

Linn Records

在2010年Linn Records获得留声机杂誌「年度最佳唱片公司」的肯定,从这张最新的精选辑来看,可以理解这家公司的深厚实力。优秀的艺人、用心的企划与完美的制作品质,就是这家英国唱片公司的最佳武器!
第一曲「Sara」是民谣巨擘鲍伯狄伦在经典专辑「Desire」中的抒情名曲,独立报盛讚芭菠.杨格(Barb Jungr)的詮释「完美的捕捉了他歌词中脆弱、渴望的情绪」。同样高水準的演唱家还包括了卡萝姬(Carol Kidd)与克莱儿.玛婷(Claire Martin),这三人的演唱已经是Linn目录中最吸引经典歌曲爱好者的重头戏。在创作歌手方面,费欧娜.麦肯锡(Fiona Mackenzie)的专辑「Elevate」名列观察报的「2008最佳专辑」,另类民谣的清新风格让人喜爱。
也许是因为留声机杂誌的肯定,本次的精选辑有极大比重的古典音乐,正好让大家听到Linn在这领域多年打下的基础。长笛家凯萨琳.布莱恩(Kartherine Bryan)的专辑被留声机杂誌列入推荐名单,这里选录的普朗克作品轻鬆端正,就是她演奏实力的最佳证明。
这张选辑中Linn古典音乐的辉煌肯定名单还包括:观点合奏团(Retrospect Ensemble)演出的巴哈「昇天节神剧」,这首曲子被週日时报选为「本週古典音乐之选」;亚尼的歌剧「阿尔塔薛西斯」在他三百週年诞辰时由古典歌剧团重新演出,并在2010年由原班人马重新录制,获得两本歌剧杂誌的当月最佳推荐。
当然,除了优秀的演出之外,Linn Records的录音品质也是这张选辑特别杰出的原因。无论是古典吉他、小提琴独奏还是钢琴独奏,这些乐器的音色都无比正确;而合奏团、演唱团体的演出,更展现大编制音乐的庞大动态与真实气势。这张专辑有SACD多声道、SACD两声道与一般CD声轨,任何音响迷都可以经由它感受到音乐、音响的美与好。
01. Barb Jungr: Sara 莎拉
02. F. Sor: Three Minuets 索尔:三首小步舞曲
03. Carol Kidd Nigel Clark: Moon Blue 月鬱
04. Fiona Mackenzie: When The Sunny Sky Has Gone 晴逝
05. Claire Martin: With Every Breath I Take  呼吸
06. F. Poulenc: Flute Sonata Op. 164 蒲朗克:长笛奏鸣曲作品164
07. N. Rorem: Early In The Morning 罗伦:清晨
08. I. Albeniz: Iberia Book 1-2 阿尔班尼士:伊贝利亚曲集
09. J.S. Bach: Sonata No.1 巴哈:无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲第一号
10. J.S. Bach: Mass in B Minor 巴哈:B小调弥撒
11. J. Ward: Fantasia No. 2 华德:幻想曲第二号
12. P. Rogier: Missa Domine Dominus Noster 罗吉尔:主弥撒
13. F. Schubert: Winterreise 舒伯特:冬之旅
14. T. Arne: Artaxerxes 亚尼:阿尔塔薛西斯
15. G. F. Handel: Opus 6 No. 2 in F Major 韩德尔:F大调作品六之二
16. J.S. Bach: Ascension Oratorio 巴哈:昇天节神剧
The fifth volume of the popular sampler series from Gramophone’s current ‘Label of the Year’ features an appealing selection of tracks from its catalogue of award-winning artists. ‘The Super Audio Collection Volume 5’ is an impressive new collection of Hi-Fi demonstration quality tracks chosen from the bestselling albums of recent years
Enjoy unsurpassed interpretations of modern day classics from jazz legends Carol Kidd and Claire Martin; plus a brand new track from Bob Dylan specialist Barb Jungr, which ‘perfectly captures the fragile longing of his lyrics’ (The Independent).
Discover the hauntingly evocative voice of emerging talent singer / songwriter Fiona Mackenzie, whose captivating debut solo album, ‘Elevate’, was named in The Observer newspaper as one of the ‘Best albums of 2008’. Baritone Peter Harvey and flutist Katherine Bryan released critically acclaimed Linn debuts, the latter’s concerto album was named a ‘Recommended’ recording by Gramophone.
The Retrospect Ensemble’s Bach Oratorios disc was named ‘Classical Record of the Week’ by the Sunday Times and features outstanding performances from soloists Carolyn Sampson (soprano), Iestyn Davies (countertenor), James Gilchrist (tenor) and Peter Harvey (bass).
The wealth of vocal talent in Linn’s catalogue is represented with tracks from the Dunedin Consort, the Prince Consort and the Classical Opera Company, whose premiere recording of the new version of Arne’s Artaxerxes was named ‘Choice’ by Opera Now and ‘Disc of the Month’ by both Opera Magazine and BBC Radio Scotland Classics Unwrapped.
引用Linn Records' fifth volume in its popular sampler series features an opulent selection of tracks from its catalogue of award-winning artists. ‘The Super Audio Collection Volume 5' is a stunning new collection of Hi-Fi demonstration quality tracks chosen from the bestselling albums of 2010-11.
Download includes - cover art, inlay, booklet
Our commitment to excellence is intrinsic to the music we make and we are proud to be able to highlight the breadth of talent in the Linn catalogue with this, our fifth sampler in the series, and the first to be available in Studio Master 192 quality*.
Sara is a brand new track from Bob Dylan specialist Barb Jungr, which ‘perfectly captures the fragile longing of his lyrics' (The Independent). Barb Jungr pays tribute to her musical hero in his 70th birthday year with a new compilation of her favourite Dylan songs. Track taken from the album 'Man In The Long Black Coat' (AKD 386).
World-renowned Baroque guitarist William Carter's appealing collection of early works by Spanish guitar virtuoso and composer Fernando Sor includes some of the finest music ever written for the instrument. This album was named 'Editor's Choice' by Gramophone and HiFi Choice described it as 'sparkling and spellbinding'. Track taken from the album 'Fernando Sor Early Works' (CKD 343).
UK jazz legend Carol Kidd teams up with guitarist Nigel Clark in an imtimate album full of magical moments which captures the spine-tingling intimacy they excel at in their live performances. 'The duo's hushed intimacy and nuanced interpretations linger long in the memory' (Jazzwise). Track taken from 'Tell Me Once Again' (AKD 377).
The captivating debut solo album from singer / songwriter Fiona Mackenzie features self-penned compositions in Gaelic and English. 'Magnificent and often hauntingly evocative...very highly recommended' (Audiophile Audition). Track taken from 'Elevate' (AKD 307).
Six-times British Jazz Award-winner, Claire Martin, released her second duos album with Richard Rodney Bennett, which features the ever-popular songs of Cy Coleman. 'Touching, clever, beautifully poised and deceptively casual-sounding' (The Observer). Track taken from 'Witchcraft' (AKD 359).
For her recital debut the in-demand concerto soloist, flutist Katherine Bryan, performs a selection of 20th century concertos, including the rarely recorded Liebermann Concerto for Flute and Orchestra. 'This lovely disc has many highlights...a fine release that deserves this warmest recommendation' (International Record Review). Track taken from 'Liebermann Flute Concerto and works by Hüe, Poulenc Nielsen' (CKD 367).
One of Britain's most exciting young ensembles, the Prince Consort, chose the music of Ned Rorem, one of the most widely-recorded living American composers, for their impressive debut. The recording was endoresed by the composer himself who stated: 'The performances alone and together are in every way ideal. The recording is flawless.' Track taken from 'Ned Rorem - On an echoing road' (CKD 342).
Pianist Artur Pizarro brings sun-soaked splendour to the works of Spanish greats Albéniz and Granados. 'Artur Pizarro captures their improvised, dreamlike quality to perfection with a golden tone and caressing touch' (Gramophone). Taken from the album 'Albéniz Iberia and Granados Goyescas' (CKD 355).
Pavlo Beznosiuk gives a splendid performance of Bach's renowned Solo Sonatas and Partitas for violin, handling these demanding virtuosic compositions with surprising ease and agility. 'Altogether superlative. You'd do well to seek this one out!' (International Record Review). Taken from the album 'JS Bach Complete Sonatas Partitas for solo violin' (CKD 366).
Bach's Mass in B minor is undoubtedly his most spectacular choral work and the Dunedin Consort's soloist-led performance enables a level of clarity and expression that is not traditionally a feature of modern choral performance. This recording was named 'Editor's Choice' by Gramophone and awarded five stars by BBC Music Magazine who stated: 'No performance could better justify small-scale Bach than this convincing marriage of scholarship and inspiration.' Taken from the album 'J.S. Bach Mass in B Minor - Breitkopf H?rtel Edition, edited by J. Rifkin (2006)' (CKD 354).
Phantasm's debut recording on Linn explores the music of the Jacobean composer John Ward and was named BBC Music Choice: 'Phantasm's playing is impeccable...Tudor viol music seldom sounds better than this'. Track taken from 'John Ward: Consort music for five and six viols' (CKD 339).
This celebratory recording by Magnificat showcases the rich, contrapuntal Renaissance style of Philippe Rogier's music and is bursting with lush textures and colours. 'By tastefully enriching and illuminating the harmony...they reinforce its glowing qualities' (Audio Visual Club of Atlanta). Track taken from 'Philippe Rogier - Polychoral Works' (CKD 348).
Baritone Peter Harvey delivers a unique recording of Schubert's popular song-cycle Winterreise, his historically informed interpretation is further enhanced by Gary Cooper who performs on an early 19th century fortepiano. AllMusic awarded this recording five stars and stated: 'This is a Winterreise not to be missed'. Track taken from 'Franz Schubert Winterreise' (CKD 371).
The Classical Opera Company gives a wonderful performance of Thomas Arne's Artaxerxes. Recorded following their acclaimed performance of the opera in 2009 this features the exciting vocal talents of several world-class young artists. Named 'Disc of the Month' in Opera and the 'Choice' recording in Opera Now whilst Audiophile Audition stated: 'I can't recommend this release too highly. It should be in the collection of every opera lover' and awarded it five stars. Track taken from 'Artaxerxes' (CKD 358).
The Avison Ensemble, directed by Pavlo Beznosiuk, present George Frideric Handel's complete Opus 6 Concerti Grossi on a three disc set. This work is widely regarded as the composer's greatest contribution to the Baroque period. Named 'Orchestral Choice' BBC Music Magazine stated: 'I shall certainly return frequently to this splendid set.' Track taken from 'Handel Concerti Grossi Opus 6' (CKD 362).
Featuring Carolyn Sampson (soprano), Iestyn Davies (countertenor), James Gilchrist (tenor) and Peter Harvey (bass), this is a spectacular performance of Bach's choral music by Retrospect Ensemble led by Matthew Halls. The recording was named 'Classical CD of the Week' by the Sunday Times, and described as 'a landmark Bach recording' by Early Music Review. Track taken from JS Bach Easter and Ascension Oratorios (CKD 373).
*NB. In the interests of providing a cohesive collection at one sample rate, the following tracks gave been upsampled from the original recordings: track 4 has been upsampled from 24/44.1 and tracks 9 and 15 have been upsampled from 24/88.2. Please note only the tracks on the sampler are upsampled, the original recordings remain at the original sample rate at which they were recorded in the studio.http://www.ed2kers.com 电驴
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