


Chapter 2. OpenShift User Interfaces

2.1. Management Console

The OpenShift Online management console is a graphical interface accessed with a web browser at www.openshift.com. The management console is best suited for:
  • Account administration and management
  • Launch new applications
  • Manage and monitor applications

2.2. Client Tools

The OpenShift Online client tools are used to manage your cloud environment using a command line interface, and provide features that are not currently available from the management console. The client tools are best suited for:
  • Coding
  • Debugging
  • Advanced application management
See the OpenShift Online Client Tools Installation Guide for instructions on how to install and configure the client tools.
For a full list of client tool commands, run rhc --help.

Chapter 3. User Accounts

An OpenShift Online user account allows you to create and manage applications within a unique namespace on OpenShift Online. This chapter presents tasks related to managing and accessing your user account.

3.1. Basic Administration

You can manage your account using either the management console or client tools.

3.1.1. Management Console

The OpenShift Online management console is used for most account administrative tasks, with some of the more common tasks described below.
Changing a Password
Navigate to the My Account page, and click Change your settings to change your password.
Managing Subscription Plans
Navigate to the My Account page, and click Plan Details to view your current plan, and to view the available upgrade and downgrade options.
Account Help and Technical Support
There are two types of help and support available based on the type of subscription plan.
Silver Plan
Navigate to the My Account page, and click Account Help to access the help page. If the problem is not addressed in the frequently asked questions list, submit your account-related questions using the Submit a question regarding your account box.
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