 那辆车是新的吗?

7. How many dogs are there in the room? 房间里有几只狗?

8. What are those fish? 那些是什么鱼?

9. Please write your name here. 请在这里写下你的名字。

10. How do I use this? 这个怎么用呢?

Where was this picture taken?

1. What do you do? 你是做什么工作的?

2. Those men are not German. 那些人不是德国人。

3. This train goes to Tokyo. 这列火车开往东京。

4. Could you pass me the sugar, please? 请把糖递给我好吗?

5. I am a high school student. 我是一名高中生。

6. Where was this picture taken? 这张照片是在哪里拍的?

7. I am not thirsty. 我不渴。

8. Linda’s father is a doctor. 琳达的父亲是一名医生。

9. Were they having breakfast then? 他们当时是在吃早餐吗?

10. What day is it today? 今天星期几?

How did you get here?

1. Do they play football? 他们踢足球吗?

2. You should drive at a safe speed. 你应该以安全的速度行驶。

3. We play tennis. 我们打网球。

4. How much coke do you drink every day? 你每天喝多少可乐?

5. There are two birds in the garden. 花园里有两只鸟。

6. How did you get here? 你是怎么来到这里的?

7. There is a church near my house. 我家附近有一个教堂。

8. How long will it take to repair my computer? 修理我的电脑需要多长时间?

9. Where were you this morning? 今天早上你在哪里?

10. May I have your name? 请问你叫什么名字?

Do you live near here?

1. Patricia lives in Sydney. 帕特里夏住在悉尼。

2. Is Ms. Smith from Canada? 史密斯女士是加拿大人吗?

3. I am from Canada. 我来自加拿大。

4. We walked more quickly than usual. 我们走得比平常快。

5. I don’t want to go to school tomorrow. 我明天不想去上学。

6. Do you live near here? 你住在这附近吗?

7. I watched the movie yesterday. 我昨天看了这部电影。

8. The buildings shook because of the earthquake. 建筑物因地震而摇晃。

9. Would you mind if I use your phone? 你介意我用一下你的电话吗?

10. There are a lot of fish in the pond. 池塘里有很多鱼。

He stopped smoking last year

1. That boy playing tennis is my son. 那个打网球的男孩是我的儿子。

2. Where do you want to eat tonight? 你今晚想去哪里吃饭?

3. He stopped smoking last year. 他去年戒烟了。

4. It was hot yesterday. 昨天很热。

5. Is this your notebook? 这是你的笔记本吗?

6. The movie is popular among the youngsters. 这部电影在年轻人中很受欢迎。

7. This cell phone is hers. 这部手机是她的。

8. This is the most interesting movie I’ve ever seen. 这是我看过的最有趣的电影。

9. How is the weather in London? 伦敦的天气怎么样?

10. The weather is fine today. 今天天气很好。

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