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  There are several ways that Playful Parentingcan help you. The first is something you can do with your child. You can useplay to work through some of these emotional confusions, the type of tensionthat I call a knot, like a knot tied a rope. He has developed tension aboutneeds and demands, and getting his needs met. This is a game you play with yourchild when the grandparents are not around. It starts by you saying to thechild, “hey, I have noticed that sometimes you talk to your grandparents in abossy and demanding way and sometimes if they say no, you get very very upsetand angry. Have you noticed that?” It’s very important when you introduce thisgame that you have a big smile on your face, a genuine and warm smile. I callit the “you are not in trouble face”. Because when children feel they are introuble, they shut down and close up and they are not going to feel playful. Sowe want to introduce the idea that it’s ok, they are not in trouble, we can useplay to help this situation. So you say, “hey, I have noticed this. Let’s playsome games about it.” And then you wait, because your child may come up with areally good game that you would never have thought of. And you do whatevergames your child wants to play. If the child says, “ok we can play a game aboutthat, what do you want to play?”, then you can say, “how about you boss mearound or how about I try to boss you around and you say no.” And you just playa lot of really funny games about being bossy and demanding. The goal of thiskind of play is not to practice so he learns to speak properly. This is not theidea. The idea is to laugh, laugh, and laugh to reduce the tension that hasbuilt up around getting what he wants. You can say to your child: “give me tencookies, give me ten cakes, give one hundred toys.” Your child will say no andyou say, “oh, it’s not fair.” Or your child says this to you, “sit down, nowstand up, now sit down again.” And you say “OK, yes yes yes, you can tell meexactly what to do. Shall I sit down now? shall I stand up now? Shall I standup my head?” You do this in an exaggerated and funny way. Now of course this isduring play time, you don’t want your child run everything in life. Youngchildren are not capable to make every important decision in life. This is justduring a concentrated play time.

  Now the second thing is about grandparents.So with grandparents, this is a harder part. They might not be so open. But youcan also say, “hey I have noticed that sometimes my son talks to you in a waythat is disrespectful and demanding. And I noticed that this can be veryconfusing to you because you love him so much and you want to say yes to him.But you don’t want him to be bossy and demanding. This must be very confusing,what’s that like for you?” Then you listen as much as possible, listen listenlisten to what it is like for them. And one thing you might also say is, “It isso important for me that you and your grandson have a really good relationship.I’m so glad that he has you in his life. I’m so glad you have him as your grandson.”This usually melts a grandparent’s heart. Then you can share what you havelearned about compassion and listening: “Something that I have learnt is thatif I kneel down to the floor, listen to what he wants and understand what hefeels, then he handles it much better when I have to say no.” But remember,sharing this kind of information with your parents or your husband’s parentswill only work if you have done a lot of listening to the grandparents first.

  And the last thing I would say about this isthat you mentioned your son will scream and cry loudly after hearing “no” fromhis grandparents. Usually we think this is a problem, this is bad, the child isscreaming. But of course you know in Playful Parenting we try to welcomefeelings and understand that feelings are ok. Of course child is upset becausethey want something but they can’t have it. The important thing is that we dohave to set limit. So we set the limit, we say no and then we listen to thefeelings. So screaming and crying is only a problem if nobody is listening, ifnobody can really get down on the floor, and be warm and empathic and with thechild. And of course a lot of us adults feel if we do that, if we are warm,understanding and empathic to a child who is screaming and crying, they aregoing to scream and cry more. But the fact is that when they feel that someonereally listens to them, really understand how they feel, then they relax.

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