



(2011-03-02 22:56:18)



Dear Kevin~~


11-14 Feb 2011, Fri-Mon(98)-(101) ——离Newcastle面试还有7


精听+视译:英译中:《实战口译》Unit11 辉瑞制药公司

Pfizer 辉瑞(美国制药公司)

The most valuable/ valuedcompany 最受尊重的公司

Mission 使命,宗旨

Turnover 营业额

Pharmaceuticalcompany 医药公司

Fine-chemicals 精细化学品

antiparasitic [?nti,p?r?'sitik] 抗寄生虫的

palatable ['p?l?t?bl] 美味的

prescriptionmedicines 处方药品

biomedical researchorganization 生物医药研究机构

a broad portfolioof 种类多样的

privatefunded 私营的

humanitys mostfeared illnesses 人类最恐怖的疾病

cardiovascular disease[,kɑ:di?u'v?skjul?心血管疾病

Alzheimers['?:lzeim?rz] 老年痴呆症


Is a leader in contributingto 带头为……做出贡献

Pioneer numerousinitiatives 开创许多行动计划

Improve access tomedicines 改善获得医药的途径

Trachoma [tr?'k?um?沙眼

Uganda [ju:'ɡ?nd?乌干达

Kampala [kɑ:m'pɑ:l?坎帕拉(乌干达首都)

Eligible 符合条件的

Medicarerecipient 医疗接受者

Prescription drugcoverage 处方药费保险

Most rewardingchoice 最有收获的选择

Prize 珍视,重视

Our company is thoroughly grounded inour value. 我们的公司完全以我们的价值观为根基。

Integrity 正直

A shared concern forcommunity 对社区的共同关心

Excitingmoments 激动人心的时刻


视译:中译英:《实战口译》Unit 12 中国能源行业a

我很高兴来到这里.Im delighted to behere.

汉诺威(德国城市)Hanover ['h?n?v?]

著名的汉诺威工业博览会 the prestigious Hanover IndustrialExhibition

快速增长 grow at a fast pace

世界经济和贸易增长大幅下滑 the global economy and trade growthsuffered severe setbacks

采取积极的财政政策 adopt a pro-active fiscalpolicy

稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy

深化改革 press on reforms

工业增加值 industrial added value

比去年同比增长10%  a year on yearincrease of 1%


This paved the way for achieving theplanned GDP growth of 7%.

重要基础和保证 an important basis andsafeguard

能源生产国 energy producer

缓解经济快速发展与能源供应之间的矛盾 ease the pressure of fast economicdevelopment on energy supply

制订一系列政策 formulate a series ofpolicies

经过不懈的努力 after continuousefforts

10亿吨标准煤 1billion tonnes of standard coalunits

能源总量短缺 overall energyshortages

重大变化 a significant shift

主要能源 main sources of energy

重要动力 important driving force

单位能耗 energy consumption perunit

累积节约 the cumulated saving

生产成本 production cost


精听+视译:英译中:《实战口译》Unit13 渣打银行

Mortgage 抵押贷款

Deposittaking 吸收存款

Withdraw 取款

Tradefinance  贸易融资

Custody 托管

Debt capitalmarket 借贷资本市场

Keep abreast of themoves 与时俱进

Be a legitimate influence forgood 起到良好的影响作用

Stimulate positive changes andgreater engagement 促进积极的改变,带来更多的交流沟通

Stronglysupport 坚决支持

Greatcohesion 强大的凝聚力

Change withtime 跟上时代的变化

Prioritybanking 优先理财

Virtuouscircle 良性循环


视译:中译英:《实战口译》Unit 14 中国能源行业b

突出的问题 acute problem

一次能源 primary energy

技术设备落后 the technology and equipment areoutdated

每年 per annum

综合能源与电力消费 comprehensive energy and powerconsumption


balance the energy production andconsumption with the environmental and socialdevelopment

经济和社会的可持续发展 sustainable social and economicdevelopment

发挥资源优势 take advantage of the richresources

煤气层资源 coal bed resources

实行油气并举 work on oil and gassimultaneously

地热能源 geothermal energy

我们争取…… we are aiming to

在多年合作的基础上 on the basis of many years of jointefforts

三峡电站 the Three Gorges PowerStation

西气东输 West gas going east

垄断行业 the industry that is undermonopoly


视译:英译中:《实战口译》Unit15 保诚(Prudential)集团(保险方面)

Mortgage 抵押贷款

Policy-holder 投保人

Policy 保险单

Typewriter 打字机

Statistical record 统计记录

Premium rate 保险费率

Collect premiums 收取保费

Holding company for thegroup 集团的控股公司

annuity [?'nju:iti] 年金

afurther diversity of products 产品进一步的多样化

investment portfolio 投资组合

distribution channel 销售渠道

amicable 友好的

fundmanager 基金管理人

broker-dealer 证券经纪人

Prudential CorporationAsia 保诚总公司亚洲部

Asignificant player 一位举足轻重的成员

Other businessesfolded. 其它公司彻底失败。


视译:中译英:《实战口译》Unit 16 中国信息行业a

信息化 informatisation

抓住机遇 seize the opportunity

实现快速增长 achieve fast growth

同期的GDP增长 the GDP growth during the sameperiod

第一大支柱产业 number one pillarindustry

元件 component

激光视盘机 DVD (player)

程控交换机 digital exchange

显示器 displayer

加工能力 processing capability

我简单介绍一下 Ill briefly talk about

市场不景气 the market is down

种类齐全的服务 a whole range ofservices

我们的网络规模和覆盖范围居世界前列 the size and coverage of thenetwork put us among the leading countries in theworld

世界领先水平的 world-class

光缆 fibreoptic cable

电话普及率 telephone penetrationrate

中国电信业的竞争将逐渐趋于国际化。 The telecommunications inChina will gradually open to the internationalcompetition.

良好的环境 favourable environment

集成电路 integrated circuit

中文信息处理 Chinese informationprocessing


视译:英译中:《实战口译》Unit17 罗克威尔公司(工业自动化方面)

Focus tobe 致力于成为

Systemintegrator 系统整合专家

Productreferencing 产品检索

Quickly respond to the industrytrend 迅速对行业走向做出反应

Three major businessunits 三大业务部门

A comprehensive suiteof 一整套

Value-addedcontinuum 附加值的持续过程

Powertransmission 动力传输

Industrialmotor 工业马达

Industrialdrive 工业驱动器

On-time, on-budgetdelivery 及时并依照预算送达

Avionics 航空电子学

Catalyze new businessopportunities 促进新的业务机会


视译:中译英:《实战口译》Unit 18 中国信息行业b

获准经营互联网业务的单位 licensed internetoperator

既发展快速又循序渐进 achieve a good balance between speed andwell-planned progression

按照这种趋势计算 if this trend continues

仅次于美国 second only to America

带宽的瓶颈 the bottleneck ofbandwidth

超大容量 super capacity

规模效益 economy of scale

传统工业的改造 the transformation of the traditionalindustries

符合中国国情 meet Chinas needs

推动 drive forward

按照我们的理解 in our understanding

社会生产力 social productivity

把……作为 makesth

国家战略 national strategy

发挥我们的后发优势 take advantage of the fact that we are anewcomer

竞争力 competitiveness

回答你们的问题 take your questions


视译:英译中:《实战口译》Unit19 霍尔赛特公司(机械方面)

Turbocharger 涡轮增压器

Combustion 燃烧

Power density 功率密度

Heavy-duty 重型的

Medium and heavy duty 大中型的

Demanding requirements 严格要求

Integrated computersystem 整合计算机系统

Up-time 正常工作的时间

Working building 办公楼

Inall areas of our activity 在我们运作的各个方面

Bring out the best of ouremployees 充分发挥我们员工的能力

Definitive [di'finitiv] 决定性的,最后的

Tosupport the growing Chinesemarket 为了适应不断增长的中国市场

Aftermarket 售后服务市场

Havea strong and growing presence 占有坚实的地位并不断扩展

Representative of 代表……的


视译:中译英:《实战口译》Unit 20 中国法制改革a

中国发生的沧桑巨变 China has undergone a world ofchanges.

十分巨大的发展 tremendous development

民主法制 democratic legal system

司法改革 judicial reform

法治 rule of law

符合中国的国情 suits China; accord with the individualcharacteristics of China; meet Chinas need

为了促进……的顺利进行 in order to safeguard andfacilitate

我想重点介绍 Id like to focus on


The state administrative, judicialand procuratory organs at all levels are appointed by thePeoples Congress, and are accountable toit.

九届人大二次会议 the second plenary session of the NinthPeoplesCongress

通过宪法修正案 approve the revisedconstitution

常委会 standing committee

地方法则 bylaw

明确的态度 unequivocal attitude

公司法 corporation law

担保法 guarantee law

票据法 negotiable instrumentslaw [ni'ɡ?u?i?bl]

证券法 securities law

个人独资企业法 sole proprietor enterpriselaw [pr?'prai?t?]

刑事法 criminal law

刑事诉讼法 criminal prosecutionlaw

村民委员会组织法 the law of the organisaion of villagecouncils

行政复议法 administrative reviewlaw

公布司法解释 promulgate judicialinterpretations ['pr?m?lɡeit]

初步框架 an initial framework

多法域的国家 a country of several legaltraditions

香港的回归 the return of Hong Kong

原有的社会制度 the previous socialsystem

法律系统间的冲突 clashes/ conflicts between differentlegal systems

促进了方针的施行 facilitate the implementation of theprinciple of

因……而产生的冲突 conflicts arising from


Best wishes,



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