

周末听歌 Don't You Forget

可能是生活在喧嚣的大城市的缘故吧,一个人独处的时候喜欢听安静的音乐。特别喜欢Era的Don't You Forget,ERA是一个新世纪音乐(New-age Music)团体,对于新世纪音乐,最主要的特征维基百科作出了以下的说明:

New-age music is a genre of music intended to create artistic inspiration, relaxation, and optimism. It is used by listeners for yoga, massage, meditation, and reading as a method of stress management or to create a peaceful atmosphere in their home or other environments.

我喜欢一首歌,有时是因为旋律,但更多的是因为歌词。Don't You Forget一开场的那个小男孩和小女孩的对话,是我最喜欢的。


Don't You Forget Era - 弥撒

Era-Don't You Forget

Mom's sick, she say she can't get up
My little brother is getting hungry
I must go to the village and ask for some food
Would you help me? Sure Connie, I'll help ya

I always feel good when you're with me
You're my friend, Connie
Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you? Cross my heart

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all of our dreams
Now you've gone away
Only emptiness remains

I always feel good when you're with me
You're my friend, Connie
Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you?

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young

In a world of innocence

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all of our dreams
Now you've gone away
Only emptiness remains

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me

We were soft and young
In a world of innocence
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all of our dreams

Now you've gone away
Only emptiness remains
Don't you forget about me

We were soft and young
In a world of innocence
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me

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