

第13课 提出要求 2011.05.18
第13课  提出要求  2011.05.18
Do you mind if I ask you a favor? (我可以请您帮个忙吗?)
Would you give me a hand?(能帮把手吗? )
I'm sorry to bother you,...(对不起……)
I'll be glad to.(乐意为您效劳。 )
Could I possibly...?(我可不可以……/可不可以让我……)
If you'd like,... (如果可以的话,…… )
Could you pass the sugar, please? (请您把糖拿过来行吗?)
Here you are. (给。)
Please do this. (请做这个。)
Would you drive me to the store?(您能开车送我到那家店吗? )
Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel? (您能帮我找到ABC饭店的电话号码吗?)
I don't know how to fill out this form.(我不知道怎么填这张表。 )
Tell me why.(告诉我为什么? )
May I borrow your pen? (能借用一下你的钢笔吗? )
Do you have a pen?(有笔吗? )
Can you lend me ten dollars? (能借给我10美元吗? )
Would you give me a call?(你能给我打个电话吗? )
I'd appreciate it if you could call me tonight. (你今天晚上如果能给我打个电话的话,我将非常感激。
Please turn it down. (请关小点儿声。  )
Wait here until I get back.(等我回来。 )
Excuse me. (劳驾。)
Hello, there!(喂,你! )
Hey!( 喂! )
Do you have time? (你有空吗?)
Can I ask you a favor? (我想求你件事行吗?)
May I ask you something? (我想打听点儿事。)
Sorry for interrupting. (对不起,打断一下可以吗? )
Guess what? (你猜怎么着?)
Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. (对不起,我认错人了。)
May I use your phone? (我能用一下您的电话吗?)
How should I do it?(我该怎么做呢? )
This is the way you should do it. (你该这么做。)
It'll do the trick.(这样的话就会很顺利。)
This looks better.(这样看上去好一些。)
I'll do it my own way. (我用我自己的办法。)
Like this? (像这样?)
Like what? (像什么?)
It's easy.(很简单。 )
Just like that!(简单得不得了。 )
It's a little hard.(有点儿难哦。 )
It's complicated.(很复杂哦。 )
This is the first thing to do.(首先应该做这个。 )
You dropped this. (你掉了这个。)
I think you dropped this.(我想这是你丢的吧! )
Is this yours?(这是你的吗? )
Isn't this yours?(这不是你的吗? )
It's mine.(是我的。)
I've lost my wallet. (我的钱包丢了。)
I'm in trouble!(这下可麻烦了。。。)
May I help? (要我帮忙吗?/要我帮你拿吗?)
Think twice before you decide. (决定之前再好好考虑考虑。 )
How about this one? (这个怎么样?)
I want to make a suggestion.(我提个建议。 )
Let's take a short cut. (我们走近道吧! )
Let's play hooky!(咱们逃学吧!)
Let's call in sick. (我们打电话请个病假吧! )
Let's play cards! (玩扑克吧! )
I have an idea. (我有个主意。)
Tell you what. (这样怎么样? )
Let me think for a moment. (让我考虑一下。 )
Just think about it. (你好好想想看。)
You should get a haircut.(你该剪剪你的头发了。)
Won't you join us? (你也一起来吧? )
What do you suggest?(你有什么建议吗? )
Wanna make a bet? (打赌?)
I suggest you take a taxi.(我建议你坐出租车去。 )
Yes? (有事吗? )
Can I help you? (有事吗?)
Sure. What is it? (可以,什么事? )
Any problems?(有什么问题吗? )
What's the matter? (怎么了?)
Of course. (当然。)
No problem. (没问题/没关系。)
Whose idea is it? (这是谁的主意? )
Yes, thank you. (好的,谢谢。)
Yes, please. (是的,拜托您。)
Go ahead. (您请。)
After you. (您先请。)
My pleasure.这是我的荣幸。
Why not? (当然。)
No, not at all. (没关系。)
I will. (这就做。)
Got it! (明白。)
Say no more. (不用多说了。 )
Make yourself at home.(就像在自己家里一样。 )
I'd be happy to help you. (很高兴为您效劳。)
Certainly. (遵命。)
Whatever you say. (照您说的做。)
Anything for you. (为你做什么都行。)
I'll take care of it.(交给我吧! )
Count me in. (算我一个。)
I'll do the rest.(剩下的就交给我! )
Deal. (就这么着,说好了。 )
I'll do it no matter what. (不管发生什么,我也要这样做。)
It's quite easy. (这相当简单。)
It's nothing.(那算不了什么。 )
That would be great. (那太好了。)
Would you? (行吗?)
You're on! (好吧!)
If you don't mind. (如果不给您添麻烦的话。)
Anytime. (随时为您效劳。 )
Anything. (什么都行。)
Let's do it! (那,我们做吧。 )
Your wish is my command.(满足你的希望。)
That will do.(那个可以。 )
Anything'll do. (什么都可以。)
Anywhere'll do. (哪儿都行。 )
That'll be enough.(足够了。 )
What's it about?(什么事? )
May I have your phone number? (能告诉我您的电话号码吗? )
I wish I could, but... (我希望可以,但是……)
I won't. (我不愿意。)
No, thank you. (不,谢谢。)
I don't think so. (我想不行。)
I don't want it. (我不要。)
I really don't want it.(真的不要。 )
I'm sorry I can't help you.(真抱歉,我不能帮助你。 )
I'm against his proposal.(我反对他的建议。)
I wish I could help you, but I can't.(我很乐意,可我帮不了你。 )
I can't do anything about it. (那事我使不上劲。)
I can't make that happen.(我无法满足你的愿望。 )
I'm not in the mood. (我没那份心情。)
I'm afraid I've got urgent business now. (很遗憾,我现在有件急事。)
I have other business to take care of.(我有别的事。 )
I'm sorry, but I'm busy just now.(对不起,我现在正忙着呢。 )
I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry.(对不起,我有急事。)
Not right now. (现在不行。 )
Count me out. (我就算了吧。)
I'd rather not.(如果可以的话,最好不…… )
Enough. (够了,够了。)
I've had enough.(已经足够了。 )
Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me today.(很遗憾,今天我不太方便。)
That's beside the point.(没说到点儿上。/离题万里。 )
Is it all right if...?(做……可以吗? )
May I come in? (我可以进来吗?)
May I sit here?(我可以坐这儿吗? )
May I play catch here? (我可以在这儿玩球吗?)
Do you mind if I smoke? (我可以抽烟吗?)
Am I allowed to take pictures here? (这儿可以拍照吗?)
Let me see it. (让我看看。)
May I use your phone? (我可以借用您的电话吗?)
May I use the bathroom?我可以借用您的卫生间吗?
Can I park my car there? (我可以把车停在那儿吗?)
May I take a look?(我可以看一眼吗? )
You mean any place?(哪儿都可以吗? )
Go ahead.(行。 )
It's up to you.(随你吧。 )
Sure. (可以。)
I'm game! (行啊!)
If that's all right with you. (如果你不介意的话。)
If it's all right with you,…(如果方便的话…… )
Yes, please do. (可以,您请坐。)
You may go home now, John. (约翰,你可以回家了。 )
I'm afraid not. (很遗憾,恐怕不行。 )
I'd rather you didn't. (最好不要。 )
Not on your life! (不行!)
Over my dead body!(绝不允许!)
Nope! (不!不行! )
Not yet. (还没有。)
Not now. (现在不行。)
Not here.(这里不行。 )
You may not eat here. (你不能在这儿吃东西。)
Take a look!(看! )
Listen! (听好喽! )
Don't ignore me.( 别不理我。)
Look here! (看这儿! )
Look at that! (看那儿!)
Come, look! (快来看呀! )
Look at me!(看我! )
I heard something. (我听见有声音。)
I'll go and take a look right away. (我这就去看看。)
It's your turn. (该你了。)
[18:16.72]THE END
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