

送交者: 佛晓[太守★☆] 于 2014-08-23 23:02 已读 770 次  
In our normal exchanges with people we find ourselves offering something to them or they offering something to us. In any language we have certain expressions that we can use to do just that and it’s always useful to learn these set phrases so that you can use them and you can understand what people are asking you.日常交往中,我们发现要么是我们给别人提供点什么,要么别人给我们点什么。在所有语言中,有一些值得我们学习的固定表达。学会这些固定表达,你就可以使用它们,并理解人们向你要了什么。In English we have a number of expressions which I would like to share with you.我想和你们一起分享一些英语表达。1. Would you like…?1. Would you like…?This expression is the most common way of offering something to someone, or inviting them to do something.这一表达在向某人提供某物,或是邀请他们做点什么的时候最为常用。‘Would you like a magazine to read while you’re waiting?’“你等的时候想看看杂志吗?”These three words are very often spoken fast and can be easily misunderstood. In everyday connected speech, this is what you’ll most probably hear:这3个词往往说得很快,很容易听错。日常对话中,你可能听到是这样的:“/Wu?ju:/ like a magazine to read while you’re waiting?”“ /Wu?ju:/ 你等的时候想看看杂志吗?”2. Do you want…?2. Do you want…You can also use this expression which is more informal to offer something to someone:在不太正式的场合,你也可以使用这个词组。‘Do you want another coffee?’“你还想来杯咖啡吗?”3. Would you care for…?3. Would you care for…?This is a very formal way of asking someone if they would like something. You will often hear this expression in hotels and restaurants:这是用来问别人是不是想要某物的非常正式的用法。你可以经常在酒店和餐馆里听到这种说法。‘Would you care for dessert, madam?’“女士,您需要甜点吗?”“Would you care for a glass of champagne, sir?”“先生,你需要来杯香槟吗?”4. (Do you) fancy…? (British English)4. (Do you) fancy…? (英式英语)This expression is very often used in the UK. It’s informal and is used to ask someone if they would like something.这一说法通常在英国使用。这一说法不是很正式,用来询问某人是否想要某物。“Do you fancy chicken or beef for dinner?”“你晚餐想吃鸡肉还是牛肉?”“Fancy a sandwich?”“想吃三明治吗?”5. How about…?5. How about…?This is another informal way of asking someone if they would like something:这是另一种用于寻他人是否想要什么的非正式表达。‘How about going for a walk?’“去散个步吧,如何?”6. Who wants…? (7) Who would like……? (8) Who fancies….?6. Who wants…? (7) Who would like……? (8) Who fancies….?This is used when offering something to a group of people.这种表达用来向一群人提供东西。Who wants an ice cream?谁想要冰淇淋?Who would like something to drink?谁想要点喝的?Who fancies going to the cinema tonight?谁今晚想去电影院?9. Can I get you…?9. Can I get you…?This expression is used especially when offering someone food or drink, although it can be used in other situation as well:这一表达用在向某人提供食物或是饮料,但也可以用于其他场合。‘Can I get you anything?’“要我给你拿点什么吗?”‘Can I get you a cushion’?“要我给你拿个垫子吗?”10. What will you have? and (11) What can I get you?10. What will you have? and (11) What can I get you?These two expressions are used when asking someone what they would like, especially in a restaurant, bar or café:这两个表达用在询问某人需要什么的时候,特别是在餐馆、酒吧和咖啡馆中。‘It’s my turn to get the drinks. What will you have?’“轮到我去拿饮料了。你想要喝什么?”Good afternoon, madam. What can I get you?女士,下午好。你想要点些什么?

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