


In this scene i used four or five shaders. Plasctic,Chrome,Leather,White fabric, and the white background of course. Turn off the "override mtl" function in the Global Switches tab. Lets take a quick look at the settings.

Diffuse: This controls the color of the material.

Reflect: Pure white means 100%reflections ,black means 0% reflections.

Refl. Glossiness: Controls the blurryness of reflection 1 means perfect mirror-like reflections, lower values produce blurry reflections.

Subdivision: This controls the quality of glossy reflections, higher values increase rendertime lower values produce noisy effect. For testing /5-8/ final rendering /15-35 or higher if necesarry/.

Freshnel reflections: If you check it that means the strength of the reflection will depend on the viewing angle of the surface. In nature water and glass is reflecting in this manner. The strength of the reflection depends on the Freshnel IOR too. All right lets see the shaders in action...:)

I am pretty happy with the reflections on the leather material. I only need a little more light from above the chair, so lets put that third vraylight to its place


It is important to uncheck the "Affect Specular" slot, we don't want any specular reflection from that light ,only diffuse light.

As we can see the bounced light reaches to the bottom of the chair too. Now the lighting and the shaders are finished so lets move on to the next topic. I will discuss the settings of the final rendering.



At this point of the workflow it is very important to find the balance between speed an quality. I will talk about the settings globaly, because some problems can't be solved with only changing the value of an option. So lets see the Renderer tab in this light:)

-Change the resoultion to 900x500 -Set the Adaptive rQMC image samplers min dubdiv to 2.Now thinner lines can be rendered correctly.

-Change the preset of the Irradiance map to Medium from Low.Set 50 to the HSph subdiv to achive higher quality GI.

-Use value 1200 for the Light cache subdiv.Change the Sample size to 0,006 ,now small details will be more visible. Use value 1000 to the Pre-filter option to reduce noise.We have a lot of glossi rays so check the "Use light cache for glossi rays" option./it will speed up rendering/ For the Filter use the "None" possibility.

-At the rQMC sampler use value 0,005 for noise treshold. Set the Global subdivs multiplier to 4 ,it will increase samling quality everywhere in the scene. -You can find the Light properties in System>Lights settings. Changing the diffuse subdivision of the lights wil effect the number of the traced photons.

-Change all the vraylights subdivison to 15 or 20 to avoid noisy parts. -Change all the materials subdivs to 20 in the Reflection section. With these settings the rendertime will increase a lot according to test render settings.

Now hit F9 and wait until the calculation finishes.

This is the final rendering, no noise ,artifacts or any nerve-racking rendering trouble. A picture would not be complete without the postwork so lets move on.



Launch photoshop, and load in the image. Because of the saturated colors of the exponential colormapping type. We need to add more character to the colors and play with the levels to achieve better contrast. Go to Image>Adjustments>Color balance

Than Image>Adjustments>Levels

And here comes the finished picture.

Congratulations ! you finished the tutorial... I hope you liked it. ;)


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