



        (片)federal funding 聯邦政府的支助
                This publishing company relies mainly upon federal funding.
                    publishing a.出版的 n.出版社
                    rely upon 依賴,依靠
                    mainly adv.主要地
        the Federal Government of the United States 美國聯邦政府
        亦可寫成  the federal government of the United States
                The federal government will donate $1 billion to those states that need money for their economic 
                    donate v.t 捐贈(+ to) 
                    for 為了
                    economic a.經濟上的
                (似) league n.聯盟
                The football federation is planning to hold more friendly matches this year to promote football development 
                is this country.  足球聯盟 計畫在今年主辦更多場的有誼賽以促進該國的足球發展
The issue of scxual discrimination in th office was widely discussed druing the meeting.
Susan took issue with Peter over who should be responsible for the mistake.
What is at issue now is when is the time to deal with the problem.
The latest issue of Vogue magazine featured an interview with Brad Pitt.
feature v.t 以 ...為特色
The government has issued a large number of booklets to explain its new policies.
v.t 發行
take issue with sb over sth 
=disagree with sb ove sth
be at issue
=be in disagreement
issue sth 發行某物
1 federal federation issue stock stockholder series serial saint corporation corporate commission commissioner conduct conductor misconduct recommend recommendation grant interpretation interpreter communist communism mount spur saddle rain harness confront confrontation personnel distinction distinctive entitle rifle pistol cannon meantime wholesome ozone adore adorable glacier haunt abortion abortion barefoot barehanded chant fluency foul
2 maintenance substantial substantially prospect prospective justify justification contemporary prehistoric league notion alter alteration supreme execute executive execution submit submission submissive estate interior exterior scheme partly purchase cite proportion ratio chairman impose imposing yield hence prevail prevailing overall sharpen stray astray jade awe awesome barren novice pastime silkworm cocoon locust 3 bureau bureaucracy category categorize massive extension extensive versus strain legislation legislative legislature legislator lawmaker specialist specialize specialty resume resume/resume' enterprise entrepreneur observer index potential residence resident residential reside prior priority setting secure insecure particle molecule worship fabric pastime toad countdown cello fiddle violinist weird whiskey tavern tiptoe swamp bog pacific tempo 
4 admiral colonel lieutenant sergeant restrain restraint architect architecture whereas nonetheless umpire referee nowhere vein artery treasury gay sustain motive impetus impetus impulse impulsive sacred extraordinary suspend suspense suspension sentiment sentimental porch corridor terrace exceed excess excessive turnover miser puff beforehand obstinate flaw flawless fiance fiancee flake incense innumerable lump msdh pyramid 
5 covert coversion vague vaguely blur cling grip snatch clutch clasp acknowledge acknowledgement storage document documentary reverse vigor vigorous vigorously widespread frontier undoubtedly stain specimen circuit myth mythology colleague enthusiastic enthusiastically widow widower rail condemn occurrence ceremony regged shabby scramble scrabble server fuss fussy yoga dressing mayonnaise memo meddle moss stew 
6 preach preacher sermon gospel fiber correspondence corresponding correspondent gathering eternal eternity bound boundless boundary diameter radius agriculture agricultural gross elaborate compute computerize fraction upward(s) doward(s) upward downward straighten patent copyright logo trademark poetic substitute substitution sensitivity sensation sensational boredom banner bleach chubby hermit jack oatmeal ounce packet peck woodpecker 
7 academy denial compel freight whiskey ally alliance affection affectionate declaration ethics ethical statistics statistical rigid province provicial constitutional stumble stagger rear stake plead plead contend continuity continuation erect erection dispose disposable disposal tribute overhear peek congestion lifespan susceptible polar Arctic Antarctic maple olive triple update stun stunning shrub shutter 
8 abrupt abruptly patch induce crystal worthy worthwhile colonial midst mold startle startling devotion thrust broaden breadth modify modification layer reproduce reproduction despair overwhelm overwhelming embrace ranch rancher shortage ridge gorge spectacle spectacles patrol lest destiny destined destination tuck prey spotlight lime awhile badge hearty calligraphy heavenly flick flip hi-fi honk 
9 sheriff marshal housing treaty combat warrior destructive destructively supervise supervisor supervision mutter mumble lessen heighten lumber tilt segment realm mod exclude excluding scar tile plunge prolong civic civics orientation orientation spectator viewer viewpoint ample shatter heroic whirl swirl kin clan batch bazaar devour gobble gulp oar paddle mermaid nostril hood 
10 bosom dispense dispensable indispensable poke fascinate fascinating fascination accustom priceless invaluable nucleus exclaim shriek blizzard vacuum contemplate contemplation blot stride sprint gallop trot blonde smash batter slap exceptional curriculum loop reel coil scroll venture oriental resent resentment pluck penetrate penetration penetrating savage barbarian steer foil compound notable notably noteworthy confession 
11 workshop behalf utter utterly sole solely solo linger roam stroll optimism optimist pessimism pessimist scan commodity mainstream marginal indifferent indifference caution cautious cautiously precaution weary fatigue availability verbal verbally nonverbal peasant contempt despise scorn conceal cellar tempt temptation intuition rugged infinite finit pier wharf pledge proession shove shred straightforward isle 12 geographical sober astronomy astronomer ridiculous ridicule absurd commend beloved continental sturdy stout robust structural anchor preference statesman dwelling dwell haul bulk bulky via patron plantation orchard grove compromise plow sow reap odds scrape bruise saloon parlor apt blast gust doorway doorstep driveway calf falter feeble jug kindle graze handicraft artifact 
13 manifest mainfestation loom commute commuter comply abide flourish wither imperial majestic majesty indulge indulgence revive revival consent suitcase briefcase hostile hostility distress agony quest muscular ego resort brood immense immensely carbon applause applaud solemn elevate assault corruption corrupt bribe dazzle dazzling jolly joyous glee gleeful stalk crater lavea sulfur fume 14 slam currency likelihood enrool embody shiver quiver shudder sinister counsel counseling counselor vertical horizontal ward solitary solitude scrape nude grease dialect understandable endeavor creek crouch stoop squat commonplace monstrous delegate delegation bid duration profile boulevard mingle suppress revolt grim nonviolent illegible torrent overflow tramp trample navigate navigation navigator pretentious rhino 15 parallel stack mound noticeable cluster tournament asset journalism journalist ace mock jeer taunt intent revolve soak tin zinc bronze paradox paradoxically trim prune comrade thigh patriot patriotic pilgrim pilgrimage auditorium arena alien stereotype stern discard escort nominate nomination nominee curb blacksmith thorn prick cathedral shrine braid brooch cracker caretaker janitor 16 tentative foe magnify salmon bass carp trout tuna folklore yarn summon menace peril undergraduate framework notify transparent livestock poultry fowl novelty outsider insider doing wrongdoing overdo outdo frantic hymn anthem psalm streak stripe garment drape infectious contagious vine vineyard ivy decay broth bulge jingle tick rustle hiss publicize rip 17 reckon surge ripple crossroads crossing compact juvenile adolescence adolescent hurl dough periodical periodical stall booth skeleton skull spine backbone rib wilderness wildlife mourn mournful nobility duke earl compass torture torment chord choir attendance agenda airtight aisle algebra geometry allergy allergic altitude latitude longitude sly shrewd rim prop hoof mediate fuse 18 antique armor shield ascend ass astonish astonished astonishing astonishment astronaut spacecraft bachelor ballot veto ban banquet belongings beneficial beware wary blaze buleprint bolt bonus boom slump botany zoology bowels guts boxing boxer brace bully rascal bandit villain canal celebrity centigrade Fahrenheit certificate certify checkbook check-in check-out peddler 19 checkup chili curry mustard clause clockwise counterclockwise comedian comet compliment comprehend comprehensible comprehension console consolation contaminate cozy coupon reptile crocodile alligator lizard custody deceive deceit deception deceptive deploy deployment disciple dormitory dresser eclipse eel octopus enchant ensure mammal pinch wring peg crib monarch throne strand strap snore snort sniff stylish 20 err esteem evergreen everlasting lasting exile extinct extinction eyelid eyelash format glitter glisten gloom gloomy gorgeous giavity greed groan moan grumble whine guideline handicap handicapped limp lame heir heiress herb herbal hijack homosexual heterosexual hostage idiot inward inwards outward outwards jasmine lotus carnation jaywalk livelihood locomotive clover mint tan tangle 21 landlady landlord tenant lodge lodging lottery mainland inland mansion villain masculine feminine gender measles plague mentor mistress mortal nag nasty oasis cactus oath vow oyster clam participant perish piston playwright preview prudent pulse reckless recollect reminder refuge reign vegetation odor scent upright swarm throng ostrich peacock coral reef sponge zoom 22 rejoice rival rivalry salute scandal shortcoming sloppy sneaker sandal sperm superficial superstition superstitious tackle thrill thriller touchstone milestone tuition underline underneath undorgettable forgetful vapor videotape visa whereabouts wig woe yacht yeast beautify blue bodily bodyguard browser quack creak rattle crunch rumble prodigy heed gnaw nibble stink stinky trifle trifling 23 butcher cardboard carton carefree carnival chatter chatterbox chef cuisine chimpanzee gorilla coastline considerate counteract counterattack courtyard cowardice cowardly crackdown dart democrat republican descriptive disbelieve disbelief dropout dwarf exaggeration excel fad fertilizer fertility filter fin fishery flap gasp glare stutter stammer stump permissible stanza steamer celery radish ware warehouse 24 gleam gypsy hairdo hairstyle hardy toil hedge herald hockey hover howl growl snarl wail inborn hound knowledgeable lad laser lifelong loft lofty maiden martial marvel massacre slaughter slay massage masterpiece mechanics mileage motherhood brotherhood adulthood boyhood muse mutton nickel nightingale robin oblong optical velvet wade wreath trench tar torch hoarse 25 ornament orphanage outgoing outskirts overeat overwork oversleep pane passerby passionate pastry pawn pawnshop perch pillar pimple acne piss practitioner prophecy prophet punctuation rack refrain remains relic retort refute repay righteous rod sneak  sneaky sympathize compassion compassionate terminal token toxic toxin tyrant tyranny vacancy vacuum vanity whellchair wholesale simmer 26 institution institute abnormal administer administration administrative administrator chuckle approximate approximately radiate radiation radiant radiator daffodil component constituent derive originate originality rash victor victorious triumphant crust ultimate ultimately faculty assumption presumption presume carol vocation vocational session abbreviate abbreviation corps phase convict conviction jury crook crooked precede precedent unprecedented conceive conception blunt 27 decline inevitable inevitable honorary variable invariably variation undergo Senate senator sponsor hunch anticipate anticipation mischievous version undertake signify assert assertion assertive integrate integration integral integrity dimension render revenus expenditure opponent opposition dandruff navel core kernel alternate alternative ebb simultaneous simultaneously eyesight hearing regardless disregard transaction IQ(intelligence quotient) EQ(emotional quotient) perspective outlook 28 controversy controversial illusion equate equation equivalent specify attain attainment covet virtual virtually neutral veteran implication insight autograph highlight warfare truce militant precision thereby thereafter amplify doctrine creed manifesto motto layout removal clearance sequence oblige obligation authorize inclusive exclusive exclusively hurdle preside presidency presidential limousine utility utilize binoculars perception perceive 29 commitment deliberate deliberately profound persist persistent persistence mechanism textile texture mimic canvas pigment safeguard initiate initiative metropolitan cosmopolitan mattress inquire inquiry inquisitive morality characterize temperament ruby nationalism socialism socialist editorial sophisticated na?ve literal literally asthma prestige prestigious collector collective exert realization proclaim proclamation naval subsequent municipal LCD(liquid crystol display) PDA(personal digital assistant) comprise 30 qualification credible incredible credibility miniature accord accordance accordingly unfold newly newlywed attribute trait overhead clarity ambiguity ambiguous outing surplus deficit concede concession coordinate coordination uncover incline inclination suburban dedicate dedication diameter radius outright tactic tactical strategic relay succession successive successor scope designate contestant dilemma predicament plight descend descent preliminary 31 exploration competent competence incompetent incompetence swap discrimination discriminate racism rampant random generate generator accelerate acceleration imperative sphere hemisphere symbolic symbolize unpack merge merger refreshments criterion norm capability diminish devalue density inventory propaganda apparatus recruit discharge heritage remainder vice vicious malicious spacious closure enclosure disclosure disclose formulate erupt eruption excerpt inherent 32 deadly compensate compensation resistant irresistible serving slavery liberate liberation abuse abusive valid invalid validity fluid hazard hazardous caffeine accommodate accommodation reinforce subtle commence commencement dissolve assess assessment coincide coincidence deputy animate animation miller spokesperson mouthpiece certainty uncertainty magnitude diplomatic diplomacy suite sttic insistence regime realism materialism episode anecdote conform clone Xerox 33 dome minimal minimize reflective prescribe prescription vitality legendary respective respectively organism explicit implicit lush stimulate stimulation stimulus skim relevant irrelevant bouquet affirm verify siren pertain pertinent byte sewer sewage supplement spectrum intervene intervention sibling ritual rite offering exquisite orderly chaos turmoil brutal authentic clinical span proposition guerrilla ambush shun 34 uphold spectacular fabulous glamoroustremor foresee omen prediction spontanceous toll casualty comprehensive complexity complication disturbance betray betrayal traitor treason intimacy radical drastic stunt legitimate illegitimate electron exploit catastrophe tornado tsunami monopoly installation installment tumor ulcer coverage denounce missionary decent rational cavalry chariot apprentice sovereign sovereignty mar statute lawsuit outlaw superintendent 35 likewise consumption productivity customary decisive indecisive crude vulgar aborigine aboriginal symptom familiarity adaptation medieval hack hacker illuminate illuminating obscure questionnaire query astrological deficient deficiency unify endurance deem defect drawback progressive posture contradict contradiction narrate narrative narrator pitcher catcher terminate intersection depict theoretical essence extract counterpart expedition bout clamp clench buckle 36 vulnerable prone liable procer evolve evolution evolutionary anonymous deter prohibit prohibition outest fleet fleeting conspiracy populate inhabit inhabitant habitat applicable coherent coherence simplicity simplify sheer intact fragment tread analogy metaphor simile acquisition displace displacement unlock disgrace disgraceful friction acute chronic deprive diagram graph pension detergent disapprove disapproval emphatic detach detached 37 foster rebellion rebellious naturalist breakdown breakthrough breakup outbreak flare accumulate accumulation cumulative threshold prejudice bias injustice salvation disastrous devastating peninsula stability instability stabilize provoke relinquish forsake investigator slum ghetto complement secular subscribe subscription resonance serene serenity theatrical stature parliament parliamentary allege allegation abstract incidental incidentally surpass unanimous unanimously fortify 38 superiority donate donation donor wardrobe transmit transmission slot nurture cultivate cultivation resemblance diagnose diagnosis confer abound abundance abundant incentive feasible plausible urgency compatible incompatible dictate dictation dictator advocate confide confidential revelation thermometer barometer outlet static mobilize subjective cardinal bishop renaissance transformation cemetery coffin corpse burial cramp fracture rotate rotation woo 39 shed biological biochemistry warrant warranty morale raid bombard intrude intruder tropic subdue riot repress oppress oppression aggression innovation innovative analyst analytical autonomy speculate envisage visualize restoration rehabilitate rehabilitation beckon distort distortion inflict ordeal facet comparable comparative comparatively compile vend vendor repel dispel civilize civilized sprawl undermine impair enhance enhancement 40 lengthy conserve conservation setback script manuscript transcript soothe crucial trivial petty resolute attendant steward preventive unemployed unemployment fret linguist linguistics purity purify projection synthesis synthetic therapy therapist squad diverse diversity diversify elite prosecute prosecution formidable colloquial slang outfit preoccupy preoccupation well-being alienate alienation quaint wrestle slash pierce smack squash antenna 41 thrive sanction verge brink irony ironic mainstay divert diversion overlap dispatch ethnic amiable cordial domain yearn yearning modernize modernization akin upgrade degrade aspiration predecessor offspring descendant vocal indignant indignation reservoir harass harassment setup photographic picturesque graphic scenic generalize disable disabled disability sever propel propeller hail allocate allocation enact enactment 42 accessible refund rhythmic boost hygiene sanitation sanitary trek premium disperse flutter throb solidarity momentum inject injection endorse refine refinement reliance abolish abolition windshield transition transition lyric soundtrack coalition layman sociology sociological socialize sociable potent subordinate collide collision paramount utmost mastery ABC grope prowl accessory acclaim accountable accounting accusation recur 43 auction bleak dreary arrogant arrogance aftermath addict addiction addictive adverse brochure pamphlet analects bizarre eccentric freak alcoholic aviation aerospace supersonic capsule annoyance nuisance aggregate antibiotic antibody antidote alongside appall appalling articulate assassinate assassination assassin asylum sanctuary baptism siege besiege boycott calcium sodium uranium silicon caption captive captivity snare caress 44 cruise eloquent eloqunce encyclopedia ecology ecological enrich cocaine heroin ecstasy edible cholesterol obesity diabetes hypertension directory cashier commentary commentator columnist conscientious tact witty census cleanse consecutive consensus debris debut dental cavity deteriorate discomfort doom doomed dismay emigrate emigration emigrant dual enlighten enlightenment epic expel oust valiant expertise expire expiration 45 feedback infer inference facilitate hinder fidelity genetics genetics immune immunity drought famine starvation footnote quench extinguish extinguisher hospitable hospitalize irritate irritable irritation kidnap ransom industrious fireproof waterproof forum fragile frail glamour splendor grill charcoal humiliate humiliation humiliating carbohydrate implement implementation spike imprison imprisonment sane insane intimidate spiral spire 46 recession nutrition nutritious nutrient meek migrate migration migrant petroleum option optional melancholy pharmacy pharmacist medication mentality proficient proficiency premier literate illiterate literacy liter epidemic vaccine lease rental merchandise malaria smallpox tuberculosis pneumonia panacea panorama paralyze perpetual perplex persevere perseverance pesticide piety pious preface prose prostitute psychiatric psychiatrist punctual rape 47 reconcile renowned notorious thrift thrifty superb theft shoplift poach poacher spouse sarcastic sneer undo seduce lure redundant vibrate vibration taboo tattoo referendum rehearse rehearsal repent rhetoric rigorous seminar strangle suffocate smother stationery synonym antonym tariff tempest drizzle urine tranquil tranquilizer usher versatile vomit raft liner cruiser warship withstand zeal 48 complexion companionship distract distraction condense delinquent dissident activist differentiate aptitude behold beholder bewilder beverage brew bland blunder brisk cater charitable chunk commemorate communicative conceit conceited concise conquest cosmetic contractor crumble dismantle curfew skeptical cynical dubious truant daybreak dusk twilight detain disciplinary discreet displease dissuage distrust dosage dynamite 49 exotic intellect miraculous miraculously forthcoming extravagant extravagance extracurricular ponder meditate meditation lounge eligible embark erode erosion etiquette evacuate evacuation exempt faction fling galaxy glassware humanitarian humane hormone hypocrisy hypocrite hypocritical fraud hysterical lunatic importer ingenious ingenuity lament mellow premature manipulate tedious monotonous monotony longevity newscast newscaster mute nitrogen neon 50 recipient transplant trespass nourish nourishment outnumber underestimate overestimate ointment quarrelsome obsession outrage outrageous pact overturn topple pathetic pedestrian pipeline pollutant queue relish retaliate retrieve royalty royalties smuggle soar escalate stationary staple stapler symmetry trauma trigger trophy unrest upbringing utensil valve vanilla veterinarian victimize vogue whatsoever ravage ravages shilling

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