



By haixin Li




In the Temple of science, there are no wild beasts, only tame pets.


There are four great beasts of physics, Zeno's tortoise, Pierre-simon Laplace's beast, Maxwell's demon, and Schrödinger's cat. That corresponds to calculus, classical mechanics, Second law of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. These four mythical beasts are no less powerful than the legendary blue dragon, White Tiger, Red Sparrow, and basalt.Zeno's tortoise can double in size in time and space. The Laplacian sees everything on the way, and the Maxwell's demon controls everything to reverse yin and yang, the Schrödinger's cat that makes the universe, beyond life and death. These four mythical beasts are both good and evil, and they both puzzle intelligent scientists and point the way for human beings to evolve into gods.



Schrödinger's cat

出生日期:1935年 主人:薛定谔  

门派:量子力学 能力:超越生死

Date of birth: 1935 Host: Schrodinger, sect: quantum mechanics, ability: Beyond Life and death

埃尔温·薛定谔(Erwin Schrödinger,1887〜1961年)奥地利物理学家,量子力学奠基人之一,发展了分子生物学。维也纳大学哲学博士。苏黎世大学、柏林大学和格拉茨大学教授。因发展了原子理论,和狄拉克(Paul Dirac)共获1933年诺贝尔物理学奖。又于1937年荣获马克斯·普朗克奖章。他在德布罗意物质波理论的基础上,建立了波动力学,他建立的薛定谔方程是量子力学中描述微观粒子运动状态的基本定律,它在量子力学中的地位大致相似于牛顿运动定律在经典力学中的地位。提出薛定谔猫思想实验,试图证明量子力学在宏观条件下的不完备性。亦研究有关热学的统计理论问题。主要著作有《波动力学四讲》《统计热力学》《生命是什么--活细胞的物理面貌》等。


 In the 20th century, the physics empire was in full swing. A harmless but unwieldy mythical beast descended from the hands of Schrodinger, the most amorous physicist in history, with quantum mechanics, and became known as Schrodinger's cat.


 Schrödinger's cat suffered the worst fate of all, not being able to enjoy a tuna-flavored can of cat food or being courted by a cat slave, all the while, it lives in the physical empire on the execution ground, and has developed the ability to both live and die. The place of execution was a secret chamber, with a hammer and a poison bottle, controlled by an electronic switch, which in turn was controlled by a radioactive atom. If the nucleus decays, it releases a alpha particle that triggers an electronic switch and the cat dies. However, nuclear decay is a random event. Although people can know the exact probability of the nuclear decay time, but can not tell when it decay. So although Schrödinger's cat is certain to die, it is impossible to know when it will. So the cat is either alive or dead until the Chamber of Secrets is opened.


 But it's not as simple as that, because this sad cat has been given a special power of the quantum world -- quantum superposition, in which the laws of causality in the macroscopic world have collapsed, leaving only a series of probability waves. Therefore, before being observed, the cat is both dead and alive, life and death superposition.


Although Schrödinger created the mythical beast only to make it easier for the masses to understand quantum physics on a macro scale, it quickly became a nightmare for everyone, with explanations and research pouring in. In 1957, Everett used the“Many worlds theory” to find a home for the cat. The problem, he argues, is not whether the radioactive atom in the box decays, but whether it does and does not. Schrödinger's cat is a living being. At the moment it is observed, the world splits into two versions. In version A, the cat lives, and in version B, the cat dies. However, although the“Many worlds theory” is very beautiful, but by the Copenhagen School of quantum mechanics, the number-one sect was severely suppressed, so little known. So, this poor cat, still wandering in the gray space between the human world and Hell.


 Although the cat that walks the boundary between life and death has never been seen before, scientists in the lab have unanimously confirmed that they have seen the ghost of Schrödinger's cat. You Can't imagine it alive, but it exists. With the real discovery of the microcosm, another team plotted to bring Schrödinger's cat to the macrocosm, challenging the boundaries of the quantum world.


But so far, quantum theory, for all its achievements, remains a dark cloud on the physics empire. Perhaps Schrodinger's cat will sleep soundly in heaven only on the day when the two worlds truly join hands.



Maxwell's demon

出生日期:1871年 主人:麦克斯韦  

门派:热力学 能力:逆转时空

Date of birth: 1871 owner: Maxwell, Sect: thermodynamics, ability: reversing time and space

詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦(James Clerk Maxwell,1831〜1879),出生于苏格兰爱丁堡,英国物理学家、数学家。经典电动力学的创始人,统计物理学的奠基人之一。麦克斯韦最重要的成就是建立了统一的经典电磁场理论和光的电磁理论,之后他还预言电磁波的存在。他的科学巨著《电磁学通论》,成为电磁学的重要基础,值得一提的是,麦克斯韦把电和磁两个学科内容分开,并且又大大扩张了电磁学的学科知识。麦克斯韦生前创办的卡文迪许实验室成为现在世界著名的学术中心之一。麦克斯韦被普遍认为是对物理学最有影响力的物理学家之一,没有电磁学就没有现代电工学,也就不可能有现代文明。


Back in the 1200, thousands of scientists were obsessed with the perpetual motion machine. In the 19th century, thermodynamics flourished and various perpetual motion machines were rejected. By this time, Maxwell, an electromagnetism guru whom Einstein had worshipped, had come up with a hypothesis that gave birth to the third most powerful animal in the history of physics -- the Maxwell's demon. If the mythical beast really existed, it might be possible to create Second law of thermodynamics perpetual motion machines. It wouldn't be a dream, but it would be possible to bring the dead back to life in a universe that went entropy-free.

麦克斯韦妖(Maxwell's demon),是在麦克斯韦假想的妖,能探测并控制单个分子运动,麦克斯韦意识到自然界存在着与熵增相拮抗的能量控制机制,但无法清晰说明这种机制,只能诙谐假定一种“妖”。简单描述,一个绝热容器被分成相等的两格,中间是由“妖”控制的一扇小“门”,麦克斯韦妖个头迷你,没啥特别的本事,但眼神好,反应敏捷,能准确地探测并控制单个分子运动,迅速把快速移动的分子从从左盒丢进右盒,把慢速运动的分子从右盒丢进左盒。因此,总有一个格子的温度是高于另一个格子,这个小盒子左右部分就形成了温差,实现了熵的自发减少,这样就可以违背热力学第二定律制作出第二类永动机。 

Maxwell's demon, the Maxwell's demon of Maxwell's imagination that detects and controls the movement of individual molecules, realized that nature had an energy-control mechanism that resisted entropy, but can not clearly explain this mechanism, can only assume a witty“Demon”. In brief, an adiabatic container is divided into two equal compartments, with a small “Door” controlled by a “Demon” in the middle. The Maxwell's demon is small, not particularly skilled, but has good eyesight and quick reflexes, cAN accurately detect and control the movement of individual molecules, fast-moving molecules from the left box into the right box, the slow-moving molecules from the right box into the left box. So, there's always a lattice where the temperature is higher than the temperature of the other lattice, and the left and right parts of this little box form a temperature difference, which automatically reduces entropy, so you can go against the Second law of thermodynamics and make a Type 2 perpetual motion machine.


The physics of Maxwell's demon is to keep chaos in order, to keep a closed system from becoming a backwater. Extend to the real world, then this spirit beast can control everything, reverse yin and yang. If such a powerful little demon existed, the human race would evolve further. However, in the strict world of physics, such a little demon was doomed to have an unfortunate fate. In the 1950s, the concept of information entropy was proposed.


In order for a Maxwell's demon to achieve thermodynamic entropy reduction, it is necessary to obtain information about the motion of molecules. It is impossible to obtain information without losing energy, and therefore Maxwell's demon can not exist in an isolated system. In the final analysis, this hard-working goblin may only be the savior of the human imagination, can not exist in time and space.


In the 21st century, however, academics have become obsessed with the process of entropy Maxwell's demon. A man-made Maxwell's demon was discovered in February 2007 that uses an “Information escapement valve” to steer the system away from equilibrium, but the man-made Maxwell's demon still needs light as a source of energy.


Until now, the existence of Maxwell's demon has not been proven, and scientists may soon be able to find one. If it exists, the old man can turn grey into black, and the universe can move from entropy to rebirth. Since then, the water can be recovered, broken mirrorreunion. What a world that would be.



Laplace's beast

出生日期:1814年 主人:拉普拉斯

门派:经典力学 能力:推演万物

Date of birth: 1814 Master: Pierre-simon Laplace sect: classical mechanics, ability: deducing everything

皮埃尔-西蒙·拉普拉斯侯爵(Pierre-Simon marquis de Laplace,1749〜1827年),法国著名的天文学家和数学家,天体力学的集大成者。1749年生于法国西北部卡尔瓦多斯的博蒙昂诺日,1816年被选为法兰西学院院士,1817年任该院院长。1812年发表了重要的《概率分析理论》一书,在该书中总结了当时整个概率论的研究,论述了概率在选举审判调查、气象等方面的应用,导入”拉普拉斯变换“等。在拿破仑皇帝时期和路易十八时期两度获颁爵位。拉普拉斯曾任拿破仑的老师,所以和拿破仑结下不解之缘。拉普拉斯在研究天体问题的过程中,创造和发展了许多数学的方法,如以他的名字命名的拉普拉斯变换、拉普拉斯定理和拉普拉斯方程。


Pierre-simon Laplace, a French physicist who claims to have “Banished God from the universe”, has come up with a Laplace's equation that has wide application. He was a staunch supporter of classical mechanics and of determinism. He drew on the Pythagoras of “All things count”, combining ideas such as celestial mechanics and probability theory. So he believes that the objective world of the present is the consequence of the past and the cause of the future.


He believes that if there is a mythical beast in the world, it is powerful and omniscient. If it could simply record a moment with its fingers and eyes, knowing the exact position and momentum of every atom in the universe, it could instantly calculate the past and future of the universe using Newton's simple formula. This is the famous mythical Beast Pierre-simon Laplace, who is good at deduction and knows everything.


 In short, Pierre-simon Laplace's theory is that by understanding the motion of matter in one moment, you can deduce the motion of matter in the next, and by determining the motion of every particle in the universe, you can deduce the state of motion of the next moment. If you can imagine, from the beginning of the universe to the development of the universe to the end of the universe, all of it, all I need to know about the original state of the universe is that it's all just a foregone conclusion, how terrible it would be. If it can be done, man will control the fate of the universe.


But most of humanity is not so happy, if all the human destiny has been Laplace's demon clear, then we have no life? It had to be killed early, and within a hundred years, new theories such as thermodynamics and quantum mechanics were firing at it, with physicist Kelvin and quantum physicist Heisenberg joining forces, the omnipotent Laplacian eventually died, in what could be called a premature death.


 In the 19th century, the popularity of thermodynamics based on irreversibility undermined the Pierre-simon Laplace beast, whose foundation was reversibility. In the 20th century, the Young's double-slit experiment that plagued humanity for centuries proved that the laws of cause and effect had no effect on the microscopic world, and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle showed that no great beast could see the whole of the microscopic world.



Zeno's turtle

出生日期:公元前464年 主人:芝诺

门派:先贤哲学 能力:缩地成寸

Date of birth: AD 464 BC: Master: Zeno sect: Sage philosophy, ability: reduced to inch

芝诺(Zeno of Elea,约前490〜前425)生于意大利半岛南部的埃利亚城邦,古希腊数学家、哲学家。他是埃利亚学派的著名哲学家巴门尼德的学生和朋友。他的生平记载的已经不很清晰了,不过以他名字命名的芝诺悖论,却广为流传。芝诺悖论是一系列关于运动的不可分性的哲学悖论。由于量子的发现,这些芝诺悖论已经得到完善的解决。


At the 464 BC of the physical age, the tortoise of Zeno races Achilles, son of the sea god. Achilles was strong, muscular, and powerful. Zeno's tortoise is small, beady-eyed and bulky. Zeno's tortoise applied to run the 100m ahead of schedule, citing physical disadvantage. Knowing that he was ten times faster than Zeno's tortoise, Achilles agreed without hesitation.


At the start of the race, when Achilles reached 100 meters, the tortoise had already climbed 10 meters; Achilles continued to chase, and when he finished chasing the tortoise climbed 10 meters, the tortoise had already climbed 1 meter; Achilles could only run a metre further, but the tortoise had climbed a tenth of a metre further, and so the tortoise of Zeno always kept a distance from Achilles, no matter how small, but as long as the tortoise kept trying to climb forward, Achilles will never catch up with the tortoise!


Although Achilles was the greatest hero of the human race, he was defeated by the four short legs of Zeno's turtle, and Zeno's turtle became famous. Not only in ancient Greece, but also in the eastern civilization, where the wise men were gathered, could do nothing about the tortoise. In Zhuangzi the world, it is said that “A stroke of a foot can be taken at half a day, and it can not be exhausted for all eternity.”, it's actually a variation of this turtle. This is known as the Zeno paradox.


In fact, in the eyes of smart people, this is a very simple problem. Because in the real world, a random turtle, no matter how far it runs, 6-year-old children can catch up with it. Moreover, a simple set of equations T = S (v1-v2) could be used to calculate how long it would take Achilles to catch up with Zeno's tortoise.


However, in the rigorous physical world is not the case, everything requires rigorous logical reasoning and proof to exist. In other words, even if we could easily figure out how long it took Achilles to catch up with the tortoise, it still doesn't prove why he did. To solve this problem we must solve the limit problem. But no one, from the Pythagoras to Al-`Ula, has ever been able to crack the limit problem. Thus, the Zeno tortoise, which makes no sense at all, settled in the physical empire as a mythical beast for 2,000 years.


 Exactly 2,000 years later, the math giant Leibnitz and the science giant Newton practiced “Calculus” in isolation, using the “Limit” method of calculus to break the space-time continuum. This allowed the great hero Achilles to finally catch up with Zeno's tortoise in the arena of the physical empire.


      Looking back at the past and present, the four great beasts of physics have their own ending. It can only be said that no matter how unruly the mythical beast, in the end will be accepted by science, this may prove the beginning of the sentence bar. Zeno's turtle is dead, and calculus is based on its corpse. The Laplacian was overthrown by the introduction of chaos and, later, by Heisenberg. By linking the definition of information in information theory to the entropy of thermodynamics, the Maxwell's demon sought a new school of its own. The Schrödinger's cat is still shivering under the eaves of the quantum school.


      Science is the way, the Spirit Beast has gone.

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