

Hidden Gems: Study Spots | New Student Guide

Whatever your vision of college is now, you’ll soon come to realize it’s not all about parties and hanging out with friends. You’ll actually have to go to class, interact with your professors and, most of all, study. There are tons of places around campus and the neighborhood to get work done, but the problem with so many of them is that they’re always crowded. Here, we’re taking a look at a few “hidden” study spots on or near campus where you’ll be able to escape the crowds and get a different type of studying experience.

Bioethics Research Library

If you’re looking to avoid Lau but still want that quiet study-inducing atmosphere, look no further than the Bioethics Library. This small library, located on the first floor of Healy, houses books and journals related to bioethics — but that’s not why you’re there. You’re there to take in the beautiful room, use its many outlets and get some work done. The only downsides to studying at the Bioethics Library are its hours. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and noon to 7 p.m. on weekends, it’s obviously not a good study spot for those late-night cram sessions. Nonetheless, the Bioethics Library is great for a mid-day study session between classes, especially if you have classes in nearby Maguire or Healy.


While most students flock to Lau or other designated study spaces around campus, some of the best study spaces may be the ones you visit everyday: Classrooms. Classrooms in ICC, Walsh or Car Barn are perfect for studying — especially on the weekends when you won’t find yourself kicked out for a class. Whether you’re working on a group project or just want to have a whole room to yourself, you’ll find that classrooms can be some of the more versatile study spaces on campus.

Regents 5

Ever since Regents Hall opened two years ago with its abundant outlets and study spaces located throughout its hallways, it’s become a popular study spot to rival the MSB and the Leavey Center on that end of campus. But, what most students don’t know about is the fifth floor of Regents. Located above the main passageway from Leavey to Regents, most people pass beneath this small study area without even knowing it exists. The space has a few couches and tables for relaxing or studying and is a great place to do some reading in comfort without many distractions from people walking by, which can be a big problem on the lower floors of Regents.

Georgetown Neighborhood Library

Georgetown’s public library, situated at 3260 R St NW off of Wisconsin Ave, offers a good place to switch up your usual study routine. The library was completely renovated following a fire in 2007 and has multiple rooms for reading or studying. They’re open late — until 9 p.m. — on some days during the week and have pretty solid weekend hours. More information on hours and he various spaces available at the library can be found on their website.

Le Pain Quotidien

This French-themed cafe located at 2815 M St NW is far enough from campus that you won’t find yourself surrounded by stressing students. With free Wi-Fi and excellent food and drink options, you’ll find everything you need here for a day of studying. Snag a table on their outdoor patio during the warmer months to get a break from depressing Lau and enjoy the nice weather while you can.


This coffeehouse located in Adams Morgan at 2459 18th St NW is great study spot to get away from the bustle of campus. A quick 30-minute walk or shorter bus ride from campus, you can get here rather easily. Unlike the traditional coffee shop, Tryst offers table service so you don’t even have to leave your seat for additional food or drink. On weekdays, they offer free Wi-Fi, but, on weekends, the joint goes internet-free — perfect if you need to focus on finishing that book or writing a paper without any internet distractions.

About the author: Ian Tice is a rising senior in the College. Most days, you can find him doing last-minute work in the Bioethics Library between classes.

Photos: Alexander Brown/The Hoya

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