



Daniel Hope Trying To Tell Yehudi’s Story

By George Robinson


It was a fairy tale come true. The beleaguered family that had been shoved across the globe — no money, no belongings, no prospects — was suddenly rescued by a mysterious, grandfatherly benefactor. He swept them away from an uncertain future in London to a magical chalet in Switzerland, and everything changed.


Daniel Hope was 4 years old when his mother received an invitation to work for Yehudi Menuhin as the violinist’s personal secretary. Menuhin brought the entire family to his summer home in Switzerland, the base for his summer music festival and a home-away-from-home for the world-class musicians who performed there.


Today, Hope is himself a violin virtuoso, celebrating the centenary of his mentor’s birth with a new CD, “My Tribute to Yehudi Menuhin” (Deutsche Grammophon) and a concert tour that includes a March 4 performance at Alice Tully Hall.


“He was the friendly grandpa,” Hope said of Menuhin in a telephone interview last week. “He called himself my ‘musical grandfather.’ I called him Houdini for a long time; he was the ultimate escape artist, constantly escaping into his music.”

“他就像一个慈爱的爷爷”,霍普在上周的电话访谈中这样评价梅纽因,“他自称是我音乐上的祖父。很长一段时间内,我都叫他胡迪尼(Harry Houdini, 擅长逃脱术,被称为历史上最伟大的魔术师);他是一个极致的脱逃术士,时刻准备隐遁到自己的音乐中。”

Hope’s earliest memories of Menuhin (who died in 1999) are of the “beautiful chalet, filled with music, the most beautiful music,” and of the astounding, eclectic chorus of friends who surrounded their host.“He embraced music universally, in all genres. [Sitar player] Ravi Shankar was there, and [jazz violinist] Stéphane Grappelli,” Hope said. “Of course I had no idea who they were.”How did this little boy end up in such exalted company?

关于梅纽因(他于1999年逝世),霍普最早的记忆是“漂亮的房子,里面充满音乐。那是世界上最华美的音乐”,还有那些围在房子主人身边的形形色色、令人称奇的朋友们。“他包容每一种形式、每一种文化的音乐。这边是拉维·香卡(Ravi Shankar,锡塔尔琴演奏家),那边是史蒂芬·格拉佩里(Stephane Grappelli,爵士小提琴家)”,霍普说,“当然,那个时候我完全不知道他们是谁。”那小霍普又是缘何如此幸运,得到在这些音乐界璀璨群星的陪伴下成长的机会呢?

Both sides of Hope’s family were marked by historical tragedy. His father’s Irish forebears were driven from Ireland by the Great Famine, landing in 19th-century South Africa. His mother’s relatives were prominent Jewish-German industrialists forced to flee their home when the Nazis came to power. In South Africa, his father became a successful writer but, as a staunch opponent of apartheid, became a non-person, ultimately stripped of his citizenship and forced to emigrate to London.


“In the early 1970s it was impossible to find a job there,” Hope recounted. “My mother said she’d take any job she could find. She’d trained as a secretary when she was younger, but we still couldn’t make ends meet. We couldn’t go back to South Africa. She called everyone she knew and finally managed to meet the head of a high-powered employment agency, who had two offers for her. She could serve as secretary to Menuhin or to the Archbishop of Canterbury.”


The then-Archbishop had not distanced himself from the apartheid regime of South Africa, so Hope’s mother dismissed that option instantly, telling the headhunter that she’d go with Menuhin.The job interview was as improbable as the rest of the story.


Hope explained, “[Menuhin] was practicing, he turned to my mother and said, ‘Do you know the difference between Bach and Beethoven?’ When she said she did, he asked her when she could start. And he told her ‘Pack your things, we’re going to Gstaad. Bring your family; I would never separate a mother and her children.’ ”


What began as a two-month engagement went on for the next 24 years, with Menuhin guiding young Daniel’s musical career. The two performed together many times.It was, needless to say, an unparalleled learning experience for the younger violinist.


“The 60 concerts we did together, the hundreds of hours of practicing, he taught me to always look at the score as if it were the first time you were seeing it,” Hope said. “He said, ‘Never get comfortable with the music. These composers are always above you.’ You would think you know [a piece] and he’d throw you a curve. That’s why his interpretations were so different over the years. It kept him young and kept everyone enthralled.”


An appropriate insight from a man who told Hope, “Music is the only language in which you cannot lie.”In putting together the program for his CD and concert tour, Hope found himself “trying to tell [Menuhin’s] story.”He explained, “I wanted to focus on the pieces I really connected to him. The Bartok duets are ones I played with him as a kid. The Vivaldi [Concerto in A minor for Two Violins, Strings, and Continuo, Op. 3, No. 8, RV 522] was a piece I trained on with him. I started out with that and went through the musical influences, the diversity of his repertoire.”

曾经有人向霍普提出这样的洞见:“音乐是唯一不会撒谎的语言。”而当他把CD和巡演都安排妥帖的时候,霍普发现他的音乐“在尝试讲述梅纽因的故事。”他解释道,“我希望专注在那些让我感觉他还在我身边的曲目上。巴托克的二重奏是我小时候和他一起拉过的。维瓦尔第那部作品《a小调双小提琴协奏曲》(Concerto in A minor for Two Violins, Strings, and Continuo)则是他带着我练习的。我以这些作品为引子,过渡到他那些极具影响力的多种多样的曲目。”

 The biggest surprise in the program is the prevalence of contemporary works from the likes of Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Hans Werner Henze and Shulamit Ran.

 CD里最大的惊喜可能就是丰富的现代音乐了。史蒂芬·莱许(Steve Reich),菲利普·格拉斯(Philip Glass),汉斯·维尔纳·亨策(Hans Werner Henze),舒勒密·兰(Shulamit Ran)等作曲家的作品都涵盖其中。

“They wrote pieces for him, so his voice speaks out through these pieces,” Hope said.Putting this program together was like a visit with an old, trusted, admired friend and family member, Hope remarked.“It was incredibly moving; it was like being in touch again,” he said.


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