



西里尔·罗兰多 Cyril Rolando

Cyril Rolando 来自法国南部土伦(Toulon),正业是一名心理学家,主要是心理治疗师的身份,同时也是一名法庭专家。Rolando 在进行心理学方面学习的同时开始着手画画,直到2003年结束一直使用 Aquasixio 这个别名。虽然插画并不是他的主业,但 Rolando 的插图可以很容易地抓住任何观众的想象力。

Cyril Rolando Aquasixio 为笔名出版自己的作品,这清楚地表明他的艺术受到了水的很大影响。事实上,他的许多数码画要么在水下,要么在水附近 —— 比如「 水下芭蕾 」(Underwater Ballet),「 你想要什么 」(What Do You want),「 这段时间很有趣 」( It Was Fun While It Lasted),而其他的画也给人一种水的效果的印象。

水下芭蕾 Underwater Ballet

你想要什么? What do you wanna?

这段时间很有趣 It was fun while it lasted

我想和你谈谈 I want to talk to you

I wish I knew how to talk to you, because when we speak, we only fight.

We share love and respect but we don’t know how to communicate.

I have followed various paths and changed my ways of thinking,

I have tried at different times of the day and days of the week,

However it is never the moment nor place to talk about us.

I am stuck because my words trigger all your defenses,

I am not a monster, or maybe we are both scared.

I need to talk to you, I don’t want to lose you,

Our feelings make noise, we are deaf.

I have precious words to deliver,

Maybe I will try to whisper, 

In your slumber,

Here I am,

我不是来自海洋 I don’t come from an ocean

没有人知道恒星正在消亡 No one knows stars are dying

总有一天她会飞走 One day she’ll fly away

Rolando 完全是自学成才的,他表示自己只是想把这个爱好继续下去,而并没有急于想成为一名全职艺术家的念头。他的注意力集中在自己的绘画上 —— 基于情感和表情、环境和其他方面。

演出前几秒钟 A few seconds before the show

毛茸茸的城堡 One more hairy Castle

丘比特 Cupido

交叉在一起 Cross over together

我不是来自丛林 I don’t come from a jungle

水晶的声音 Voice of Crystal

It’s time to awaken from these illusions,

You delude yourself with a fake mirroir, 

My voice can cut this glass of your head, 

I can break the ground barrier of shed. 

You aren’t sleeping but you aren’t living, 

Laying down on your couch all day long, 

You aren’t bored but you aren’t smiling, 

I can turn you upside down with a song. 

You do know me, my name is Desire,

I live in the deep waters of your body, 

I emerge when Sloth reigns higher, 

Let me sound and clash in your house. 

九条命 Nine lives

「 事实上,我并没有想过






—— 想到这两门学科可以互补是令人惊讶的。



激发了新的绘画 ……


长期抑郁 A long depression

蒲公英 Dandelions

与我相连 Connected to myself

我不是来自森林 I don’t come from a forest

我想你 I miss you

大自然从沉睡中苏醒 Nature emerges from her slumber

小提琴的爆发 Outburst of violince

受蒂姆·伯顿和宫崎骏的启发,Cyril Rolando 创作了超现实的数字艺术,审视人类的心理。他令人印象深刻的作品探索了想象力,不安全感,以及希望和梦想。

新的旅程 A new journey

死亡留下痕迹 Death leaves traces

Death leaves traces, 

After freezing time and space, 

Nothing is lost, 

Everything is transformed, 

Creation is a child, 

Born of Life and Destruction. 

So, don’t get cold, 

The springtime is in our hand. 

九月来临 Come september

给我爱 Show me love

Do you love me when you ask if I love you ?

I will make you cry, whatever the answers.

You remain upset, even if I dry your tears.

You had an hard day but it’s not a reason… 

Show me love : just tell me what happens ?

我需要不止一次的生命 I need more than one life

错过最后期限 Missed Deadlines

钢琴课 Piano lesson

「 我想我没有什么特别的兴趣 ……






画一扇门 A painting as a door

向天空挑战 Defy the sky

Defy the sky ! 

Strive to live ! 

Brave this wave ! 

Dare to draw you way… 

风之彩 Colors of the wind

团结 Solidarity

Together we stand, divided we fall,

A reason to lay down the arms. 

To face crisis and other threatens, 

All the arms we need are for hugging.

浪漫的承诺 Les promesses d'une romance

I promise to write you an original story,

You can forget what you know about love, 

I promise to inscribe each day as your day, 

To entitle the chapter One with our names, 

I promise to reinvent a meaning for Romance, 

To be too old to remember how it started. 

Meet me halfway

双鱼座 PISCES Dancing Zodiac

Cyril Rolando 在他的数码绘画爱好中,以高超的技巧和娴熟的技巧,把生活注入了史诗般的梦境。考虑到它所涉及的高度的技巧和创造性,这甚至可以被认为就是这样的,但是艺术是 Rolando 为了自己的满足而创作的。

一个你可以去的安全之地 A safe place where you can go

变态精神病 Deviant Insanity

共存 Coexistence

我不是来自城市 I don’t come from a city

地球上最后的声音 The last sound from Earth

If the Tree of Humanity falls, 

in the Forest of the Universe, 

and no one is around to hear it, 

does it make a sound ? 

匹配 Matching

愚钝的木偶 Purblind puppets

「 我对生活充满好奇。


思想的变化、人类的革命 ……







诗意的世界 A world of poetry

不只是存在 Do more than just exist

乌合之众 Coeurs Fondants

度蜜月 Honeymoon

余晖照亮了我无忧无虑的童年。The Afterglow is Brightening up my carefree Childhood.

The Afterglow is Brightening up my carefree Childhood. 

Another Day is Ending, Faithfully, with a Gleam for Hope. 

I’ve jumped for Joy, my Kite closely Linked to my Mind. 

This Nightfall is just Outstanding, Painless, Quiet, Restful…

I wish Stop the Time, whereas the Ultimate ray is Vanishing. 

No Word Xists to capture it before…Yawning… and Z zzzz…

潮汐 Mana Tide

Raw Ambition

凭借 Wacom Intuos4M 平板电脑和 Adobe Photoshop 软件,这位自学成才的插画家一直偏爱数字媒体,他承认自己从未在任何艺术作品中使用过纸张。他的作品涵盖了广泛的壮观和超现实的场景,带有明显的黑暗和电影质量,让人想起达利(Salvador Dali)或蒂姆伯顿(Tim Burton)。考虑到他所选择的职业,心理学在 Rolando  的动机中扮演重要角色应该不足为奇。

这让我很嫉妒 According to my jealousy

According to my jealousy, LIFE IS UNFAIR ! 

I hate the SMILE on their BEAUTIFUL faces, 

Their PERFECT fragance is polluting my air, 

Their glorious LOVE is suffusing my space. 

I want to destroy MAGNIFICIENT things, MOULDERING 

their abhorrent PINK wings, reducing to ASHES 

their sickening shadows… 

trying to erase my IMMEASURABLE sorrow. 

I hate when my heart is like an “ accoeurdeon ”.

They don’t deserve to be happy. 

And I don’t deserve to be ME. 

请勿打扰 Do not disturb

海盗的心 Coeur de Pirate

追求幸福的权利 Pursuit of Happiness

I am not shy but I can’t stay in one place any longer. 

Often, you don’t notice I am already on your shoulder, 

But when I leave you, you may feel a bit heavyhearted. 

My feathers are sweet and soothing like a fresh water, 

You can collect them, as a photo or words in your dairy, 

However you will never capture me in a tissue or a flask. 

A lot of people don’t believe I exist, they get over this. 

Some of them think I am made of gold or colorful drugs, 

Others can run away or attack me when I am approaching. 

Many are those who are looking for a moment with me, 

But they easily head for a wrong way, even if I call back. 

I saw a lot of persons endangering their live to find me, 

Several of them called me Death, War, Power or God. 

Mostly time, if you catch me, you want more so I vanish.

Like for candy, the expectation is a hard moment to live, 

Once consumed, the sweet things end tasteless, useless.

The best moment was the desire, a journey for the hope. 

I exist when you pursue me, I disappear when you get me.

钢琴厅 Le Pianoquarium

To feel the musing, listen to LOUD Music, 

Resound with many deafening colours, 

A firework ricochets off your sounds, 

Flood your soul, splash all your walls, 

Bathe your eyes and suffuse your ears, 

Skim your poetries to bounce your wild ideas, 

Let the light strikes your sensitive cord, 

To feel the musing, listen to LOUD music. 

许个愿 Make a wish

Refugees in a nutshell

「 我的作品记录了我生命中的不同时期。













逆境 Adversity

别放弃梦想 Don't trash your dreams

马戏团 Circus

甜蜜之家 Home Sweet Home

愤怒 Rage

I can’t stand this rage in me, 

to be overgrown with this fire, 

The wrath is bruising inside, 

The fury suffuses my vision, 

It’s so hard to stop the rancor, 

All is so violent all is so bright, 

That’s why I need to express. 

活在当下 Life is Now

梦的安魂曲 Requiem for a dream

为了传达存在的这些方面,Rolando 经常调整他的人物的比例,用矮小或巨大的身材把他们描绘成远远超出现实生活的情景。结果只能在心灵的眼睛里。

我所有的作业 All my studies

饮料时间 Drink time

奶酪玩家 Cheese Players

抱着我 Hold me

保护我不受我想要的伤害 Protect me from what I want

天秤座 LIBRA from the dancing zodiac

Run, run, run…

「 我不认为自己是超现实主义画家。








雨后 After the rain

这幅画是根据法语短语「 Apré s la pluie vient le beau temps 」创作的,但我很确定它在英语中也存在:「 After the rain, the sun is shining 」。所以,这是非常积极的。但它也表达了悲伤 —— 像河流一样哭泣,或大自然的痛苦,或 …… 女孩的情感在山谷中的反映,或 …… 她看着天空 / 太阳,就像山看到云彩离开。

被遗弃在星尘城 Castaway in starDust City

享受寂静 Enjoy the silence

忧心忡忡 Heavyhearted

沼泽的肥皂 Swamp of Soap

Each bubble is a return to my childhood,

then pops suddenly even if I try to protect. 

It swallows the light in a glass caspule,

and keeps the blow of the time, a time.

Songs, laughs, games and the innocence,

In a frail baggage with an uncertain future. 

Each bubble carries life in its rainbow heart, 

then pops to free the essence of the past. 

Taste it.

让它生长 Let it grow

射手座 SAGITTARIUS from the Dancing Zodiac

Cyril Rolando 对心灵有着特殊的洞察力 —— 他的职业是临床心理学家,爱好是艺术家。他的数字插图是一种视觉上表达他如何处理世界的方式。

短暂的美丽 Ephemeral Beauty


摩羯座 CAPRICORN from the Dancing Zodiac

晚安 Good Night

抓住一朵花,抓住一天 Seize a flower, seize the day

狮子座 LEO from the Dancing Zodiac

Save Our Souls

「 自从我开始画画,











当然,Photoshop 在这个过程中有很大的帮助,

平衡光线 / 颜色,



又一个圣诞节来了,又走了 Another Christmas has come and gone

逐渐消失的日出 Evanescent Sunrise


巨蟹座 CANCER from the Dancing Zodiac

双子座 GEMINI from the Dancing Zodiac

You belong to me

没有人值得穿越没有水的沙漠 No one deserves to traverse waterless deserts

No one deserves to traverse waterless deserts, 

No one gains ground on a land made of sand, 

No one else will hit back at heavy hurted hearts, 

Or pass on this path, near at hand of the end. 

Because every daybreak is the same D-day, 

A light still lightens and delights all your way, 

Love and Hope are slung across the shoulder, 

And honesty fans the flames of the fortuneteller. 

长颈鹿的寓言 La fable de la girafe

天蝎座 SCORPIO from the Dancing Zodiac

You are still standing




永恒的蓝色 Everlasting Blues

Each second that passes is a tear that I erase,

Each minute that crawls by is a stream that I conceal,

Each hour that drags on is a river that I obscure, 

Because each time I dream, it’s a misery that I drain. 

海中女神 Calypso

When the moon is closer

冻结 Frozen

无声的祈祷 Silent prayers

Chained in the net and begging for mercy, 

Melody sees her feathers falling second after second. 

And the cold jail of the wrong heaven is echoing, with her silent prayers.


天堂之吻 Kiss of paradise

Second Life

We were humans

「 我想他们都在谈论我的生活 ……





如果一幅画太 …… 没有意义,


这就是为什么我很难为别人画画的原因 ……



水瓶座 AQUARIUS from the Dancing Zodiac

面对未知 Face the unknown

We are dancing in our chains

无尽地燃烧 Burning Endlessly

处女座 VIRGO from the Dancing Zodiac

遵守我们的规则 Follow Our Rules

Vague à l'âme

当她六岁的时候 When she was six

When she was six, she didn’t presume for a swain, 

All the boys tried to attract her attention, in vain. 

That’s the sea of Perfection, she expected to swim, 

These colorless boys rivaled to kindle her, with vim. 

But what really melted the heart of this white swan, 

Was proving, without eraser, an Ideal could be drawn. 

涅槃 Katharsis


Set them free


Rolando 觉得自己与艺术的世界还有很长的距离,并且感觉自己似乎还并没有搞清楚艺术的风格与价值,他说自己很喜欢创作,却不希望受到太多关注或给他带来压力。

白羊座 ARIES from the Dancing Zodiac

Train-train quotidien

站起来,动起来 Fall Get up and Move

Toutes les larmes de son corps

野性的气息 Breath of the Wild

To be or not to be

专注于自己 Focus on yourself

The two shall become one

Il cigno nero

The summoning of the Dancing Zodiac

渴望快乐 Joy of man’s desiring

七宗罪 - 懒惰 The Seven Deadly Sins SLOTH

七宗罪 - 贪婪 The seven deadly sins GREED

七宗罪-暴食 Seven deadly sins GLUTTONY

The rehearsal

「 我喜欢看艺术家一步一步的作品,





1. 画面本身;2. 故事;

3. 视频的制作,配上特定的歌曲;

我所写的文字描述;5. 图片的标题。




我经常改变我的想法关于颜色,标题,含义 … 」

时光流逝 As time goes by

The Orchestra

喂乌鸦 Feeding the crows

The northstar is an airplane

吹泡泡 Blowing bubbles

The hope

Finding the right words

The great escape

In the event of sinking

The goodnight train


The glimmers of Aurora

七宗罪 - 欲望 Seven deadly sins LUST

The dead End

的确,这些作品唤起了一种近乎原始的情感。非正统的色彩运用和缺乏古典训练,证明了不受规则的约束、依靠直觉和创造性本能行事的好处。每一件作品都有一种旅行的感觉 —— 史诗或故事在时间的完美时刻凝固,从丰富多彩的好奇心的深处挖掘出来。

尸体解剖 Autopsy of the fallen

The cartographer

野性之弦 Feral String

It’s easy to be wrong, don’t judge by appearances. 

You don’t really know me, there is a tree in my heart. 

Sheltered behind its leaves, you can find shy notes, 

And if you gather them, you can hear me breathing. 

漂流者在你的怀抱里 Be castaway into your arms

The art of the leaf-stripping

小提琴 Fiddleback

It’s a simple bewitchment,

You can’t escape the trap, 

If you touch on the strings, 

The puppeteer own you. 

Ink of Black Thoughts

Tell me why the sky is red

Inside a violin

它在天空中留下了伤疤 It made scars in the sky


七宗罪 - 骄傲 Seven deadly sins PRIDE

Tea time

七宗罪 - 愤怒 Seven deadly sins WRATH

金牛座 TAURUS from the Dancing Zodiac

她是一个疯子 She's a maniac

Sweet Vertigo

Should I stay or should I go

Solar Symphonies


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[现实世界...|法国艺术家:西里尔罗兰 (Cyril Rolando) ]
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