

第12课第三章 促进相互理解的短句 2011.05.17

第12课第三章 促进相互理解的短句   2011.05.17
12  商  谈  赞成
I agree.( 赞成。)
I think so, too. (我也这样认为。)
Anything you say! (好哇!)
]No objection! (没有异议。)
I don't have any objection to it. (我不反对。)
That's fine with me.(我觉得那样很好。 )
Fine. (很好!)
That's fair. (那就行了。)
You can say that again. (我也有同样感觉。)
Sounds like fun. (好像挺有意思。)
You bet. (当然!/一定!)
Are you for or against his idea? (你是反对还是赞成他的主意? )
Good. (好!)
Great! (太棒了!)
Good idea. (好主意。)
What you say is partly right. (你说的有一部分是对的。)

I don't agree. (我反对。)
I can't agree. (我不能同意。)
I doubt it. (我怀疑。)
Objection! (我反对。)
That's not what you said.(你不是这么说的。 )
I can't buy that! (我无法相信。)
Bad idea. (馊主意。)
No good. (那可不好哦!)
Let's not. (算了吧!)
That's impossible. (那怎么可能。)
That's absolute nonsense. (那完全是胡说八道。)
It won't work. 行不通。
Not always. (不总是这样。)
Not really.(不是那样。)
Yes, I am. (对,是我。)
Yeah. (嗯。)
I think so. (我想是吧。)
Right. (是的。/对。 )
Absolutely! (一点儿没错!)
In a word, yes. (一句话,是。)
You're perfectly correct.完全和你说的一样。
In a sense he's right. (在某种意义上,他是对的。 )
That's it! (啊,对啦!)
You got it. (正是!)
Your answer is to the point. (你说到点子上了。)
I bet.(应该是吧。 )
Why not?( ①那好吧,拜托您了!/那谢谢了。②为什么不行?)
Bingo!(对啰! )
Hear, hear! (说得对!说得对!)
Yes, sir.( 是,先生。 Yes, ma'am. 对女性。)
No doubt. (确实是这样。)
Fair enough. (当然可以。)
I'm afraid so. (恐怕就是这样了。)
Your opinion is reasonable. (你的意见有道理。)
If you say so.(如果你说是的话,那就是吧。 )
Yeah, as far as I know.(据我所知,是的。 )
I'm going to.(我这就做。 )
No, I'm not. (不,没有。)
Wrong. (不对。)
That's not right. (那是不对的。 )
Your idea is fundamentally wrong. (你的想法根本上就是错误的。)
That's not what I mean. (我不是那个意思。)
Certainly not. (哪儿有的事儿。/当然不是。)
No, never. (没有,从没去过。)
No, not a bit.(不,一点儿都不。)
No way! (肯定不对! )
How can that be? (怎么可能呢?)
We don't agree on this point. (在这一点上我们意见分歧。)
I'm not talking about that. (我没说那个。)
Uh-uh. (这个嘛……)
That won't do. (那样不行。 )
He won't do. (他呀,不行。 )
That makes no sense. (那也太没道理了。)
Not me. (不是我。)
I deny that. (我否认。)


Maybe. (也许吧。)
Not exactly. (不完全。 )
I guess so. (可能是吧!)
It might be true. (也许是真的吧。)
It could be. (可能会吧。 )
I'm not sure. (我不太清楚。)
I hope you're right. (但愿是这样。)
Sort of.(有那么点儿。 )
It's something like that.(差不多吧! )
It depends. (那得看情况。)
Maybe yes, maybe no.( 也许是,也许不是。)
Hopefully. (但愿能去。)
There's no guarantee. (不能保证。)
I think so. (我想是的。)
I can't say. (我说不好。)
Yes and no. (也是也不是。)
Half and half. (喜忧参半。/一半一半。)
I'll try. (我会试试。)
It's difficult to say. (怎么说呢。)
Could be better. (还可以更好点。)
He gave me an ambiguous answer. (他给我的回答很含糊。)


Let me think about it. (让我想想。)
I need some time to think it over.(请给我点儿时间考虑。 )
I'll consider it. (我会考虑的。)
I'll think about it. (我考虑考虑吧。)
I'll think it over. (我得琢磨琢磨。)
Let me sleep on it. (请给我一个晚上的时间考虑。)
I'll see what I can do. (我得研究研究。)


How about you? (你呢? )
What do you think?( 你觉得呢? )
What's your opinion?(你的意见呢? )
What's your suggestion?(你的建议呢? )
What else?(还有别的吗? )
Any question will do. (什么问题都可以。)
What do you recommend?(你有什么建议吗? )
Don't you think so?(你不这样认为吗? )
Do you agree? (你同意吗? )
Give me a definite answer. (给我一个明确的答复。)
Is it “yes” or “no”?(“是”还是“不是”? )
It doesn't answer my question.(这可不算答复。)
You don't stand a chance. (你没有希望赢。)
It's the last straw. (我已经忍无可忍了。)
Let me hear your candid opinion. (让我听听您的直言。)
Can you think of anything better?(你有什么更好的主意吗? )
Any complaints? (有什么不满意的吗?)
What is your complaint?(你不满意什么? )
I'm fairly broad-minded. (我是个有气量的人。)
That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon. (这是一个难得的机会。)
In my opinion...(照我的想法…… )
What I meant was...(我的意思是……)
I think so. (我想是的。)
I don't think so. (我想不是。 )
I think it is a matter of opinion.(我认为这要看个人的看法。 )
It's not important. (那并不重要。)
That's a good idea. (那是个好主意。)
That's not true. (那是胡说。)
That's right! (对了/没错! )
I can't afford it. (我可负担不起。 )
It's worth a look. (值得一看。)
You see... (这不,你看…… )
Let's get this straight. (我可跟你说清楚。 )
I would not do that. (我是不会做那种事儿的。)
You ain't seen nothing yet. (还有更厉害的呢。 )
Let's leave well enough alone. (不要画蛇添足了。)
It must be my imagination. (肯定是我的幻觉。)
In the long run,...(从长远来看…… )


Why? (为什么?)
How come? (为什么?)
What makes you think that? (你怎么会那么想呢?)
Tell me why.(告诉我为什么。 )
How did it happen? (是怎么发生的? )
What are you doing this for? (你干吗要去做这种事呢? )
Why did you do that? (你为什么干那样的事呢?)
What causes it? (是什么原因?)
Explain it to me.(请给我解释一下。)
Why not? (为什么不行? )
What are you so happy about? (你怎么那么高兴?)
What for?(为了什么? )
For who?(为了谁? )
What's the purpose of your visit?(你旅行的目的是什么? )
No reason not to. (没有理由不让做吧。)
Why are you here? (你怎么在这儿? )
I'll tell you why...(我告诉你为什么…… )
In brief, it's like this. (总之,是这么回事儿。)
It started like this... (它的由来是这样的……)
That's why!(原来如此! )
That's why...(所以…… )


I think you're mistaken.(我觉得你错了。 )
You're wrong.(你错了。)
Whose fault is that?(那是谁的错呀? )
I think it's sour grapes. (吃不着葡萄就说葡萄是酸的(还嘴硬!) )
That's up to you. (那就随便你。)
That's not the point. (你没说到点儿上。)
Excuse me. That's mine. (对不起,那是我的。 )

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