

世界美食 (中英对照)

Must-Try Foods of the World

Safety is the usual choice for globaltravelers when faced with a menu of unknown dishes. But a great meal transcendsall cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the bestway to connect with its people and culture.


Argentina 阿根廷

This South Americannation is best known for beef and empanadas1, but there’s so much more toexplore. Believe it or not, the ice cream here is among the best in the world,and Dulce de Leche and malbec2 flavors are absolute must-haves. If you’re inthe mood for cheese, don’t leave without sampling provoleta – a smokyprovolone3 sprinkled with oregano. As for native Andean cuisine, locro, ahearty stew of corn, beans, squash and meat, is delicious.



No culinary trip hereis complete without a visit to the state of Bahia.First thing to order: Moqueca de peixe, a fish (and sometimes shrimp) stew madewith tomatoes and coconut milk. For a satisfying weekend lunch – not unlikeAmerican brunch – feijoada4, a heavy stew of beans, meat and sausage, servedwith rice, can be found all over Brazil. If you’re looking for somethinglighter, fresh grilled fish with tomato-and-onion salad coupled with a coupleof Brahma5 beers is a perfect beach meal.



In Beijing the restaurants in the alleyways ofQian Men are renowned for hot pot, or huo guo. Here you’ll find the streets arelined with boiling pots filled with soup ingredients. Its excellent selectionsrange from Mongolian specialties – best known for lamb and mutton dishes – andspicy Szechuan.

Some 600-plus milesaway, Shanghaiis best known for its street food, especially soup dumplings. But don’t stopthere, Shen jian bao, steamed pork bun, makes for a perfect for snack, whilejian bing, egg-based crepes with a bean sauce or chili smear, is a local powerbreakfast.




Word of advice: Avoidstreet food. Try to score an invite to a local dinner table rather than settlefor street vendors. Many locals are vegetarian, but Indian cuisine includes avariety of delicious meat and seafood. Grilled minced lamb, seekh kebabs, arethe staple of Tandoori6 cooking, while the nation’s coastal regions arerenowned for masala (spiced) fish or prawns. Natives advise caution when eatingseafood during the monsoon months of June to August due to the increase inwater-borne diseases.

While India conjuresup images of curries, local specialties are worth digging around for. In North India, never say no to chaat or paani-puri. Thesedelicious crispy crackers are dressed up with condiments7 of the sweet andspicy variety. If you’re in the south, don’t leave without trying freshcoconut. Traveling tappers climb coconut trees, tap the fruit’s blossom anddecant the sap into a bottle. As the day progresses, the liquid becomesincreasingly intoxicating, transforming from a light, fizzy drink mid-morningand fermenting into a seriously strong alcoholic drink by evening.




Pizza not exoticenough for you? The pizza in Napleshas a “DOP8” stampof approval from the Italian government to authenticate it. The ingredients aresimply dough and a rich marinara sauce with oregano. Locals say there’ssomething in the water density in Naplesthat guarantees you will never have a pizza like it anywhere else in the world.

If you’re lucky enoughto be around during the autumn truffle season, try uova con tartufi – friedeggs with truffle oil. It can’t be found on restaurant menus, but chefs from Tuscany and Umbriawill know exactly what you mean if you ask for it.


如果你足够幸运是在秋季松露季节前后来到意大利,那么一定要尝尝加了松露油的煎蛋“uovacon tartufi”。虽然餐厅的菜谱上没有这种煎蛋,但如果你点这个食物的话,来自托斯卡纳区和翁布里亚的厨师们肯定知道你点的是什么。


You can get greatsushi almost everywhere, so when you’re in Japan it’s worth trying otherdelicacies. Okonomiyaki, a savory pancake (or Japanese pizza) from Hiroshima, is made withbatter, vegetables, seaweed, meat, a sweet sauce resembling Worcestershire9,and Japanese mayonnaise. Other regional delicacies include anago-meshi, or seaeel rice, and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata, a pork-bone white soup with ramennoodles.



Many dishes, such ashummus10, a delicious chickpea spread, are pervasive throughout the Middle East. But when you’re in Beirut, don’t leave without trying mezze, aselection of starters with dips like hummus and the smoky eggplant babaganoush, fresh vegetables, olives and leavened bread that could be a meal initself.

Lebanese cuisinerelies heavily on poultry and meat, especially lamb, grilled or served in astew. Lebanonalso has a growing wine industry, but only order if you’re handed a wine menu;traditional Islamic law generally prohibits drinking alcohol.




The best meals areworth the money in Russia.If you see solyanka on the menu, don’t hesitate to order. This salty, sour andoften spicy soup combined with meat or fish and topped with smetana, Russiansour cream, is delicious.

Borscht and pelmeni(dumplings) are ubiquitously Russian, but experiment with different varieties,such as salmon and wild mushroom pelmeni. Borscht can be spiced up with roastedapples and smoked goose breast. If you find the time, a culinary side trip to Georgia or Armenia in search of Azerbaijainiplov, a spiced rice dish cooked with meat and dried fruit, is worth thejourney.


罗宋汤和俄罗斯饺子“佩尔米尼”在俄罗斯非常常见,不过你也可以尝尝各种不同的口味,比如鲑鱼和野蘑菇水饺。罗宋汤可以用烘烤过的苹果和熏鹅脯来提味。如果你有时间的话,可以顺便去游览一下格鲁吉亚或亚美尼亚,品尝一种用肉和果脯烹制而成的香米饭“Azerbaijaini plov”,绝对不虚此行。


If you’re anywhere inSpain,you must try Manchego. Manchego has an intense flavor, so enjoy it solo withbread, served with olives and meat or accompanied by a full-bodied red wine – aRioja makes sense.

Barcelona is partof Catalunya, a region in Spainthat has a very distinct culture and cuisine. Must-haves include patatasbravas, crisp-fried potatoes with a secret sauce, and mel i mato, a curd cheeseand honey dessert cooked in an earthenware pot. Even if you’re rushing on anovernight trip through Barcelona,don’t leave without sampling these two dishes!



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