




Thursday, January 04, 2007

Buy Buy!

Two days into 2007, and each of them an up day on the Dow. The bulls are still having their fun. Granted, both days combined don't even equal 20 points. But the bulls are still lovestruck.

OK, that probably woke you up. I hate to be punitive, but no one commented on my gallery of Worst Album Covers yesterday, so I wanted to supplement them.......from the pious.....

...to the romantic....

...to the deepest male emotions.....

....to Ken.....by request. I imagine this is simple a blank vinyl disc.

ABT looks attractive as a buy. This market is really overpriced, I think, but this is still a handsome chart.

HAL, on the other hand, is more symbolic of what's happening. Broken trendlines, weakening stocks, all masked by a strong megacap market

I'm starting to lose faith in GOOG (and RIMM) as shorts. Today was a very strong day on both counts. I've marked by stop-loss price on GOOG here.

DST is sort of fascinating in how it shows trendlines "changing coats" from support to resistance. This kind of thing happens all the time.

BLUD, which I've mentioned many times before as a long, continues to be fantastic. Just look at this strength.

BAC, Bank of America, seems a possible attractive short as it seems to be changing direction here.

QID, the double-inverse NASDAQ ETF, is fascinating in the sense that volume is exploding and the price is finally turning around. Hopefully this is the shape of things to come.

OXY is a good representative of the weakening oil stocks.

Whereas the broad OIH continues to falter. I've been bearish on oil for a few weeks now.

HYDL, mentioned here as a short before, is also enjoying a downdraft.

Although I haven't mentioned HP (the symbol, not the company) in a while, this is a gorgeous example of Fibonacci retracements in action. Magical!

Finally, RTI looks like it may have put in a double top.

See you Friday afternoon......it'll probably be a late posting. It might not even happen until the weekend. But I'll get it done!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Money Shot to Start the New Year

Greetings, my beloved fellow bears.

I introduce this year to you with some of the worst album covers of all time. Just to lighten the mood before we get down to business.

A merciful God has spared us from listening to the contents of the above albums on this blog.

I have so much to say, but honestly, I'm on the world's slowest network. So I'll have to keep it relatively basic tonight.

I rarely read USA Today. It is to journalism what Pamela Anderson is to dramatic acting. But I happened to see its cover story on Ten Reasons the S&P 500 Could Make a New High in 2007.

It was the usually claptrap bulls - - including Abby (ack! cough) Joseph (hack!) Cohen - - like to smear around. I will spare you the list, but the 10th reason they provided: "Because records were meant to be broken." What a bunch of nimrods.

I was delighted, of course, with today's action. We entered this year with the bulls snorting like mad. The GLOBEX was up huge yesterday. Markets around the world soared, including the parabolic Chinese market. And every blessed article on the stock market talked about what a fantastic year 2007 was going to be for the bulls.

So the market shot higher by 130 points. And I gobbled up a ton of S&P puts. Then the market starting sinking. It turned the other direction 170 points, but finally closed the day up 10. All the same, I'm not complaining. Serving up disappointment to the bulls is always a delightful treat, and this is a great way to start the year.

Here's the daily view of the S&P 500. Just take a look at today's range! What a tug-of-war!

I've been promoting the $XAU as a short ever since about $149, and it continues to behave nicely. This is looking better every week.

Now on for the straight charts. I am posting this so late, I don't have time for commentary, but I'll just lay the symbols out for you. BHI...


FTO, whose head and shoulders continues to form beautifully:


QQQQ (again, just look at that range, highlighted in light blue):


And gargantuan XOM:

I'm sorry for the relatively text-free post. But godspeed to you all, and for crying out loud, keep the comments germane (and non-anonymous, if you're able!)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Best of the Blog - 2006 Edition

It was cold comfort that the market fell today (after reaching lifetime intraday highs). 2006 sucked out loud for the bears. May a merciful God grant us catastrophe in 2007.

Anyway, I took the time to go through this year's hundreds of postings to offer up what I think is a "Best Of This Blog." I hope you enjoy it........

The markets will be closed Monday due to New Year's and will be closed Tuesday due to President Ford's funeral. I will therefore not do a new posting until Wednesday evening.

Happy New Year, everybody!


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