


'There is nobody who has not been happy.' 'Everybody has been happy but the problem is they are not able to maintain it, that's all.' 'There're only two things. How joyful are you and how much joy do you give to people around you?' 'Just do this for two days and see, you will become something truly fantastic within yourself.'


Sadhguru: What is well-being? When do you really feel well in your life? When do you truly feel well? When you are very happy, you are well. Even if you are physically ill, you are still well, isn't it? Even if you are medically diagnosed as ill, you are very happy right now, you are feeling well. Isn't it? So fundamentally, well being means a certain level of joyfulness, certain exuberance of life.


What is happiness? We can say happiness is this that, but in terms of life, your life energies are happening in a more exuberant way than it normally happens. Depression means your life energies have become very low and staid. Happiness means your life energies are exuberant. There are many ways of describing happiness but only those who are happy know what it means to be happy. There is nobody who has not been happy. Everybody has been happy but the problem is they are not able to maintain it, that's all. So, you don't have to enforce any resolutions upon yourself, just little tools to make sure that you don't sink.



#1 做每日生命审计

Sadhguru: See, lot of people who're doing business, they think they're keeping accounts only for the sake of IRS. No, you keep accounts, not for the sake of IRS, because if you do not keep accounts, you do not know whether you're making a profit or loss. That's the idea of accounts, isn't it? Whether you're moving forward or backward, to know this, you need an account book.


Why don't you keep an account book? At the end of the day, just check, “Am I little more joyful today than yesterday?” If you had done this since you were five years of age, you would have been ecstatic by now. Profit side... became like this because you never kept accounts. One day, you checked when it became very acute. Then, you see you are in a big loss. Every day, every month just keep accounts, “Am I becoming more joyful or less joyful?”

你为什么不去记一下账呢?在一天结束时,检查一下,“我今天是不是比昨天更快乐一点点? ”如果你从五岁就开始这样做了,到现在你就该达到狂喜了。利润......变成这样是因为你从不记账。总有一天,当问题变得严重时你才开始检查,然后,你看到你亏损累累。每一天、每一个月,只是记录下“我是变得更快乐还是更不快乐? ”

There're only two things. How joyful are you and how much joy do you give to people around you? This you can keep accounts. If you keep accounts of this. People are keeping accounts of their money, as if they're going to carry it with them. The real wealth of life is how joyful you are, how wonderful is your experience of life. Joy is not a goal by itself but it's a necessary ambiance for life. If you don't set this one ambiance, then whatever you have is just going waste.



#2 记住,这是一个短暂的生命!

Sadhguru: Tomorrow if you wake up in the morning – no, this is not my wish but I want you to know of all the people who go to bed tonight, over a million people will not wake up tomorrow morning. And if you and me wake up tomorrow morning, is it not a fantastic thing? A million people did not wake up. You woke up, is it not a great thing?


Participants: Yes.


Sadhguru: You don't seem to think so because the problem is just this - you are living with an idea that you are immortal. When I say you're immortal, you're not actually thinking you're immortal but you're not conscious of your mortality. If you're not conscious of your mortality, somewhere you think you're immortal, isn't it? How many moments in a day are you conscious that you're mortal?


If you were conscious, would you have time to crib? Would you have time to fight with somebody, would you have time to do some rubbish with your life? If you're conscious that you are mortal, you would do nothing other than what is absolutely needed for you and everybody around you. Don't think this is a negative thing, death is not a negative thing; it's the only thing which has added value to your life. If you're here forever, you would be unbearable.

如果你意识到了,你还会有时间去抱怨吗?你还会有时间和别人吵闹吗? 你还会有时间用生命去做毫无价值的事情吗?如果你意识到自己终有一死,除了你和你周围的人真正需要的事情,你不会做任何其它事情。不要认为这是一件消极的事,死亡不是消极的,它是唯一给你的生命增加价值的东西。如果你永生不老,你会让人无法忍受。

If you just become conscious of this one thing that “I'm mortal,” you don't have to think “I will die today.” We don't intend, we want to live as far as possible, just you know “One day I will die.” Every day, every moment if you remind yourself this is a brief life “I am mortal, one day I will end.” Just do this for two days and see, you will become something truly fantastic within yourself. Just this is all.



#3 对你的快乐负责

Sadhguru: This is the fundamental aspect of yoga. The first teaching that came out was that it is your karma - that means it's your making. Your life and the experience of your life is entirely your making. If this one thing doesn't sink into you absolutely, you will not make the necessary changes. You still think “Yes, I know it's my karma but you know my husband, what he did?” You can't fix this.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):这是瑜伽的基本方面。(瑜伽的)第一个教导是,这是你的业力——意思是它是你的创造。你的生命和生命体验完全是你自己的创造。如果你没有完全理解这一点,你就不会做出必要的改变。你仍然认为“是的,我知道这是我的业力,但你知道我的丈夫他做了什么吗? ”你这样不能解决问题。

First you understand this is my making, entirely my making. The moment you see it, you have the ability to change it. “I see it but you know what they did to me yesterday?” Now, you can't change it. It doesn't matter who did what. What is happening within you, your experience of your life is entirely your making – this is your karma. Karma means - not something that drops upon you from somewhere, karma means your action, it's your making, it's your doing.

首先你要明白这是我造成的,完全是我的制造。一旦你明白,你就有能力去改变它。“我明白,但你知道他们昨天对我做了什么吗? ”这样一来,你无法改变它了。谁做了什么并不重要。你内在所发生的,你生命的体验完全是你自己创造的——这是你的业力。业力不是从某处降到你身上的东西,业力是你的行为,它是你的所作所为。



Sadhguru: Before you go to bed, everything that's not you, keep it aside. They may be precious to you. You think about it, your house, is it you? “Oh! My house”. All right, you have lots of passion about Your husband, is it you? No, that's easy, “He is not me”. My children, are they me? Oh, little difficulty, but no, they are not me. They're beginning to tell you – if they're twelve, they've already told you. So, the clothes that you wear, is that you? No. The body that you wear, is that you? No. All these thoughts and emotion, is this you? No.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):在上床睡觉之前,把你所不是的一切放一边。对你来说它们可能很珍贵。你想想,你的房子,是你吗? “噢!我的房子”。好吧,你对它充满热情,但是好吧,把它放一边。你丈夫,是你吗?不,这很容易,“他不是我”。我的孩子,他们是我吗?噢,有点困难,但是不,他们不是我。他们开始在这么告诉你了——如果他们十二岁,他们就已经告诉你了。你穿的衣服是你吗?不是。你的这个身体,是你吗?不是。所有这些想法和情感,是你吗?不是。

Everything that's not you, keep it in one heap, not physically, just do this mentally. Keep everything aside, let me see. Every day, you practice this. One day, when you successfully keep everything aside that you are not, what you are will be there.



#5 每天为爱花上5分钟时间

Sadhguru: What you're referring to as love is basically the sweetness of your emotion. You sit here you could feel love about somebody who is not even here. So it's got nothing to do with anybody. It is just the sweetness of your emotion. Now is your love affair, your ability to love, is it on self-start or is it on push-start? You can use another person to stimulate that within you or you can be on self-start mechanism.


See what is this need for love in a human being? Constantly, a human being is longing to be something more than what they are right now. The thing is you want to include something which is not a part of you as yourself, that is the whole effort. If it happens emotionally, on the emotional level if you try this, we call this a love affair. You are trying to make somebody who is not a part of you, a part of yourself emotionally- this is a love affair. If you do it consciously, we call this yoga.


For 5 minutes every day, go sit with something that does not mean anything to you,  may be a tree or a pebble or a worm or an insect. After some time, you will find you can look upon it with as much love as you hold for your wife, husband, mother, child or dog. May be the worm does not know this, the insect does not know this, that does not matter. If you can look at everything lovingly, the whole world explodes into a beautiful phenomenon for you. You realize love is not something that you do, it is the way you are.



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