



(总分:120  考试时间:80分钟)


I.                单项选择( 25 )

(     ) 1.There are       tomatoes on the table, but there isn’t       mutton on it.

A.     some, some   B. some, any   C. any , any    D. any, some.

(     ) 2. He doesn’t like coffee        milk, but he likes tea        beer.

  A. and, and    B. and , or    C. or, and   D. or, or

(     ) 3.---- Who__ the little girl?.----Alice’s mother____.

  A.knew;does   B. know;does    C. knows;did    D. knew;did

(     ) 4. I was         busy this week.

A.     a bit of   B. a little bit   C.  a bit little   D. a kind of

(     ) 5. She is good- looking        long black hair. She is        a red hat.

 A .has, has  B. with, on   C. has , wears  D. with, wearing

(     ) 6.      bowl of noodles     he like? A medium one

A.     What, does           B. What size, would

C. What kind, would      D. How, would

(     ) 7. Jim        watch TV after dinner       last night.

A.     wasn’t , on B. didn’t, on C. doesn’t, in  D.  didn’t,  /

(    )8.We have many specials.Special I is     noodles, is justRMB7       15.

 A. egg, for    B. eggs, for    C. egg, of       D. eggs, at.

(     )9.Lily often ____at school early,  but this morning she ___ late. 

A. arrive;  arrived         B. arrived;  arrived

C. arrives;  arrives        D. arrives;  arrived

 (     ) 10.He ___think his sister___ play the violin.She never learns to play it.

  A. don’t;can’t    B. don’t;can .        C.does;can’t    D.doesn’t;can

(     ) 11. Why          Dean          his homewoek late last Saturday night?

     A. is, doing       B. does, do        C. did, do    D. is, doing

(     ) 12.                             ?

--- I’d like beef and tomato noodles. 

A. What would you like ?     B. What kind of noodles would you like?

C. What dumplings would you like?     D. Can I help you?

(     ) 13.What did you do last weekend? I        at home and        for the French exam.

A.     stay, study        B. studied, stayed

C. stayed, studied     D. studied, studied

(     ) 14. Would you like something to eat?

            .   I’m not hungry.

A.     I’d like it   B. I would   C. Yes, thank   D. No, thanks

(     ) 15. ----It’s time for dinner.Where’s your father,Carol?

----He___his car in the yard(院子)

   A. is cleaning,   B. cleans   C. cleaned   D. clean

(     ) 16. Our English teacher watched the students ___ ___tennis yesterday.

A.practiced;to play B. practice;plays C. practice;playing D.practiced; played

(     ) 17. Lucy ___her ring in the room but she didn’t ___ it.She was very sad.

   A.looks for;found B.looked for;find C.is looking for;find D. looked for;found

(     ) 18. The students ____ a happy ___ busy weekend last week.

   A. spent;but   B. took;but   C. paid;and   D.spending ;but

(     ) 19.  —What about         to the supermarket with me?

            —That’s a good idea.

   A. going   B. to go   C. went   D. goes

(     ) 20. A few days ago,  MrsVenice         a funny story__Qingdao.

   A. readed;at   B. looked at;in   C. read; about   D. watched;with

(     ) 21. Look! The young man is coming. He       a pair of cool sunglasses.

A. puts on   B. is putting on    C. is wearing    D. wear

(     )22. Some chicken       in the bowl. And some eggs       on the table.Which do you like?

   A. is, is    B. are, are    C. is , are    D. are, is

(     ) 23.         does your father look like?

A. How    B. What     C. Who    D. Where

(     ) 24. _____likes ice ream in Mr Black’s family. 

A. Not one   B. No ones   C. Nobody   D. No every one

(     ) 25. Do you know Michel Jackson, the rock star(摇滚明星)         long curly black hair___ the U.S.A?

  A. or;from   B. and,of    C. with;from   D. of;or


II.            辨音 ①找出划线部分读音不同的 (10)

1, A,looked   B,planned      C,hoped       D, stopped

2, A,zoo      B,cool         C,food         D,look

3, A,walk     B,half         C,talk         D,always

4, A,rice     B,decide       C,camp         D,center

5, A,weeks    B,stops        C,bags         D,likes


6/a:/ ar______ 7?:/ ir______   8/ei/ ay____  9/t?/ch____  10/e/ th__

III.        根据所给单词中文意思或首字母填空( 10 )

1. She’s a              (受欢迎的) teacher in our school.

2. Can you          (记住) what her new look is?

3. It’s 12:00.It’s time for us         (吃午饭)in our school.

4.My friend Annie         (举行 ) a birthday party at a restaurant last night.

5. There are some         (土豆) in the basket.


6. Let’s go to the supermarkert and do some s       .

7. Please give me a bottle of orange j        .

8. She was r____ busy last Sunday,so she didn’t go to the movie.

9. Jay Chou w_____ a new song for the TV play the day before yesterday(前天).

10. The students studied for the g_____   test last Sunday.

IV完型填空  每空1分( 10分 )

   Do you know how to study better(更好地) and make your study more effective (有效的)?We all know that Chinese students usually study hard for long hours.This is very good,but it doesn't  1  a lot.If you want to study effectively,you must have enough sleep,enough food,enough rest and  2  .Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places.It's good for your  3  .When you return to your studies,your mind(心里状态) will be refreshed (清醒)and you'll  4  more and study better.Here takes English learning as an example.First you make a lot of progress (进步)and you feel  5  .Then your languages study seems to stay the same and you may  6  it.This can last(持续) for days or even weeks,  7   you needn't lose hope.At some point (在某种程度上)your language study will  8  take another big jump.You'll see that you really have been learning all the time.If you get enough sleep,food,rest and exercise,studying English can be very effective and  9  .Don't drop it along the way.Learn slowly and you're sure to get  10   result(结果).

l.A.spend                   B.keep                  C.help                       D.look

2.A.homework          B.exercise            C.housework           D.time

3.A.study                  B.health                C.sleep                       D.life

4.A.hear                    B.ask                    C.think                       D.learn

5.A.surprised            B.worried              C.happy                     D.strange

6.A.forget               B.miss                   C.leave                      D.drop

7.A.and                     B.yet                            C.or                           D.till

8.A.again                  B.not                     C.never                     D.always

9.A.useful               B.helpful       C.interesting                     D.important

10.A.a bad                B.a good              C.an unhappy            D.an unknown


V.  句型转换( 按要求改写下列各句,每空限填 一词) ( 20 )

1. Tom did his homework last night.( 改为一般疑问句)

       Tom         his homework last night ?

2. I’d like a small bowl of rice.( 改为选择疑问句)

       you like a small bowl        a big bowl of rice?

3. Old Henry doesn’t want to do anything.(同义句转换)

Old Henry­­­­­____ to do­­_____.

4. Jim’s brother would like a large bowl of porridge.(对划线提问)

               bowl of porridge would Jim’s brother like?

5. Do you often stay at home in the evening?(改为一般过去式)

        you        at home last night?

6,Old Henry has no dog and no family. (同义句转换)

Old Henry____ have a dog __ a family,

7,Gloria made dumplings with her brother in the kitchen. (对划线提问)

______ did Gloria_____ dumplings with in the kitchen?

8,There were some children in the school yesterday afternoon. ( 改为一般疑问句)

_____there ____ children in the school yesterday afternoon?

9,Can I help you? (同义句转换)  _____can I do ___you?

10,The little girl went to school happily yesterday. (对划线提问)

_____did the little girl ____ to school yesterday?

VI阅读理解( 30分 )


My sister Sharon and I look very different. She’s tall, and I’m short. She has short, curly dark (黑暗的,深色的) hair, and I have long, straight blonde hair. We both have dark eyes, but Sharon wears glasses, and I don’t. And she always wears large earrings (耳环). I don’t wear earring.

   Sharon and I do many things together (一起). We watch movies together, and we often go shopping. We play tennis together each Saturday. Often, people don’t know that Sharon and I are sisters, because we look so different. But we are also good friends.

(     ) 1. What does Sharon look like? She        .

A. is tall and has dark hair      B. doesn’t wear earrings

C. has long, straight blond hair    D. is short and dark hair

(     ) 2. The sisters don’t        together.

A. exercise  B. play tennis C. go shopping  D. watch movies

(     ) 3. The two sisters both_       .

A. wear glasses              B. have blond hair

C. like earrings               D. have dark eyes

(     ) 4. What does the word “ different” mean in Chinese?

A.一样的    B. 困难的  C. 不一样的 D. 友善的

(     ) 5. Which is the best title (标题) for this reading?

A. Meeting New Fiends      B. My Hobbies.

C. Two sisters              D. Playing Tennis


Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. One day he goes to the cinema (电影院). It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket () and then goes in. But after two or three minutes (分钟) he comes out, buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes after he comes out and asks for another (另一张) ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office (售票处) asks him, “ Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” Tom answers, No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears () my ticket to pieces( )

(     ) 6.Tom wants to buy         when the girl asks him .

A. the second ticket    B. the third ticket

C. the fourth ticket     D. the fifth ticket

(     ) 7.The big boy stops Tom at the door because        .

A.     it is the big boy’s job.        B. the big boy doesn’t like Tom.

B.     the big boy doesn’t know Tom  D. Tom doesn’t buy tickets at all.

(     ) 8.The big boy is         at the cinema.

A. a bookseller (售书员)  B. a policeman C. a reporter   D. a worker

(     ) 9. From the story we know        .

A. the little boy have a lot of money

B. the little boy knows nothing about the cinema

C. the big boy isn’t friendly to Tom

D. the girl wants to get more money

(     ) 10.Which of the following is Not Right in the passage?

A.     Tom buys the tickets for himself.

B.     Tom doesn’t go for the cinema before.

C.     Tom is too young to make friends.

D.    Tom has no friend at the cinema.



阅读下列短文,判断正( T )( F )

English breakfast is a big meal-eggs,  tomatoes,  tea,  coffee. . .

For many people,  lunch is a quick meal.  In cities,  there are a lot of sandwich bars.  There office workers can buy their favorite bread-brown,  white,  or a roll and even all kinds of salad,  meat and fish.  School children can have a hot meal at school.  But many just take a sandwich,  a soft drink and some fruit from home.

“Tea” means two things.  It is a drink and also a meal!  Some people have afternoon tea with sandwiches,  cakes and a cup of tea.

They usually have the evening meal quite late,  between 6: 00 pm and 8: 00 pm,  and often all the family eat together.

On Sundays,  many families have a traditional lunch.  They have chicken,  pork with potatoes,  vegetables. . .

Englishmen like food from other countries,  especially from France,  China,  Italy and India.  People often get take-away food—they buy the food outside and then bring it home to eat.


   ) 11. In England for many people,  lunch is a big meal .

   ) 12. English breakfast is a quick meal ,they just have eggs.

   ) 13. They usually have the evening meal quite late.

   ) 14. “Tea” means only one thing.  It is a drink in the afternoon!

   ) 15. On Sundays,  many families have a traditional lunch .






. 书面表达(15)

Wendy上星期度过了一个忙碌的周末,请根据表格内的信息,写一篇有关Wendy的周末的短文( 注意时态变化 )







clean her room ,

wash her clothes

do her homework

visit her aunt


go to the library

practice English

watch TV

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